"Do Not Rehire" list for lawsuit

In reading this entire thread it seems that there is much to do about nothing. If there is a list then it is filled with people who should not be hired for a reason (did not work, falsified something, had a bad attitude, other things that would make you not want to have them on your team). So this thread ends up being stupid. There are many other companies to work for so go work for them and stop stirring the pot about a list that this thread has yet to show any proof of. Oh yeah, you spoke to managers who are aware of the list....name the manager then. For some reason it is easier for people to believe that there is some type of conspiracy that is fully veiled instead of looking for facts. So for those of you convinced that there is a list then look for the next reply that states that their former manager's Uncle, who knows a rep, who knows another rep, who is related to another former manager that heard about the list is the proof that a list exists. Perhaps someone is confused about the fact that every company that either downsizes or fires people indicates that someone is able to be 'rehired' or not.

Lots of mentioning regarding falsifying documents. What are they falsifying? Sample receipt forms? I don't think its that big of an issue unless you're over 50. It's hard to do worse than this.

In reading this entire thread it seems that there is much to do about nothing. If there is a list then it is filled with people who should not be hired for a reason (did not work, falsified something, had a bad attitude, other things that would make you not want to have them on your team). So this thread ends up being stupid. There are many other companies to work for so go work for them and stop stirring the pot about a list that this thread has yet to show any proof of. Oh yeah, you spoke to managers who are aware of the list....name the manager then. For some reason it is easier for people to believe that there is some type of conspiracy that is fully veiled instead of looking for facts. So for those of you convinced that there is a list then look for the next reply that states that their former manager's Uncle, who knows a rep, who knows another rep, who is related to another former manager that heard about the list is the proof that a list exists. Perhaps someone is confused about the fact that every company that either downsizes or fires people indicates that someone is able to be 'rehired' or not.

Hey rambling moron, I have the list and got it from a DM in KC named Jane Pauley. So I have the list and it has hundreds of names on it where no reason at all is listed as to why they cannot be rehired. That is because the manager or some dimwit flunky in HR has black balled them. Does that answer your question idiot?

In reading this entire thread it seems that there is much to do about nothing. If there is a list then it is filled with people who should not be hired for a reason (did not work, falsified something, had a bad attitude, other things that would make you not want to have them on your team). So this thread ends up being stupid. There are many other companies to work for so go work for them and stop stirring the pot about a list that this thread has yet to show any proof of. Oh yeah, you spoke to managers who are aware of the list....name the manager then. For some reason it is easier for people to believe that there is some type of conspiracy that
is fully veiled instead of looking for facts. So for those of you convinced that there is a list then look for the next reply that states that their former manager's Uncle, who knows a rep, who knows another rep, who is related to another former manager that heard about the list is the proof that a list exists. Perhaps someone is confused about the fact that every company that either downsizes or fires people indicates that someone is able to be 'rehired' or not.

Why did you feel the need to write a page of explanation if you think this entire thread is a hoax and "stupid".
It reads like a defensive rebuttal. You're a bit worried... Perhaps? Just bless your sweet little heart. It's nice to see that you care so much.

To the guy with the list...Start contacting people on it and email Grant Smith. Grantmeaccess.com. He is a freelance investigative reporter out Florida. Reach out to him.

Hey rambling moron, I have the list and got it from a DM in KC named Jane Pauley. So I have the list and it has hundreds of names on it where no reason at all is listed as to why they cannot be rehired. That is because the manager or some dimwit flunky in HR has black balled them. Does that answer your question idiot?

For weeks and weeks you've been puffing your chest about you're supposed list. Why don't you get off cafepharma and do something about it?

Hey rambling moron, I have the list and got it from a DM in KC named Jane Pauley. So I have the list and it has hundreds of names on it where no reason at all is listed as to why they cannot be rehired. That is because the manager or some dimwit flunky in HR has black balled them. Does that answer your question idiot?

Jane Pauley? You give your age away you dimwit with referencing her as your supposed DM source. I am surprised you didnt fork over a current name such as Cooper Anderson or Diane Sawyer. You have given proof positive that YOU are a liar and that this whole thread is a hoax. Oh well, hope to never know you. Loser.

Jane Pauley? You give your age away you dimwit with referencing her as your supposed DM source. I am surprised you didnt fork over a current name such as Cooper Anderson or Diane Sawyer. You have given proof positive that YOU are a liar and that this whole thread is a hoax. Oh well, hope to never know you. Loser.

Hey dummy, it's not the newscaster Jane Pauly. Good lord, that is a fairly common name. Yes there is a Jane Pauley here that is a DM. LOL. Too funny.

