"Do Not Rehire" list?

How come the HR dept. here and every pharma company is always staffed by all minorities and headed by a white guy? Uncle Tom hypocrisy at it's finest. LOL

HR departments at all companies are completely worthless. They add nothing and will never do the right thing unless it is part of their PC agenda. The incompetent minorities in HR would never do the right thing for a white male, never have. If they wanted to they can't. Too stupid and untrainable but they look good to push the companies PC agenda apearence. Notice how here SD is the VP of HR. A white male.....

They put the minorities in various staffing low level positions but would never trust them to run things. Too funny.

Just another layer of corporate welfare at this joke of a company.

Just got this list from the person posting her email address. Pretty amazing and sad how PSS has black balled these former employees from working here. I know 2 of the people on this list of 1600 and both were very strong reps. I will be passing it on to them and hope they sue this sleazy place for every thing they have.

It's perfectly legal that Publics maintain a "no hire list". Sue all you want. You will get nothing. When are you guys going to realize that you are all basically Publicis Slaves. I was in contract sales for 1 year, and got on with another major pharma. Now I have a GAS CARD AND A COMPANY CAR! I now realize how lucky I am NOT working contract anymore!! I bust my ass much harder than I did for Publicis, or even the company I got laid off from before Publicis. I damn near ruined my personal car in a huge territory.

If they contracting company would just realize that they would have far more loyal full time employees, as opposed to contract employees, they would never hire a CSO company!

In re the list, yes it really does exist. Ask your recruiter, and they just might tell you if you have a good relationship with them.

It's perfectly legal that Publics maintain a "no hire list". Sue all you want. You will get nothing. When are you guys going to realize that you are all basically Publicis Slaves. I was in contract sales for 1 year, and got on with another major pharma. Now I have a GAS CARD AND A COMPANY CAR! I now realize how lucky I am NOT working contract anymore!! I bust my ass much harder than I did for Publicis, or even the company I got laid off from before Publicis. I damn near ruined my personal car in a huge territory.

If they contracting company would just realize that they would have far more loyal full time employees, as opposed to contract employees, they would never hire a CSO company!

In re the list, yes it really does exist. Ask your recruiter, and they just might tell you if you have a good relationship with them.

LOL, ah yes, the pleas of a drug rep in a dying field, still trying to make a case for his position with a manufacturer by using the "loyalty" card. This is a negotiating tactic used by people who have ZERO leverage, and they know it, and everyone else knows it.

Even if companies do not move more toward a contract model, the reps they hire will be hired at a much lower salary, with lower benefits, and lower bonus plans in the long run. Face the facts of the market, another 10,000 reps were just laid off in the past year from various manufacturers, there are now more people than there are jobs, econ 101. Enjoy it while you have it, it sure will not be lasting for much longer.

Does anyone besides bemoregirl@gmail.com have the list? and are you willing to email it to me? If so, please leave your email you and I will email you.
I would appreciate the help.
I emailed the bemoregirl person more than 10 days ago and she never responded or forwarded the list. I am a former employee, unemployed and trying to land a job. I was hoping for the Dallas interview next week.

If you post the list you will be fired. I can guarantee that. The manager I had was there for less than a year, and he one by one went down the list of reps in the district and either built a case to get rid of them or destroyed them by writing damaging field coaching reports and evaluations. Ruined alot of good peoples reputations and then he left....Oh and by the way the whole district reported him to H.R for harrassment, discrimination and had specific examples. Didn't matter

Was this DM's initials BW ????

For how long does a name stay on the list? For example would a blemish from 2007 still show up as blackballed in 2013? I was told that after 5 years a name is removed.

Nope. I have a copy of the list. There is something like 1,500 names on it and some were added more than 10 years ago. Many of the reasons stated are ridiculous, sometimes no reason is listed. The recruiters are instructed to check the list and if your name is on it you will never hear from PSS gain.

Classy organization

So if this list does exist and someon puts you on it. They are one serious douchbag. What do they think they will get out of this a raise, goldstar, atta boy. Think back to your childhood if you can and remember this. "Nobody likes a tattle tale". If companies can't find who they think is a good employee then maybe it is the company that needs to be put on a list.

Nope. I have a copy of the list. There is something like 1,500 names on it and some were added more than 10 years ago. Many of the reasons stated are ridiculous, sometimes no reason is listed. The recruiters are instructed to check the list and if your name is on it you will never hear from PSS gain.

Classy organization

If this list does exist, it is unethical and most likely illegal. Furthermore, I do not have a lot of faith in many of the recruiters for this company. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they had their own discriminatory list!

If this list does exist, it is unethical and most likely illegal. Furthermore, I do not have a lot of faith in many of the recruiters for this company. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they had their own discriminatory list!

Discriminatory? Of course it is. Management discriminates between good employees and marginal employees everyday.

If you played baseball for the New York Mets, you have a job to do. If that job is not done well, you can expect to be replaced. Your reputation will be known by other teams and general mangers throughout the league. They have the right to do this. And, they have the right to not employ you. Your contract may not be renewed.
You're not entitled. You develop and earn your own reputation. It's no different in the sales world.