Dermatology Expansion

Will be interesting to see. Safety is a big concern with compounded topical jaks and it is not a commonly compounded drug. What do compounding pharmacies charge anyway?

yes, I asked three of my key current targets in my territory about this drug during my research phase, to see if this was really an opportunity I wanted to pursue. They all said the same, “not much need for said product, can already be compounded, safety issues” etc. It’s funny because the DM tried to sell me on the opportunity based on the fact that the topical JAK had ZERO safety concerns!!! This was after said “DM” (who looked 14) asked me “what my secret sauce” was in an interview. You’ve got to be kidding!? I happily declined the offer! Wasn’t for me! I wish everyone luck!

yes, I asked three of my key current targets in my territory about this drug during my research phase, to see if this was really an opportunity I wanted to pursue. They all said the same, “not much need for said product, can already be compounded, safety issues” etc. It’s funny because the DM tried to sell me on the opportunity based on the fact that the topical JAK had ZERO safety concerns!!! This was after said “DM” (who looked 14) asked me “what my secret sauce” was in an interview. You’ve got to be kidding!? I happily declined the offer! Wasn’t for me! I wish everyone luck!

your research sucks. Your key targets are idiots too.

yes, I asked three of my key current targets in my territory about this drug during my research phase, to see if this was really an opportunity I wanted to pursue. They all said the same, “not much need for said product, can already be compounded, safety issues” etc. It’s funny because the DM tried to sell me on the opportunity based on the fact that the topical JAK had ZERO safety concerns!!! This was after said “DM” (who looked 14) asked me “what my secret sauce” was in an interview. You’ve got to be kidding!? I happily declined the offer! Wasn’t for me! I wish everyone luck!

did you bother looking at clinical trial data during your “research” phase? Yeah some docs won’t be excited about this or any product but it has its place.

Oh right ask any derm if they believe that it’s the first of its kind and let me know how badly you get laughed at Homer!

It’s not the first AD cream if that’s what you mean. Clear why you didn’t get or take the job. No understanding of product or market. Do you let doctors tell you about your own product when you are in offices and accept their word as gold every time? Or do you actually sell and teach docs about what you have regardless of their preconceived notions? People who accepted this job believe and know there is a reason this product will be beneficial to patients. Data shows this is a good treatment for AD. The efficacy will speak for itself once it’s out.

It’s not the first AD cream if that’s what you mean. Clear why you didn’t get or take the job. No understanding of product or market. Do you let doctors tell you about your own product when you are in offices and accept their word as gold every time? Or do you actually sell and teach docs about what you have regardless of their preconceived notions? People who accepted this job believe and know there is a reason this product will be beneficial to patients. Data shows this is a good treatment for AD. The efficacy will speak for itself once it’s out.

Save the canned company infomercial Homer. You don’t sell or teach anything son. Now wake up to reality.

I rarely post on these boards. People can be rough! I wish the best for anyone. But firsthand I have seen the debacle this launch has started out as from co-workers have applied. Total mass head-hunter confusion with lack of professionalism with DM's and for some reason the obsession with hiring from only other specific dermatology companies. People getting rejection letters for territories they didn't even apply for. Just looks from the sidelines like complete disorganization. As for people complaining about salary, pretty generous for a one product bag that pays for your benefits. But....leaving a bad taste in some minds for complete lack of having their dermatology act together for such a large company! Good luck all!

I rarely post on these boards. People can be rough! I wish the best for anyone. But firsthand I have seen the debacle this launch has started out as from co-workers have applied. Total mass head-hunter confusion with lack of professionalism with DM's and for some reason the obsession with hiring from only other specific dermatology companies. People getting rejection letters for territories they didn't even apply for. Just looks from the sidelines like complete disorganization. As for people complaining about salary, pretty generous for a one product bag that pays for your benefits. But....leaving a bad taste in some minds for complete lack of having their dermatology act together for such a large company! Good luck all!
I agree, it is a clown fest in here already. You guys, I hope all the best.

I rarely post on these boards. People can be rough! I wish the best for anyone. But firsthand I have seen the debacle this launch has started out as from co-workers have applied. Total mass head-hunter confusion with lack of professionalism with DM's and for some reason the obsession with hiring from only other specific dermatology companies. People getting rejection letters for territories they didn't even apply for. Just looks from the sidelines like complete disorganization. As for people complaining about salary, pretty generous for a one product bag that pays for your benefits. But....leaving a bad taste in some minds for complete lack of having their dermatology act together for such a large company! Good luck all!

recruiting was handled by syneos not Incyte. DMs saw many of their former reps apply, so naturally people from those companies had a leg up. Wouldn’t call that obsession with certain dermatology companies. All of what you mentioned has nothing to do with the actual launch. From what I have experienced thus far Incyte is highly organized. One thing I do agree on his people complaining about pay because it isn’t bad at all for a one product bag.

Not completely correct. Syneos was in constant communication with newly hired DM's. There was still mass confusion. 1 rep got a rejection letter from 3 spots she didn't even apply for and not any letter for the one she actually did. They seem to want some sort of massive injectable experience to sell against their cream. My dermatologists find it all amusing. And for the NY area, they didn't even have a DM so someone from another district had to do all those interviews. D- rating.......Sorry....