"Do Not Rehire" list?

The reason situations like this happens is because CSOs don't really care. They just want to place warm bodies to get paid. If the client companies wanted quality they would hire professional recruiters not part time, unskilled hacks like this joint uses. The pharma industry is a bad joke and PSS is a bad punchline to that joke.

I am on LinkedIn and have dealt with 2 recruiters here. They have their pictures posted........................GOOD LORD!!!!!!, they both look like they were in industrial accidents!

I work for another company and just saw this thread. It's fascinating. I have been in the industry for 18 years and for the life of me I cannot figure out what HR Depts do and why they are needed. Years ago companies just had Personnel Depts and American businesses flourished. Now because of political correctness and diversity quota hiring requirements HR is a large part of everything. They add ZERO. They don't realize this but they only have their cushy, do nothing useless positions because the sales reps generate revenue to keep them in their BS positions. You hear about reps and managers getting fired and laid off all the time. When you you hear about deaf weight HR people losing their jobs?

But if we did not have these wonderful DR departments who would tell us when Columbus Day is or what month is Black History month? LOL The biggest waste of money for every company is having to employ HR losers that add nothing. Basically corporate welfare jobs for useless clowns that do nothing and are a complete waste of time and money.

But if we did not have these wonderful DR departments who would tell us when Columbus Day is or what month is Black History month? LOL The biggest waste of money for every company is having to employ HR losers that add nothing. Basically corporate welfare jobs for useless clowns that do nothing and are a complete waste of time and money.

Right on, everyone knows the real value in the company is the sales force (who fake their calls every day) without us the doctors would have no idea what to prescribe...

Where have you been? I haven't heard from you or your attorney. Aren't you the one adding names to this list and circulating it? You then turn around and claim that you'll sue for "slander" if anyone tries to stop you? Can you explain your logic please. You seem so intelligent.

Eat it you field punk!

-Your PSS recruiter

This is seriously the worst job and worst company I have ever worked for by far. Is it possible to request to get your name on this list so I never have to repeat this major mistake?

This is seriously the worst job and worst company I have ever worked for by far. Is it possible to request to get your name on this list so I never have to repeat this major mistake?

What level are you on? I suspect the reps have it the worst with money and respect from the bigger paid pharma rep bozos. District managers are better paid but have headaches with the constant flow of, here one minute and gone the next, reps.

This is seriously the worst job and worst company I have ever worked for by far. Is it possible to request to get your name on this list so I never have to repeat this major mistake?
No kidding! Just wait until you leave and have to use them as a reference in the future. Oh Yes! The joys of making a horrible decision that haunts you.

No kidding! Just wait until you leave and have to use them as a reference in the future. Oh Yes! The joys of making a horrible decision that haunts you.
That sucks! What happened? I have heard that they refuse to say anything and won't even confirm hire dates. I think that can hurt you as well. I would not doubt that they cause issues. I just hope that I can get out before I have to use them as a reference.

If I were you i would not even put PSS on your resume. They have the worst reputation in the industry even by low-rent CSO standards. Tell prospective employers you took time off to take care of a sick family member. PSS is a career killer for if you are to deal with any hiring manager with knowledge of the industry.

For a rep it's not something I would list, for a manager its just ok.

District DMs here at least have a respectable, livable salary.
Amount is about what a top rep makes in big pharma...decent.

Why won't the HR idiots ever call you back? Left 3 messages there in the last 2 weeks. They promised a call back and then zero. What a joke this hole is especially the morons in HR. What the hell do they do all day?

Why won't the HR idiots ever call you back? Left 3 messages there in the last 2 weeks. They promised a call back and then zero. What a joke this hole is especially the morons in HR. What the hell do they do all day?

I feel bad for them.

Good folks who have constant flow of people leaving and people joining. HR work is a complicated job.