D and I call today

Thank you for your valiant efforts reading a PI to someone with three times your education.

They couldn't have done it without you.

Yes, the business does require we sell within certain parameters but those are the rules. When you sell/service/ between 30-100MM in revenue it's wise to treat people well. BTY, many people in the field have graduate degrees(some Ivy league). What's your excuse excuse for the bitterness? Don't blame others bc you have to sit in your windowless cubicle for 8-12 hours a day.

I'm like many GNE employees.... I stop by here about 2x a year when things are changing or getting hot. This is my first ever post, after over 15 years with DNA and 23 total years in the biopharm industry. I'm not here to get all smacky and snarky. I want to be serious. Tonight was indoctrination to Critical Race Theory, based on lies, ignorance, division, and hatred. This same curriculum is being added to our high schools and elementary schools.... the skin color of people is what defines them. Embarrassing, hurtful, and extremely divisive. It's also a violation of the Civil Rights Act, even the Constitution. Perhaps after this one-hour seminar, it is time to assemble legal help.

This presentation was infuriating. As a proud white Christian male and veteran, who has never treated anyone with disrespect, I have never felt more unwelcome in an organization. I used to absolutely love this company.... it has done so much for me and my family. In fact, we WERE A GREAT GNE family! Now think back to Art back in charge.... could he even fathom what was presented to us tonight? I'm assuming it's SF values, and surely this crap plays well out there in their social circles, but it does nothing but infuriate good, hard-working, non-judgmental employees.... OF ALL COLORS AND RACES.

I've worked hard to get here. Volunteered for the Army to serve alongside my black and asian and hispanic brothers to preserve our amazing freedom. We are friends for life. We didn't care what color someone's skin was. We had better things to worry about...working, and trusting, each other to accomplish missions as a team.

I've never owned a slave , my family tree has never owned a slave, or could even imagine the christian horror of doing so. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY. I am your friend. I fully understand the horror of slavery hundreds of years ago, and take pride that we fixed this gross wrong to make all Americans equal, which we all are in the eyes of God.

All this talk of unity is starting to sound more like submission.... you are with us, or you are a racist white supremacist. A full one hour of white guilt with Quita giggling along. I cannot honestly believe our GNE has turned into this. It was divisive, offensive, and filled with nothing but hate. Man, our once best-in-class culture, the envy of an entire industry, is being destroyed. I hate to name names, but I kinda feel like putting this on Quita, who is probably a great person who I would really enjoy talking to. But she's outta control, and you have to wonder how much influence she is having on Alexander. Does he really feel this way, or is he a yes-man to Quita? I respectfully believe Quita is the real problem, and that Alexander is just playing along to be "accepted" in the SF World. Just a thought.

I love you all, my coworkers and former DNA employees, and I only judge people on one thing, as I teach my kids - Are they a good person or a bad person"? We don't care what someone looks like.

This ideology is destined to destroy one of the greatest organizations ever created. A place where everyone used to be welcome. Alexander and Quita are destroying that, all by themselves.

I hope my first ever post was ok, and I hope I don't canned bc of it, but it felt good to get this out. This amazing company is apparently committed to dividing us in 2.

Love my DNAers, and hope you and your fams (whatever your skin color is) are healthy and safe. God Bless!

You ALL are eating each other alive! So sad to read what Genentech culture has become. I worked there for two decades. Used to be “In the Business of Life”, now there seems to be a total lack of ANY human empathy from what I read....just hate speech being slung back and forth. Embarrassing to read!

The same here. Honestly, these were the same rants spewed in 2012 when DNA was bought by Roche and had a diversity call. It was the same sentiment as there is now, but no one said these things out loud.
I recommend reading the book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo.

white fragility

  1. discomfort and defensiveness on the part of a white person when confronted by information about racial inequality and injustice.
    "her indignant reaction comes off as the quintessential combination of white fragility and white privilege"

Definitions from Oxford Languages

The same here. Honestly, these were the same rants spewed in 2012 when DNA was bought by Roche and had a diversity call. It was the same sentiment as there is now, but no one said these things out loud.
I recommend reading the book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo.

white fragility

  1. discomfort and defensiveness on the part of a white person when confronted by information about racial inequality and injustice.
    "her indignant reaction comes off as the quintessential combination of white fragility and white privilege"

Your white guilt is your burden, not mine

Definitions from Oxford Languages

The same here. Honestly, these were the same rants spewed in 2012 when DNA was bought by Roche and had a diversity call. It was the same sentiment as there is now, but no one said these things out loud.
I recommend reading the book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo.

white fragility

  1. discomfort and defensiveness on the part of a white person when confronted by information about racial inequality and injustice.
    "her indignant reaction comes off as the quintessential combination of white fragility and white privilege"
I couldn't agree more. I spend most of my days wringing my hands and feeling guilty for being white. It has gotten so bad that my therapist thinks I need to move to the inner city and learn ebonics

Definitions from Oxford Languages

Let me guess..you also call your coworkers “friends” and one big family. I’m 99.99% sure that guy was not friends outside of the battlefield with those brothers. Only professionally where they had a job to do and that’s protect each other. Just a business relationship.

Are you insinuating different races cannot be friends? What kind of person are you? You are sick.

Most people at Genentech are good people. They embrace true diversity.

