You forgot fat ass! Whoops that doesn't rhyme with his name either. If only they had a Johnny Craig" for this person to join.
Any managers out there want to comment on how you guys come up with your "reasons" for not to rehire when only an * is listed as a reason? How about contract completed?
Yes, I'm afraid that I agree with you. When you deal with trash, I guess it gets all over you and is hard to clean off. I want to be done with these people, but these issues keep coming up when I use them as a reference. I have to account for the time I worked for them. They are major trouble makers and in looking back in hindsight, they seem to be always looking for a fight.I am a former DM at PSS from about 3 years ago. Worked on 2 contracts over the course of 2 1/2 years. Thank goodness I was finally able to get a stable job with an ethical and professionally run company. The DNR list does certainly exists. I was told about it from one recruiter. She said she could not send it to me but said she could cross check any potential new hires for me and see if they were on it. Then I dealt with another recruiter. I asked her for the list she said she was not supposed to send it out but she said she would do it anyway and she did send it to me. It amazed me. There are many people on the list added for very valid reasons to not be eligible for rehire. However, there are numerous people on the list for trivial reasons(i.e. "contract completed" how does that exclude you from further employment?) as well as no reason at all. It is quite obviously a list at least partially created as a dumping ground to get revenge on reps that HR, recruiting or some other manager can use to exclude people they don't like for any reason whatsoever. PSS was by far the most unprofessional and unethical company I ever dealt with. They are so lazy and incompetent they are not even bright enough to keep this list 100% confidential. I am so happy to be gone from this dysfunctional nightmare. I wonder why the powers in control at PSS have not severely dealt with HR and recruiting for creating and circulating this list? I know management at PSS views this site and especially this thread all the time. I guess the lack of guts and integrity goes all the way to the top.
41,805 Views 345 Replies to this thread and no updates on the class action? Seriously?
I work in HR here and we are monitoring this situation very closely. The word is out to managers to let their reps know that they are not to view or respond to this site especially this topic. Their jobs are on the line. You would be smart to not comment either unless you enjoy being sued for slander. We have many attorneys on retainer and you do not. Do the math.
I seriously doubt you're HR, but ok; I'll go with it. Everything you've stated is pretty much retarded... much like you. Slander... Really? Don't you mean libel moron!
Blacklisting is illegal and being white trash even with attorneys on retainer is no defense. I'm not doing your homework. Go back to school HR flunky!
1:16am posting?... A guilty conscience can keep you up in the wee hours of the morning.![]()
You seriously think that anyone that works in HR at any company has a conscience? Think again. Only a complete narcissistic loser that can't work a real job would want to be in HR. They add absolutely nothing to any company except PC correctness. Did you ever meet anyone as a kid that dreamed of working in HR? It is a pathetic dumping ground for losers and talentless clowns to get a paycheck. They have no real skills.
Not "as a dhole Ruth" Spell check changed it from with.The no skill-set thing is a major challenge for Publicis as a dhole Ruth regards to HR. An overview or course in HR law 101 or management law might be highly beneficial for everyone included in the hiring process.
The no skill-set thing is a major challenge for Publicis as a dhole Ruth regards to HR. An overview or course in HR law 101 or management law might be highly beneficial for everyone included in the hiring process.
The HR dept here does not need to take any classes or learn to do things correctly and professionally. When they make a mistake they sweep it under the rug. Why shouldn't they? No one monitors them. They feel they are above the policies they hold the field to. They would never tolerate that from a field rep but that is how the hypocrites in HR operate. A completely useless department that adds nothing and just gives some lazy, not too bright clowns an easy paycheck. They need and deserve to be exposed and made fun of at every opportunity.
Some of them double dip as recruiters on the side.
This has already been addressed on here. PSS uses low-rent, cheap 1099 recruiters that are independent contractors. These fly by night "recruiters" almost always work for another company or companies. PSS probably pays them very little because everything is like that here. PSS could care less if they are double dipping as you say because they are just disposable independent contractors. That is why the recruiting here is so amateur and dysfunctional. They pay for low-rent shitty recruiters and they get low-rent shitty results. No mystery there.
I work for another company and just saw this thread. It's fascinating. I have been in the industry for 18 years and for the life of me I cannot figure out what HR Depts do and why they are needed. Years ago companies just had Personnel Depts and American businesses flourished. Now because of political correctness and diversity quota hiring requirements HR is a large part of everything. They add ZERO. They don't realize this but they only have their cushy, do nothing useless positions because the sales reps generate revenue to keep them in their BS positions. You hear about reps and managers getting fired and laid off all the time. When you you hear about deaf weight HR people losing their jobs?
The recruiters being independent contractors s explains a lot. I had a publicis recruiter call me last year about a position and set me up with an interview. Two days later she called back and told me about another position with another company that was a direct competitor to the first position. I could not figure out why she would do this and why the hiring companies would allow such a conflict of interest. Now I know. The recruiters are just in to place bodies and get paid they don't care about their clients. Why does publicis put up with this? They have to know about these situations.