Device Recruiters for the East Coast please

I would beg to differ. He helped me get placed with one of the largest Spine and Trauma Companies in the world. I think the mistake people make is in thinking that the recruiter is supposed to land you the job. They get you the face time, and if you can't pull your own weight, thats on you.

Jack Sells is the most unethical person alive...Everything he tells you is a lie from compensation to "how to nail the interview" he mostly works with Stryker which is the worst medical company out there.

Run from Jack and do not return his calls...

Steer clear of Kristen Grant with Apple Assoc. Pumps you up and then never gets back to you.

My exact experience with this piece of work as well...twice. Just an unprofessional looser meat pedaling scumbag recruiter. Now that I am on the other side recruiting employees, I don't allow any in company to use her or her staff and I automatically deny any recruits sent to us by her. What goes around...comes around.

I have been placed in two medical sales positions thru Marc Cooper since 2000 and have a good relationship with him. As with all recruiters, they depend on a qualified candidate who is hungry and an effective interviewer.
Marc is on his game and does have relationships; However, he is hard to pin down and will call you if he knows you and has a good lead for a position that you are seeking. Overall, I was working in the pharmaceutical arena as a hospital rep and was able to parlay into medical sales with Marc's guidance 8 years ago. Today, I continue to make 2-3 times what I made in Pharma. I Hope this helps. Jim in Ohio

I have been placed by Marc Copper 3 times over the past 15 years. Checks in throughout the year to make sure things are going well and see where I stand. Never had any issues with him, solid stand up guy and tries to find the best fit. The guy does his research on his candidates as well, so if he doesn't get back to you he found something he didn't like. Has a good reputation amongst the companies that he places for as they know if he recommends someone, more than likely they are capable of doing the job.

Re: Device Recruiters

Celeste Sollars and her sister are a piece of work. Never return calls or emails... If they contact you... Run the other way

LOL. Exact same thing to me with her as well as a couple of others a year or more back. Can't believe she is still in the game. Worthless and a waste of your time.

Re: Device Recruiters

LOL. Exact same thing to me with her as well as a couple of others a year or more back. Can't believe she is still in the game. Worthless and a waste of your time.

I contacted her a few weeks ago about an opportunity on Medreps. The ad was only a few days old but she said all interviews had already been filled. Right.

I would avoid all recruiters unless you already have device experience. If you are looking to enter medical sales the best site I've found period is a free one called:

I've been using this site over the last few days. It has more than 1,500 jobs, almost all devices and NO recruiters on the site. Each position lists the hiring company, job description and requirements along with a direct link to apply direclty with the company eliminating the typical recruiter.

Re: Device Recruiters

I contacted her a few weeks ago about an opportunity on Medreps. The ad was only a few days old but she said all interviews had already been filled. Right.

Lol...heard the same thing. She heavily recruits for Covidien and got wind of the opportunity so I contacted the manager directly and interviewed. Money was weak, really thought they would pay more bu then I read the link on here for Covidien.

Better off where I am at.

Get in touch with Sheryl Quinn of "Leaders" she is excellent!

If interested in dental, stay away from Dental Recruiters: Mina and Kelsey Edeline... They will PUMP you up and then NEVER respond to calls/emails after they have your info!!

Dan Kerr for Pharmaceutical positions is good as well (very honest, if he says you are a good candidate he will def get you an interview)
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Re: Device Recruiters for the West Coast please

Thanks MIKE for your nice comments about yourself.

That's a funny! What's even funnier is that the name of my firm is M. J. Moore & Associates, Inc. I am pretty sure if I was so gonna post an anonymous comment about my self, recommending people to my services....I would have been sure to get the name right, and not call my firm "Mike Moore & Associates" :)