"Do Not Rehire" list?

I am pretty sure the PSS clowns in HR and recruiting stopped circulating the list since this thread appeared. You know they watch this page very closely and are in damage control mode. Would be fun to find out who in HR and/or recruiting were hung out to dry over this.

I work in home office and can tell you that there has been much talk about these postings and this DNR list. I am all but certain they quit sending it out. The dummy's in HR are stupid but they are not so stupid they want to lose their jobs over this fiasco.

I work in home office and can tell you that there has been much talk about these postings and this DNR list. I am all but certain they quit sending it out. The dummy's in HR are stupid but they are not so stupid they want to lose their jobs over this fiasco.

I'll bet this thread is on some HR clown's computer screen 24/7 in home office. Hey useless HR twits, EAT ME!

I heard the PSS recruiters started a blog to take their discrimination underground. They use the list on the blog and chat about candidates.

I seriously doubt that. If you have every had to deal with any of the lazy and incompetent recruiters here you would know they would not put that much effort into anything. They are just looking to do the bare minimum to get paid. They really don't care about anything else and they really don't make any secret of that fact.

"Remember HR is your friend. They are here to help. Companies could not run without HR departments. They love people and are vital to the success of the company and the happiness of the employee! Just look at all they do! Their performance speaks for itself."


Can we find a website we can post this list to for EVERYONE to see? I have a copy of it and would be great for the public to see how this low rent schlock outfit operates.
What is the most current date on the list? Do you have one that's less than two years old? I believe that there are more current additions that need to be made aware. Management has notified a few but they need to see the actual list.

I was on the list 6 years ago do u think they go back that far

I have the list. There are names on it that go back to December 1995. Unbelievable. PSS should be ashamed of themselves. The have someone on it that cannot be rehired for the reason stated as "internship completed". So someone completes an internship and a manager, HR or a dipshit recruiter does not like them so they just list "internship completed" to blackball them forever. I hope this place gets sued back to the stone age.

We need to start naming these HR dept clowns. Would be great to see these holier than thou, add nothing to nothing dimwits exposed.

As far as managers, there is one whose name rymes with... Stain, Plain, Jane, Disdain, Complain, Pain, Rain, Strain, Deran- ged, and a$$hole. Wait a minute. That last word didn't ryme, but it's so true.