Jane Pauley? You give your age away you dimwit with referencing her as your supposed DM source. I am surprised you didnt fork over a current name such as Cooper Anderson or Diane Sawyer. You have given proof positive that YOU are a liar and that this whole thread is a hoax. Oh well, hope to never know you. Loser.

Cooper Anderson? Is he related to the CNN reporter Anderson Cooper? Are you responding from an offshore site or does your foil helmet need adjusting?

In reading this entire thread it seems that there is much to do about nothing. If there is a list then it is filled with people who should not be hired for a reason (did not work, falsified something, had a bad attitude, other things that would make you not want to have them on your team). So this thread ends up being stupid. There are many other companies to work for so go work for them and stop stirring the pot about a list that this thread has yet to show any proof of. Oh yeah, you spoke to managers who are aware of the list....name the manager then. For some reason it is easier for people to believe that there is some type of conspiracy that is fully veiled instead of looking for facts. So for those of you convinced that there is a list then look for the next reply that states that their former manager's Uncle, who knows a rep, who knows another rep, who is related to another former manager that heard about the list is the proof that a list exists. Perhaps someone is confused about the fact that every company that either downsizes or fires people indicates that someone is able to be 'rehired' or not.

Are you HR, a DM, or just an onlooker? Are you 50+ like myself? What is defined as "bad attitude"... I don't know it seems very subjective to me.

Jane Pauley? You give your age away you dimwit with referencing her as your supposed DM source. I am surprised you didnt fork over a current name such as Cooper Anderson or Diane Sawyer. You have given proof positive that YOU are a liar and that this whole thread is a hoax. Oh well, hope to never know you. Loser.

Hey limp brain. Yes there is a district mgr here named Jane Pauley. She's my manager. I know this is hard for your little pharma monkey brain to comprehend but sometimes there is more than one person in the world with the same name. Absolutely mind boggling concept isn't it? If you had half a brain (and actually worked here) you would know you can look up employees on the company intranet. That's mind staggering isn't it? It is astounding just how amazingly stupid some reps are like the above dimwit.

Hey limp brain. Yes there is a district mgr here named Jane Pauley. She's my manager. I know this is hard for your little pharma monkey brain to comprehend but sometimes there is more than one person in the world with the same name. Absolutely mind boggling concept isn't it? If you had half a brain (and actually worked here) you would know you can look up employees on the company intranet. That's mind staggering isn't it? It is astounding just how amazingly stupid some reps are like the above dimwit.

LOL, I came across this post and thought it was hilarious. Yes, I also know a DM here named "Jane Pauley" and no, she is not the celebrity Jane Pauley. Mind boggling isn't it? Two people in the world of hundreds of billions with the same name!!!! This place truly does employ some complete morons, LOL.

LOL, I came across this post and thought it was hilarious. Yes, I also know a DM here named "Jane Pauley" and no, she is not the celebrity Jane Pauley. Mind boggling isn't it? Two people in the world of hundreds of billions with the same name!!!! This place truly does employ some complete morons, LOL.

Your self included as a moron! One company that hires two or more morons is very mind boggling, isnt it?

Your self included as a moron! One company that hires two or more morons is very mind boggling, isnt it?

The word is spelled "yourself" not two separate words you fucking idiot. Obviously you are from another country and have not completely grasped the English language yet dummy. You post on here all the time and it is more than obvious you don't understand English fully. You better be careful you foreign fuck, someone could easy out you. I know you don't know what that means so Google it asshole.

I was on the list but got rehired anyway because the manager knew the list was BS. Publicis should be ashamed of themselves! If there is a law suit I am in because you can't mess with someone's career.

I was on the list but got rehired anyway because the manager knew the list was BS. Publicis should be ashamed of themselves! If there is a law suit I am in because you can't mess with someone's career.

No you absolutely did not get rehired here liar. If you are on the list you never make it past the recruiter stage. They have to check the list before any candidates are put forward to the DM so therefore you are obviously lying for some reason. I work in HR here and know this procedure very well. Also, if you are on the list you would not know since this is confidential between HR and the recruiters.

No you absolutely did not get rehired here liar. If you are on the list you never make it past the recruiter stage. They have to check the list before any candidates are put forward to the DM so therefore you are obviously lying for some reason. I work in HR here and know this procedure very well. Also, if you are on the list you would not know since this is confidential between HR and the recruiters.

Well if it is so confidential, then why are you blabbing about it? You are not from HR. You are an idiot. Any list of this nature is completely unprofessional and should be disregarded.

Well if it is so confidential, then why are you blabbing about it? You are not from HR. You are an idiot. Any list of this nature is completely unprofessional and should be disregarded.

Why should it be disregarded? We here in HR run this place not some temporary sample jockey. Now go deliver some pizzas loser.