Device Recruiters for the East Coast please


Nationwide, hungry sales reps are needed for a fast growing DME company where there is no ceiling for potentially HUGE passive commissions. The sales rep can work one hour a month, or ten hours a day, as this job opportunity is for the independent contractor.

Gibraltar Electro Medical Services (GEMS) manufactures and distributes TENS units. Visit our website at The successful candidates will know the difference between a CPT Code, an ICD-9 Code, and a HCPCS Code. Most importantly, the successful candidates will fully understand the concept of "medically necessary" as it relates to teaching physicians when and why the insurer community will reimburse the physician for the provision of a TENS unit to a patient in chronic intractable pain.

The target physicians will purchase the GEMS-TENS for $29.00 in quantities of 2 or more; the physicians will then sell them to their patients with a very healthy mark-up, then refer their patients to GEMS for provision of the TENS supplies necessary to follow the prescribed treatment regimen. The sales rep will realize a 35% commission on net profits only for the disposable TENS supplies.

Once a prescribing physician has been trained by the sales rep on which ICD-9 Codes provide medical necessity for provision of a GEMS-TENS, and the physician discovers he/she can make close to a 1,000% mark-up on the GEMS-TENS, the sales rep will continue to make passive commissions on the TENS supplies provided the patient referred by that physician to GEMS.

The target Chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopods, PM&R physicians, podiatrists, neurologists, and pain management physicians, will be dispensing the GEMS-TENS to non-Medicare, non-Medicaid, and non-MediCal patients only.

The successful candidates need not be college grads, nor have any prior long-term employment relationships. However, being verbally articulate, paying close attention to detail, and having knowledge about the benefits of electrotherapy is a big plus.

Prior pharma reps are welcome to apply, as are other reps already selling to our target physicians. If you are willing to dedicate the time necessary to learn how to be successful, we will teach you how to succeed --- on our dime.

If you are already a sales rep, and have a large stable of physicians who will listen to you teaching them how to increase their bottom line, making $250k per year can easily be accomplished by you.

Regardless of whether you are new to sales of DME, or very experienced, we will provide you with the training you will need to prevail for free. All it takes is your time, and a burning desire to succeed.

We do NOT have any sales quotas, unlike our competitors such as RS or EMPI.

If your prescribing and referring physicians only send GEMS a few patients per month for TENS supplies, or send GEMS dozens of patients per day, your commissions will correspond to the number and type of patients referred.

The knowledgeable sales rep already in the industry will recognize the potential benefits of this opportunity for full time work. For those just starting out in medical sales, the work being offered can be conducted on a part-time basis until your commissions far exceed that which you make at your present day job.

Email me your resume. I will call you back.

York McGavin
Gibraltar Electro Medical Services

I was hoping some people out there in cafepharma world could help me out if possible. I live in the NJ/NY Metro area and have been trying to figure out who the best recruiters are for Med Device. Any advice/direction would be more then greatly appreciated!!


So, she's busy. I'm so friggin' tired of hearing how recruiters are soooo busy. Like they're the only ones. And because they're so busy and soooo important, common courtesy and respect go out the window. The people at Legacy are no different than the rest of the useless shitbags who call themselves recruiters (and there are plenty of them). As long as yo have some value to them, they'll talk. When you don't have value anymore, not even the courtesy of a return phone call to tell you that they think you're useless. Do yourself a favor. Regardless of what the shill above says, avoid this useless pack of morons.

So you're against recruiters all together? Unfortunately, if you're in the job market you may not have a chance unless you use recruiters! Most companies use them and will only consider resumes from them, so what should we do?

You're right, everyone deserves a call back, but when I'm in the job market, I'm going to followup and insist on getting my phone call back! Busy or not, I'm the one looking for job, I have the urgency, I'm the one looking to be hired asap, so I'm going to do something about it. Instead of waiting for a call, I usually take actions and find someone to talk to me!

After all, who's going to care the most about MY career?

So you're against recruiters all together? Unfortunately, if you're in the job market you may not have a chance unless you use recruiters! Most companies use them and will only consider resumes from them, so what should we do?

You're right, everyone deserves a call back, but when I'm in the job market, I'm going to followup and insist on getting my phone call back! Busy or not, I'm the one looking for job, I have the urgency, I'm the one looking to be hired asap, so I'm going to do something about it. Instead of waiting for a call, I usually take actions and find someone to talk to me!

After all, who's going to care the most about MY career?

So how do you get them to answer thier phone or return a voicemail or even an email for that matter? MENTAL TELEPATHY? STALKING THEM? THREATENING TO TAKE THIER CHILDREN, LIVES OR PROPERTY? I am sure everyone is NOT waiting to hear back, so SHARE oh great one.

It's not really as bad as you make it sound... How come I don't have a problem getting through? And, I'm not even in process with them right now...

I have that problem with all the recruiters I work with, but eventually I schedule a call and talk to them. Keep in mind, they're not a social service, so I don't expect to talk to them about the market or the jobs that they can never hire me for...

