Dermatology Expansion

Amgen would have been smart to have adopted Ron's formula, but he was doomed from the start. When you have a faker like JW feeding Helen constant BS, it's hard to overcome. She didn't know a thing. Murdo moved her, but it was too late. The INBU culture will swallow any performers and turn them into lobotomized drones. When it was clear he wouldn't make it, I starting looking.

I too came over here and at least I have a Celgene manager, albeit not one of the brightest or hardest working. I worry about my decision. Probably should have gone with Castle.

Enough sound like an asshole.

Amgen would have been smart to have adopted Ron's formula, but he was doomed from the start. When you have a faker like JW feeding Helen constant BS, it's hard to overcome. She didn't know a thing. Murdo moved her, but it was too late. The INBU culture will swallow any performers and turn them into lobotomized drones. When it was clear he wouldn't make it, I starting looking.

I too came over here and at least I have a Celgene manager, albeit not one of the brightest or hardest working. I worry about my decision. Probably should have gone with Castle.
dumb ass whining celgene rep

Amgen would have been smart to have adopted Ron's formula, but he was doomed from the start. When you have a faker like JW feeding Helen constant BS, it's hard to overcome. She didn't know a thing. Murdo moved her, but it was too late. The INBU culture will swallow any performers and turn them into lobotomized drones. When it was clear he wouldn't make it, I starting looking.

I too came over here and at least I have a Celgene manager, albeit not one of the brightest or hardest working. I worry about my decision. Probably should have gone with Castle.

I tried for castle but had to settle for here. Seemed liked a great company and people

The silliest part is our colleagues who feel the need to jump on LinkedIn with comments on their own posts about "how excited they are to be part of such a great company" and other nonsense.

Look, we get it. You left, took a total compensation cut (you should have looked at 401k match, vacation, RMSA, etc) and you are bitter that Celgene no longer exists. True, Amgen sucks. But just leave the childish comments off Linkedin.

We need to explode coming out of launch to have a chance at sustaining this much headcount with a topical.

The silliest part is our colleagues who feel the need to jump on LinkedIn with comments on their own posts about "how excited they are to be part of such a great company" and other nonsense.

Look, we get it. You left, took a total compensation cut (you should have looked at 401k match, vacation, RMSA, etc) and you are bitter that Celgene no longer exists. True, Amgen sucks. But just leave the childish comments off Linkedin.

We need to explode coming out of launch to have a chance at sustaining this much headcount with a topical.

Imo we went way too deep with former celgene/Amgen employees

The silliest part is our colleagues who feel the need to jump on LinkedIn with comments on their own posts about "how excited they are to be part of such a great company" and other nonsense.

Look, we get it. You left, took a total compensation cut (you should have looked at 401k match, vacation, RMSA, etc) and you are bitter that Celgene no longer exists. True, Amgen sucks. But just leave the childish comments off Linkedin.

We need to explode coming out of launch to have a chance at sustaining this much headcount with a topical.

Yeah Kellee.
And this time let’s not get shit faced at the NSMs mmmmmmk??

I hope this division crashes and burns. Most unprofessional bunch of people I have ever experienced in 25 plus years of pharma. Rejecting people for positions they didn't apply for. Most confused recruiters known in the business, who had no clue what they were doing. And how they brought over all their Celgene people as if it anyone else had a chance. I don't say this stuff lightly either.

I hope this division crashes and burns. Most unprofessional bunch of people I have ever experienced in 25 plus years of pharma. Rejecting people for positions they didn't apply for. Most confused recruiters known in the business, who had no clue what they were doing. And how they brought over all their Celgene people as if it anyone else had a chance. I don't say this stuff lightly either.
25 plus years of mediocrity is impressive

I hope this division crashes and burns. Most unprofessional bunch of people I have ever experienced in 25 plus years of pharma. Rejecting people for positions they didn't apply for. Most confused recruiters known in the business, who had no clue what they were doing. And how they brought over all their Celgene people as if it anyone else had a chance. I don't say this stuff lightly either.

If you have 25 years in and you couldn't land this topical level job, you must be a big Pharma goon-robot. Get this through your thick, role playing skull - we don't want big Pharma types. They are fine for Amgen, Merck and JNJ but we don't want people who know how to play the activity game. We wanted, went out a got, people who will go to work with a minimum of supervision, who will try to max out the incentive game by selling a topical. Won't be easy. Only the movers will make money.

Glad you whiffed. 25 years. Pitiful.

Go do a teleconference or mail in a lunch. Perhaps write a memo or do an inclusion class and post it on your LinkedIn. Loser.

I hope this division crashes and burns. Most unprofessional bunch of people I have ever experienced in 25 plus years of pharma. Rejecting people for positions they didn't apply for. Most confused recruiters known in the business, who had no clue what they were doing. And how they brought over all their Celgene people as if it anyone else had a chance. I don't say this stuff lightly either.

I hope this division crashes and burns. Most unprofessional bunch of people I have ever experienced in 25 plus years of pharma. Rejecting people for positions they didn't apply for. Most confused recruiters known in the business, who had no clue what they were doing. And how they brought over all their Celgene people as if it anyone else had a chance. I don't say this stuff lightly either.

Wow, you might want to seek out some counseling for your ‘issues.’ To wish the downfall on a group of people you sought to be included with sounds pretty dark. Part of your problem may be your inner logic in that you feel experience equates to skills and career success. You weren’t a good fit…move along and exude goodwill. Karma will pay you back in the long run.

I do agree that this place hired way too many former Celgene/Amgen folks in sales. They seem to have lofty expectations and act like they own the place. Hopefully, humility will kick in when they realize this is a different product in a different disease state.