Device Recruiters for the East Coast please

Re: Bad Recruiters

David Troy is the most annoying, pushy obnoxious recruiter I have ever spoken to and I did not want to interview for a job he had for me based on the fact that I never wanted to have to speak to him again. Stay away. Christina Garner is also a disorganized recruiter who will call you like an hour before your interview and expect you to go. I was up for a third round interview and she screwed it up. Stay away from both of these recruiters if you want a job!

So this is Christina Garner and I have never called anyone an hr before an interview. This is a lie and a joke. Now I have called people the day before because i got someones resume the day before. I have never screwed up on a 3rd round interview...that is all up to the candidate. i just get you in front of the right people.

OK, let's be positive here. I am looking for contacts or information or any kind of details that would help me locate a job opening in N. Florida. I have medical and laboratory experience but the truth is, in this difficult environment, I am open to any industry where I can find a good opportunity. I am good sales talent with proven accomplishments.

Brothers and sisters out there, give me 3 minutes of your time to give my request some thought. I really appreciate the help and good luck to all of you in your careers.

You can by-pass all of the futile sending of your resume to a myriad of recruiters by using a couple of the good medical sales web sites. The free ones are a waste of time. Pay the fees to join Medreps and Gorilla Medical and you will find tons of jobs listed by most of these recruiters. You can find different jobs on each site, so I recommend joining both.

Sales Search America....NASHVILLE.....Mr. Jack Sales has got to be without a question the ABSOLUTE WORST Recruiter in America. RUN...RUN...RUN...

I would beg to differ. He helped me get placed with one of the largest Spine and Trauma Companies in the world. I think the mistake people make is in thinking that the recruiter is supposed to land you the job. They get you the face time, and if you can't pull your own weight, thats on you.

Can anyone give me any leads for any jobs or GOOD recruiters in Mississippi? I have 2 years of capital equipment experience, but was laid off in September. I am still looking for a job. I am sure that the fact that I live in the armpit of the world doesn't help.

Can anyone give me any leads for any jobs or GOOD recruiters in Mississippi? I have 2 years of capital equipment experience, but was laid off in September. I am still looking for a job. I am sure that the fact that I live in the armpit of the world doesn't help.

May be good that you live in a rural state it's harder to find reps. Can"t help with recruiters in MS but I'm on medreps,gorilla sales and you should be able to get something out of of those sites. I have the same background and it's helped me find jobs for sure.

I received a call from Christa Belardi (Belardi and Associates) out of Scottsdale, AZ. Anyone ever heard of her? I sent her the basic info. Resume... did the 3 page question/answer thing..etc. She called me a couple of times saying that I came to her "highly recommended" but she wouldn't say by whom. Then she posted a form letter notifying me that the regional manger was going with a candidate that had worked for the company before. Company was Strativa. Thanks for wasting my time, Christa! Hope you read this and have a pleasant day......

Thanks for your references; that's really all I wanted anyway. Make it a great day =)

I received a call from Christa Belardi (Belardi and Associates) out of Scottsdale, AZ. Anyone ever heard of her? I sent her the basic info. Resume... did the 3 page question/answer thing..etc. She called me a couple of times saying that I came to her "highly recommended" but she wouldn't say by whom. Then she posted a form letter notifying me that the regional manger was going with a candidate that had worked for the company before. Company was Strativa. Thanks for wasting my time, Christa! Hope you read this and have a pleasant day......

Being a medical rep for 12 years and a recruiter for 10 years, I understand frustration with recruiters. I also have a tough time finding good recruiters that will work with me on a job split.

There are many good recruiters and just as many bad ones. Some already mentioned in this thread. You just have to keep pounding away and use us for the job openings that we have. As stated earlier, I can get you an interview and prep you for it, but you still have to perform.

As for returning calls, I can't return every call I get. Sorry. If you are a fit for the job, I will call. If you interview and want to know where you stand, I will return a call. But, I can't return a call to every candidate that submits a resume. I need to spend time with the candidates that are qualified for the opening.

Again, there are a lot of good people out here and in this economy, you need to be patient.

I have a new email if anyone would like to send a resume.

Good Luck,

Troy Radmer
Premier Sales Recruiting