"Do Not Rehire" list?

As a person of color I find it very distrubing that so many afro americans and hispanics are experiencing prejudice in this industry and being listed to not hire.

Personally I see many more minority people here than the proportion of the general population. If you live in a high minority area minority groups are of course hired in higher amounts. Most companies seek those who know the language of the neighborhoods, so I see more bilingual in certain areas areas (eg asian people in asian communities, spanish in spanish neighborhoods) Make sense. All I can say is some people have a life mission devoted to proclaiming everything prejudiced.

Personally I see many more minority people here than the proportion of the general population. If you live in a high minority area minority groups are of course hired in higher amounts. Most companies seek those who know the language of the neighborhoods, so I see more bilingual in certain areas areas (eg asian people in asian communities, spanish in spanish neighborhoods) Make sense. All I can say is some people have a life mission devoted to proclaiming everything prejudiced.

Thanks for that valuable input Rush Limbaugh. Have you kicked your Oxycontin addiction yet Porky?

Personally I see many more minority people here than the proportion of the general population. If you live in a high minority area minority groups are of course hired in higher amounts. Most companies seek those who know the language of the neighborhoods, so I see more bilingual in certain areas areas (eg asian people in asian communities, spanish in spanish neighborhoods) Make sense. All I can say is some people have a life mission devoted to proclaiming everything prejudiced.

Why are you even bothering with this company?

Its a dead end for ALL people involved, young and old. I would say the only people that would benefit from this piece of crap company (and all pharmaceutical companies) are those that are independently wealthy or those ready to retire.


Why are you even bothering with this company?

Its a dead end for ALL people involved, young and old. I would say the only people that would benefit from this piece of crap company (and all pharmaceutical companies) are those that are independently wealthy or those ready to retire.


Not for long and not a career!

As a person of color I find it very distrubing that so many afro americans and hispanics are experiencing prejudice in this industry and being listed to not hire.

I was a DM here a few years ago and can tell you that I know first hand of 3 people put on the list simply because the manager did not like them. Had nothing to do with their performance. Pretty sad that PSS lets this go on. I know this is just a CSO job and everything is low rate and pretty unprofessional but they are practically asking to be sued.

A class action employment lawsuit is getting started against PSS by this firm based out of California. Here is their contact info.: Contact Girardi-Keese law firm: 213-977-0211 This list will be subpoenaed and used in the lawsuit.

I just saw this thread for the first time ever. read a couple hundred posts. I worked for this unprofessional hellhole for 2 years. I can easily believe they can and do create a black ball list. Hope they get sued for a kings ransom but mostly it would be fantastic if the idiots in recruiting and HR who facilitated the list were all canned. What a joke of an organization.

I worked for a contract company & the contract ended a few years ago, however, I applied for a position with PSS that I was 100% qualified to perform. No call, email confirmation, NOTHING. I have never been fired so I would like to see if this piece of shit company is screwing with me.
BTW-my 1st post, the company deleted. Ironic! I would love to see this list.

A class action employment lawsuit is getting started against PSS by this firm based out of California. Here is their contact info.: Contact Girardi-Keese law firm: 213-977-0211 This list will be subpoenaed and used in the lawsuit.
I contacted them and spoke to a secretary that transferred me to the case coordinator and left her a message. I have not heard back yet but it is Friday and I guess it may take at least one to two business days to see where this leads.

I worked for a contract company & the contract ended a few years ago, however, I applied for a position with PSS that I was 100% qualified to perform. No call, email confirmation, NOTHING. I have never been fired so I would like to see if this piece of shit company is screwing with me.
BTW-my 1st post, the company deleted. Ironic! I would love to see this list.

PSS recruiters and HR are constantly monitoring this thread and asking for post removals. They have a lot to be worried about.

Moderators delete whatever THEY feel is inappropriate. They rarely give two shakes of a deer's tail about request for removals unless they are highly offensive and somehow the moderators somehow missed reviewing the post to begin with. This is not a site run by Publicis so they have little influence here.

I tried to get the list from PSS. No go. Let us know if you get it from them.
I will post my email if you are willing to email the list.
I am glad that a suit has been filed.

Moderators delete whatever THEY feel is inappropriate. They rarely give two shakes of a deer's tail about request for removals unless they are highly offensive and somehow the moderators somehow missed reviewing the post to begin with. This is not a site run by Publicis so they have little influence here.

They have influence if they have someone in their HR dept constantly contacting the moderators of this site (which PSS does do regularly) to get specific posts removed. A common rep usually has no interest in contacting the mods for post removals. I worked as a DM for several years at one of the big pharma companies and during initial DM management training at the home office a HR generalist came in and told the class that one of her responsibilities was to monitor thier site on CP and contact the mods to get removal, which she always did and that company has most of their negative posts remove. That is an absolute fact.

This list would explain why several managers have asked me several times about what other contracts I have worked, when I never worked any other contracts. Publicis was the only company I ever applied and interviewed for except for a specialty neuroscience position with Inventiv where I only interviewed with a shady character who had been laid off from big pharma. I have said many times "No. I have not been on any other contract besides here at Publicis!" Then I'll get this confused angry look from managers that indicates that they think I'm lying to them. I was finally told by one of them that he had been given very negative feedback regarding other contracts that I've worked. "I've never worked any other contracts besides this one." ...I again get the angry look like I'm lying. It's beyond f***ing annoying!!! LYING prevails here. I can't wait until I'm gone. I'm going to join the class action if I am able.

Are we talking class action based on race, gender or age?

I checked out the firm you mentioned--EXCELLENT choice. They have a great reputation. They can represent people in different states, not just CA.

  • cafead   Oct 25, 2014 at 03:51: PM
They have influence if they have someone in their HR dept constantly contacting the moderators of this site (which PSS does do regularly) to get specific posts removed. A common rep usually has no interest in contacting the mods for post removals. I worked as a DM for several years at one of the big pharma companies and during initial DM management training at the home office a HR generalist came in and told the class that one of her responsibilities was to monitor thier site on CP and contact the mods to get removal, which she always did and that company has most of their negative posts remove. That is an absolute fact.

We do receive requests for post review/removal from some companies. However, we do not remove posts simply because they contain "negative" content -either about companies or management. The most common reason we will remove posts is due to personal attacks. Personal attacks include references to personal appearance or lifestyle and personal relationships. Allegations of criminal wrongdoing or personal misconduct are also considered personal attacks.

Are we talking class action based on race, gender or age?

I checked out the firm you mentioned--EXCELLENT choice. They have a great reputation. They can represent people in different states, not just CA.
I have contacted them and I am not from CA. Call the number listed above and find out. They'll probably have you leave a message for someone to contact you. That's what I did.