"Do Not Rehire" list?

I recently heard that this list has now been forwarded to the recruiting team at PDI.
So you will also be blackballed at PDI.
It's possible but I don't think its likely. There are stronger connections between Publicis and Quintiles but not so much with PDI. Most of the managers that are participating in throwing people in front of the bus with their "Do not hire list" were fired from big pharma. They are using this list as a kind of vendictive tactic to get back at the kind of reps they feel got them into trouble. They need to GROW UP and no, most companies do not go this far to blacklist, it is illegal and just because they're getting away with it does not make it legal. Every company has some kind of HR mechanism to not rehire certain individuals for specific reasons that most times are legitimate. In this situation, Publicis is being unprofessional because they can get away with it.

The inVentiv recruiter told me point blank that she got this list from a Publicis recruiter and named the person. She admitted that she circulated it to everyone she knew at inVentiv.
This is a very important violation of the law with broad implications for a person's career.

Yes. I think this is true for Inventiv, but I don't think its true for PDI. It could be but I have heard Quintiles and Inventiv as well. Lucky for us, the idiot company circulates a roster with managers addresses and contact information, which is stupid as all hell. I mean they have families right?

I have seen the list and personally know several people put on the list. Some deserved to be on the list. Howevee I know 2 of the people on the list that were OUTSTANDING hard working reps. They were also black. The DM was a racist. This is a huge lawsuit here.

I have seen the list and personally know several people put on the list. Some deserved to be on the list. Howevee I know 2 of the people on the list that were OUTSTANDING hard working reps. They were also black. The DM was a racist. This is a huge lawsuit here.

Outstanding by your standards is not the same as another standards. Like anything in life: hitting the bar matters.

In your eyes everyone is probably racist!
Makes for more BS, easy money grubbing lawsuits.
Agree, you are probably a dope.

The truth of the matter is that although protected classes would have a better shot at defending themselves against something illegal such as black listing, it's wrong on every account when a physical list is circulated even if an employee stole money! Some of us have had a course or two regarding HR law. Again... Every company has some type of system to red flag candidates to not rehire, but circulating a list of names is not legal. Being a protected class does not mean that you were wronged more than anyone else.

Can we name the racist managers who put these good reps on the list?
I think we could name names!

I just tried to name the DM. The mods here deleted it. You can believe that the HR dept at PSS is in constant contact with this site to get posts removed. They have to keep this info quite for obvious reasons,

The truth of the matter is that although protected classes would have a better shot at defending themselves against something illegal such as black listing, it's wrong on every account when a physical list is circulated even if an employee stole money! Some of us have had a course or two regarding HR law. Again... Every company has some type of system to red flag candidates to not rehire, but circulating a list of names is not legal. Being a protected class does not mean that you were wronged more than anyone else.

What you fail to understand is that the list does indeed include numerous people with very valid reasons to no re-hire with the reason listed on the excel spreadsheet. HOWEVER they have countless people listed where the reason for not being employable again with PSS is completely blank. Yes, many of those people are protected classes by federal employment law. The reason they left that response blank are is so the manager or HR or recruiting can just add a person to be excluded for their own personal reason and/or prejudice/retaliation. That is why this is important.

What you fail to understand is that the list does indeed include numerous people with very valid reasons to no re-hire with the reason listed on the excel spreadsheet. HOWEVER they have countless people listed where the reason for not being employable again with PSS is completely blank. Yes, many of those people are protected classes by federal employment law. The reason they left that response blank are is so the manager or HR or recruiting can just add a person to be excluded for their own personal reason and/or prejudice/retaliation. That is why this is important.
The reasons listed may appear to be very valid, but don't you suspect that much of what is stated is not true. I've watched them fire people stating reasons that sounded legitimate to get an official HR validation, but at the end of the day it's still mostly pure bullshit...which essentially is defamation of character in addition to blacklisting. Sometimes reasons are valid but too many times this has not been the case. Not stating the reason only makes a difference in that it shows unprofessionalism. The fact that there should not be a spreadsheet in circulation is enough in itself. That's essentially the legal rub.