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Do I have enough?

Agree with most, with one caveat: many areas with high taxes are in counties with some of the best high schools in the country, where a high percentage of kids go on to top colleges in the country. And unfortunately for many, the top colleges in the country are where a lot of recruiters go to find their new employees.

Since so many parents want this for their children, homes in these areas sell very quickly when parents downsize. Northern 'burbs of Chicago, Bay area of NoCal, Westchester County and Long Island, NY, areas west of Boston, and Northern VA are extremely expensive places to live, but there's a reason for that. A selection of strong employers, great schools with a pipeline to good colleges.

Having been a college recruiter and doing an internship in HR for Morgan Stanley, this is what I was told, and this is what I observed.

Very true. I guess my idea would focus more on people that are financially secure and retired and want to buy their last home.

Your post is true for most people.

Its funny, but I think the smartest kids today are going to be home schooled. Public schools today are just a mess, and it should be obvious why I am saying that. Look at what they promote in these publics schools. It is a mess.

Also, home schooled children have better test scores and tend to be more focused on life, compared to the immoral students in public schools that came right out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, one of the most dangerous movies to ever come out eve r, teaching young people how to mess up their lives.

Very true. I guess my idea would focus more on people that are financially secure and retired and want to buy their last home.

Your post is true for most people.

Its funny, but I think the smartest kids today are going to be home schooled. Public schools today are just a mess, and it should be obvious why I am saying that. Look at what they promote in these publics schools. It is a mess.

Also, home schooled children have better test scores and tend to be more focused on life, compared to the immoral students in public schools that came right out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, one of the most dangerous movies to ever come out eve r, teaching young people how to mess up their lives.

Please share the data that support these claims.

Reality sets in when their kid graduates from a good college with a Liberal Arts degree and can't find a job outside of retail or fast food service. They can't pay off their loans and continue to live with mom and dad out of necessity or because they can't fathom living in a small apartment with no X Box. And if they stay with mom and dad and don't get married, thanks to ObamaCare they can get health care coverage for free. Welcome to the new America the land of opportunity.

I agree. Obama is the cause of all your woes, cancer, and hangnails!!!

Reality sets in when their kid graduates from a good college with a Liberal Arts degree and can't find a job outside of retail or fast food service. They can't pay off their loans and continue to live with mom and dad out of necessity or because they can't fathom living in a small apartment with no X Box. And if they stay with mom and dad and don't get married, thanks to ObamaCare they can get health care coverage for free. Welcome to the new America the land of opportunity.

I have a liberal arts degree and worked for 30 years in medical devices and pharmaceuticals. I'm retiring soon because I have saved enough. My daughter has a liberal arts degree and is making over $120,000 a year at 25 years old. We managed to have skills other than a four year degree to get where we are. As a University of Phoenix MBA can you match what we are doing? As a Business Administration major-liberal arts major can you compete?

Very true. I guess my idea would focus more on people that are financially secure and retired and want to buy their last home.

Your post is true for most people.

Its funny, but I think the smartest kids today are going to be home schooled. Public schools today are just a mess, and it should be obvious why I am saying that. Look at what they promote in these publics schools. It is a mess.

Also, home schooled children have better test scores and tend to be more focused on life, compared to the immoral students in public schools that came right out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, one of the most dangerous movies to ever come out eve r, teaching young people how to mess up their lives.

Idiots like you perpetuate idiots like you.

Agreed. Data show most of the relgious-based Republicans to be quite ignornant about facts that don't jive with their bibilical teaching, less educated and with less wealth. It's not a shock unless you're Sarah Palin or Newt.

Very true. I guess my idea would focus more on people that are financially secure and retired and want to buy their last home.

Your post is true for most people.

Its funny, but I think the smartest kids today are going to be home schooled. Public schools today are just a mess, and it should be obvious why I am saying that. Look at what they promote in these publics schools. It is a mess.

Also, home schooled children have better test scores and tend to be more focused on life, compared to the immoral students in public schools that came right out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, one of the most dangerous movies to ever come out eve r, teaching young people how to mess up their lives.

