Dez - Snake Charmer


Is it me or does anyone else see past this charming, honest, before-I-slit-your-throat personality. When listening to him, I feel content and just as equally that there is a lot of danger around his soothe-saying.

Like cattle being calmed before the slaughter.


Couldn’t agree more! I feel like I’m hypnotized by him when hearing him talk but then come to my senses and am like wtf just happened? He’s phony and spews BS. I feel morale has never been worse here.

And it’s time for the Glint survey. It would be nice to let them know how terrible the culture has gotten but it’s not like they care. When we do that it just makes our ABL look bad and they may not (most of the time) be the issue! So frustrating!

And it’s time for the Glint survey. It would be nice to let them know how terrible the culture has gotten but it’s not like they care. When we do that it just makes our ABL look bad and they may not (most of the time) be the issue! So frustrating!

There are 2 Glint surveys. Are they both attached/tracked to our manager?

Yes, 2 GLINT Survey folks. It's that lovely time of the year.

If you actually read the email, you quickly see ONE survey is about your mgr. The other survey will be about the Company. Both survey results are captured under the mgr. You can have a good mgr, but crap company survey that gets associated to mgr b/c something has to track to someone.

Just score everyobe/thing bad. The company won't really care, but they will say a lot of lip service.

I hate to do that because it only makes our managers look bad and in my case my true feelings about what’s going on with the company are 100% opposite bow I feel about my manager. I write comments so it’s known that my manager isn’t the issue but I have heard there are more then 70K comments with the glint surveys and I doubt any of them are looked at seriously

I hate to do that because it only makes our managers look bad and in my case my true feelings about what’s going on with the company are 100% opposite bow I feel about my manager. I write comments so it’s known that my manager isn’t the issue but I have heard there are more then 70K comments with the glint surveys and I doubt any of them are looked at seriously

Don’t waste your time with Glint. Novartis could care less about what anyone thinks.

Yes, 2 GLINT Survey folks. It's that lovely time of the year.

If you actually read the email, you quickly see ONE survey is about your mgr. The other survey will be about the Company. Both survey results are captured under the mgr. You can have a good mgr, but crap company survey that gets associated to mgr b/c something has to track to someone.

Just score everyobe/thing bad. The company won't really care, but they will say a lot of lip service.

what do you mean it’s that time of year? These worthless surveys come out monthly it seems and never make a difference.

By the way leadership - take your increased number of field days and field rides and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS. People are done here. Every damn business unit is checking out. What a shame this company was so great to work for at one time.

By the way leadership - take your increased number of field days and field rides and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS. People are done here. Every damn business unit is checking out. What a shame this company was so great to work for at one time.

By the way leadership - take your increased number of field days and field rides and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS. People are done here. Every damn business unit is checking out. What a shame this company was so great to work for at one time.

Yes yes yes!! Fuck all you leaders and your additional field days. That’s the last fucking thing we need and the last thing our doctors want. Get a freaking clue you useless, lying sacks of shit.

By the way leadership - take your increased number of field days and field rides and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS. People are done here. Every damn business unit is checking out. What a shame this company was so great to work for at one time.

The disconnect at Novartis is unbelievable. How can people in sales leadership be this stupid and out of touch with reality? None of any of this shit with additional monthly field rides, hyper target frequency, or virtual programs are going to make one ounce of positive impact. If anything, it’s going to hurt your business and tick people off. Leadership all need to be lobotomized.

By the way leadership - take your increased number of field days and field rides and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS. People are done here. Every damn business unit is checking out. What a shame this company was so great to work for at one time.
I already work all day long all week long, so there is no time in my day to do additional calls or “field days.” What there is here, is pressure from management to enter more calls and increased field rides with my manager, which makes me want to find a company with a better culture.

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