Either way, good luck, it looks like you had a tough luck with recruiters. But to be fair, it's not that bad and they're not terrible, they're doing their job too!

Your sarcastic comments only show how bitter you really are. Very mature...


Nationwide, hungry sales reps are needed for a fast growing DME company where there is no ceiling for potentially HUGE passive commissions. The sales rep can work one hour a month, or ten hours a day, as this job opportunity is for the independent contractor.

Gibraltar Electro Medical Services (GEMS) manufactures and distributes TENS units. Visit our website at The successful candidates will know the difference between a CPT Code, an ICD-9 Code, and a HCPCS Code. Most importantly, the successful candidates will fully understand the concept of "medically necessary" as it relates to teaching physicians when and why the insurer community will reimburse the physician for the provision of a TENS unit to a patient in chronic intractable pain.

The target physicians will purchase the GEMS-TENS for $29.00 in quantities of 2 or more; the physicians will then sell them to their patients with a very healthy mark-up, then refer their patients to GEMS for provision of the TENS supplies necessary to follow the prescribed treatment regimen. The sales rep will realize a 35% commission on net profits only for the disposable TENS supplies.

Once a prescribing physician has been trained by the sales rep on which ICD-9 Codes provide medical necessity for provision of a GEMS-TENS, and the physician discovers he/she can make close to a 1,000% mark-up on the GEMS-TENS, the sales rep will continue to make passive commissions on the TENS supplies provided the patient referred by that physician to GEMS.

The target Chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopods, PM&R physicians, podiatrists, neurologists, and pain management physicians, will be dispensing the GEMS-TENS to non-Medicare, non-Medicaid, and non-MediCal patients only.

The successful candidates need not be college grads, nor have any prior long-term employment relationships. However, being verbally articulate, paying close attention to detail, and having knowledge about the benefits of electrotherapy is a big plus.

Prior pharma reps are welcome to apply, as are other reps already selling to our target physicians. If you are willing to dedicate the time necessary to learn how to be successful, we will teach you how to succeed --- on our dime.

If you are already a sales rep, and have a large stable of physicians who will listen to you teaching them how to increase their bottom line, making $250k per year can easily be accomplished by you.

Regardless of whether you are new to sales of DME, or very experienced, we will provide you with the training you will need to prevail for free. All it takes is your time, and a burning desire to succeed.

We do NOT have any sales quotas, unlike our competitors such as RS or EMPI.

If your prescribing and referring physicians only send GEMS a few patients per month for TENS supplies, or send GEMS dozens of patients per day, your commissions will correspond to the number and type of patients referred.

The knowledgeable sales rep already in the industry will recognize the potential benefits of this opportunity for full time work. For those just starting out in medical sales, the work being offered can be conducted on a part-time basis until your commissions far exceed that which you make at your present day job.

Email me your resume. I will call you back.

York McGavin
Gibraltar Electro Medical Services

WOW! You're about as shady as it gets... You and your "physicians" are ripping of your patients without even batting an eyelash... Immoral and unethical business practice. anyone who applies to this position, beware. $250K on that business model? Yeah, right! Only by taking advantage of your clients!

Re: Bad Recruiters

David Troy is the most annoying, pushy obnoxious recruiter I have ever spoken to and I did not want to interview for a job he had for me based on the fact that I never wanted to have to speak to him again. Stay away. Christina Garner is also a disorganized recruiter who will call you like an hour before your interview and expect you to go. I was up for a third round interview and she screwed it up. Stay away from both of these recruiters if you want a job!

That was being too kind to him. One of the most unprofessional "Recruiters" out there. You have been warned!

Gut check

I've been in this industry for 3 years and I still haven't met a good recruiter besides the one that got me this job. Most of these people are lazy, disorganized, burnt out salespeople that don't listen to what the hiring manager REALLY wants, over sell their relationships with companies and hiring managers, tell you how long they've been in the business (bla, bla, fucking bla), have no fucking clue how to communicate (scared to pick up a phone or respond to an email), no follow-up skills, no balls, can't give honest feedback (would rather just not call you back and then call you like a jittery little fucking high school cheerleader the next time they get a position). It's the same thing EVERY time...the device sales recruiting world is disappointing at best. If you are in this business and want another job in this business, you are better off building relationships with other reps and confidentially letting them know that you are looking. Lots of frauds out there wasting people's time, and their own obviously. It's really annoying actually.

Susan Kenner, Tom Riuff agency....she is fantastic. She found me through networking with other reps, and I landed my current job with JnJ. She is a big recruiter for JnJ and I have referred colleagues to her that have also gotten hired

Has anyone ever worked with recruitbuzz? A Sonia? I applied for a position through her and then a few days later she sends me a blanket email asking if I knew anyone for the positiion!! In the letter it states the 'sense of urgency' on the manager's side to interview! This is for a clinical position and I am more than qualified!!