Just a data point. We have never had a home schooled candidate apply to a graduate school department at our university. Ever. Over 30 years. Undergraduate yes, but never graduate school: business, science, humanities.

Agreed. Data show most of the relgious-based Republicans to be quite ignornant about facts that don't jive with their bibilical teaching, less educated and with less wealth. It's not a shock unless you're Sarah Palin or Newt.
Look there are morons on both sides. Do you want to try to defend Nancy ( dumb as dirt) Pelosi who can't finish one intelligent sentence. Or Harry Reid or Joe (the village idiot) Biden who put their foot in their mouth daily. Come on and admit that both parties have their fair share of idiots just like AZ.

Idiots like you perpetuate idiots like you.

Who is the idiot? You public schooled, mind controlled knucklehead, with no original thought in your mind your entire life. You belong in the corporation til the end, because you have no talent.

Since most of you are too lazy to do a simple search on google to show why home schooling is superior, here it is: http://www.home-school.com/news/homeschool-vs-public-school.php

There are tons of other facts that support it.
The most important fact is what they are teaching in these schools, which is total nonsense. Add to the fact that they push kids into college when they are not even smart enough to go, and would be better suited for a trade. As if college is the end all, be all of life. Morons, all of you. And yes, I went to a very good private school, so don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about. It was pukes like you, that I had to study with that really made me puke the most. So lazy. Drinking beer all weekend. Never study. You are the ones that thrive in the corporate world, because you compensate for your let of work ethic, integrity, and intelligence, with back stabbing and lying. You are the scum of the earth. You truly are. You prove your point with me here too, as you are too lazy to do any research. F off, all of you dummies...

your kids deserve public school madness.

Look there are morons on both sides. Do you want to try to defend Nancy ( dumb as dirt) Pelosi who can't finish one intelligent sentence. Or Harry Reid or Joe (the village idiot) Biden who put their foot in their mouth daily. Come on and admit that both parties have their fair share of idiots just like AZ.
The Joe Biden who said that he always eats at Katie's Diner when he is in Wilmington?
That diner closed 12 years ago.

Depends on the person and their lifestyle.

Why does it have to be 1 million anyway? A person with low overhead can live on 12k/year, easily, and in a good neighborhood. Trust me. I have done it.

One can only do this if they want to live in rural areas within the U.S. like Alabama, W. VA, Arkansas. Thanks for the reassurance. BTW you might want to educate yourself on U.S. cost of living and get some financial planning before you speak.

One can only do this if they want to live in rural areas within the U.S. like Alabama, W. VA, Arkansas. Thanks for the reassurance. BTW you might want to educate yourself on U.S. cost of living and get some financial planning before you speak.
Let's assume for a minute that your original question was not referring to money. Do I have enough self esteem to be restored? Do I have enough sleepless nights and boring as hell days staring at the computer or the dashboard and just waiting for 3 pm so we can head home again? Do I have enough time to regain my self respect and find a decent job where I will be appreciated for making a positive contribution? God I hope so. I just want to feel good about myself again. This job sucked the life out of me.

I'm personally glad Pfizer will have us and I don't care if I lose my job. What do we really contribute? This industry is immoral and I'll be leaving but not without a severance

One can only do this if they want to live in rural areas within the U.S. like Alabama, W. VA, Arkansas. Thanks for the reassurance. BTW you might want to educate yourself on U.S. cost of living and get some financial planning before you speak.

If you get a roomate, you can find a great area to live in a nice city for about 500/month. So, that's 6k. Add food. that is about 3k a year if you are not a slob. public transportation. other bills. 3k. that's 12k.

prob. with most of you is that you don't know how to save money.

If you get a roomate, you can find a great area to live in a nice city for about 500/month. So, that's 6k. Add food. that is about 3k a year if you are not a slob. public transportation. other bills. 3k. that's 12k.

prob. with most of you is that you don't know how to save money.

Not in a big city-NYC, San Fran, etc. For $500/month in NY you can park your car. The one thing is you don't really need it since they have a world class, inexpensive public transportation system. Other than that everything is expensive-great place to live if you can afford it.