Device Recruiters for the East Coast please

Anyone know about Marc Cooper? He seems to be dialed in, say the right things............but not deliver. Any input from someone that has worked with him?

I have been placed in two medical sales positions thru Marc Cooper since 2000 and have a good relationship with him. As with all recruiters, they depend on a qualified candidate who is hungry and an effective interviewer.
Marc is on his game and does have relationships; However, he is hard to pin down and will call you if he knows you and has a good lead for a position that you are seeking. Overall, I was working in the pharmaceutical arena as a hospital rep and was able to parlay into medical sales with Marc's guidance 8 years ago. Today, I continue to make 2-3 times what I made in Pharma. I Hope this helps. Jim in Ohio

Failed Recruiter

Stay clear of Paula Rutledge of Legacy MedSearh in Orlando, FL. She will pump you up and then never get back to you. I would not work with them.

I had a similar experience 2 months ago. She asked for my resume, promised to get back the following week. Never heard from her after she promised to send more details about a marketing position in Pharma.

I had a similar experience 2 months ago. She asked for my resume, promised to get back the following week. Never heard from her after she promised to send more details about a marketing position in Pharma.

Paula's profile is on linkedin. She is a legitimate recruiter and tends to be busy. I contacted her a few days ago and she was quite responsive in terms or returning calls. She was also up-front about the company which she was going to pitch my resume. She does attend quite a few medical conferences and keeps current in the field.

I am not am employee of her company nor have I been paid to write this blog. These are my observations and it can be unfair to a professional to have anonymous criticisms about them.

Paula's profile is on linkedin. She is a legitimate recruiter and tends to be busy. I contacted her a few days ago and she was quite responsive in terms or returning calls. She was also up-front about the company which she was going to pitch my resume. She does attend quite a few medical conferences and keeps current in the field.

I am not am employee of her company nor have I been paid to write this blog. These are my observations and it can be unfair to a professional to have anonymous criticisms about them.

So, she's busy. I'm so friggin' tired of hearing how recruiters are soooo busy. Like they're the only ones. And because they're so busy and soooo important, common courtesy and respect go out the window. The people at Legacy are no different than the rest of the useless shitbags who call themselves recruiters (and there are plenty of them). As long as yo have some value to them, they'll talk. When you don't have value anymore, not even the courtesy of a return phone call to tell you that they think you're useless. Do yourself a favor. Regardless of what the shill above says, avoid this useless pack of morons.

Normyle Erstling Health Search Group is one of the biggest, oldest medical sales recruiting firms. I think they recruit nationwide, but they are located in the NY/NJ metro area (where I am located too).
Don't have their phone # handy, but their e-mail address is; I think their web site is also www.MedPharmSales too.
They placed me at my previous job and also a friend of mine got their job thru them too.

I'm an experienced device rep. currently living in Minnesota, not by choice. I've sold Capital equipment as well. I have had the misfortunate of working for a few companies that were acquired and therefore my resume looks like a hopper. My territory has always been sizeable and while in the Minnesota I also covered Chicago. I worked in Maryland for a few years with a medical company for three years. I am attempting to get out of this small market and get back to a major city.

Would appreciate recommendations for recruiters placing candidates in the Chicago or Milwaukee area. I've had my share of good and bad recruiters ove the years.

The best on the East Coast is Brian Hunt hands down. The guy is honest and has way more integrity than most of the scum in this industry.

For the Midwest, you can't do better than Troy Radmer out of St. Louis.