Q and others are not good people. They are hateful, divisive, and spew hate speech directed at White People. Q and those of her ilk need to be terminated to remove this toxic bad apple from the bunch.

Most people at Genentech are good people. They embrace true diversity.

Q and others are not good people. They are hateful, divisive, and spew hate speech directed at White People. Q and those of her ilk need to be terminated to remove this toxic bad apple from the bunch.

I am no fan of Q. But the points about racial inequality are legitimate. Stop searching for people who share your pov and think. Explore. Research. The truth is, people like you don’t seek truth or to inderatand or improve your workplace or the world. You are in it for you and that’s ok I guess, but just say that.

please share any facts about what Q or Mr.Coates said that is inaccurate or hateful. I”ll wait. It may seem divisive to you because the truth hurts. Try being an adult. Try growing instead of griping.

I am no fan of Q. But the points about racial inequality are legitimate. Stop searching for people who share your pov and think. Explore. Research. The truth is, people like you don’t seek truth or to inderatand or improve your workplace or the world. You are in it for you and that’s ok I guess, but just say that.

please share any facts about what Q or Mr.Coates said that is inaccurate or hateful. I”ll wait. It may seem divisive to you because the truth hurts. Try being an adult. Try growing instead of griping.

I wish I were as smart as you, you seem to know everything. Thank you so much for this advice. You should be a life coach. btw- anybody that says, "I'll wait" is a douche bag.

The same here. Honestly, these were the same rants spewed in 2012 when DNA was bought by Roche and had a diversity call. It was the same sentiment as there is now, but no one said these things out loud.
I recommend reading the book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo.

white fragility

  1. discomfort and defensiveness on the part of a white person when confronted by information about racial inequality and injustice.
    "her indignant reaction comes off as the quintessential combination of white fragility and white privilege"

Definitions from Oxford Languages

Crappy book.

What an embarrassment how can leadership allow the bashing of their own people who have different political beliefs than those on this call? This is a great example of exclusion and reverse racism. Hopefully this will be addressed.

Not only about D&I but also getting rid of Equal opportunity and implementing Equal outcomes.

Equal opportunity is about giving people with similar experience and success an ability to compete with each other for a position. Regardless of color, race etc....

Equal outcome is about making sure there are equal or similar number of people based on color, race, sexual orientation etc. This is the death spiral of a business. It's more about optics rather than talent or abilities of the individuals. Equal outcomes is racist because it presents that an individual cannot achieve a position based on color, race etc and has to be given the position, regardless of talent, experience, success or abilities. This sets the individual and the company up for destruction, losses and financial ruin.

Unfortunately Genentech has succumb to this ideology. Sad but true these are the times we are in. It has nothing to do with putting patients first or a mindset. Just an agenda that leads to complete failure. The fact that there is a National Director of Diversity and Inclusion being paid to promote a culture of victimhood, racism, and stereotyping rather than hard work and accomplishment is a joke.

If I recall correctly a loss of 8% of the business last year translates to 1 billion 600 million dollars. This is only the beginning and a shit ton of money..

Mark my words.

Not only about D&I but also getting rid of Equal opportunity and implementing Equal outcomes.

Equal opportunity is about giving people with similar experience and success an ability to compete with each other for a position. Regardless of color, race etc....

Equal outcome is about making sure there are equal or similar number of people based on color, race, sexual orientation etc. This is the death spiral of a business. It's more about optics rather than talent or abilities of the individuals. Equal outcomes is racist because it presents that an individual cannot achieve a position based on color, race etc and has to be given the position, regardless of talent, experience, success or abilities. This sets the individual and the company up for destruction, losses and financial ruin.

Unfortunately Genentech has succumb to this ideology. Sad but true these are the times we are in. It has nothing to do with putting patients first or a mindset. Just an agenda that leads to complete failure. The fact that there is a National Director of Diversity and Inclusion being paid to promote a culture of victimhood, racism, and stereotyping rather than hard work and accomplishment is a joke.

If I recall correctly a loss of 8% of the business last year translates to 1 billion 600 million dollars. This is only the beginning and a shit ton of money..

Mark my words.

When Bob, Jim, and Larry aka the White Boy Posse do the hiring and determine who is qualified and who is not, then actions like this must take place. Racism is so ingrained in these white boys everyday life that when they get called out on BS like we hire the most qualified and it ends up White 99% of the time. Race decides who gets hired. A simple “we fucked up” isn’t going to cut it. Action..Fix it! Repair (reparations) it.

Just look at all the group heads, VPs, LTs. Mostly white and mostly male, especially the scientists and physicians. Hypocrites

When Bob, Jim, and Larry aka the White Boy Posse do the hiring and determine who is qualified and who is not, then actions like this must take place. Racism is so ingrained in these white boys everyday life that when they get called out on BS like we hire the most qualified and it ends up White 99% of the time. Race decides who gets hired. A simple “we fucked up” isn’t going to cut it. Action..Fix it! Repair (reparations) it.

Come on people, get real. I'm all for equality but when the American population is about 7% Asian, 13% Black, and 80% White what do you expect? That's why the first two are called minorities. If you want to live in a Black or Asian majority country you'll need to emigrate to one. Stop whining and accept the facts. That doesn't mean minorities shouldn't be considered for leadership positions in companies, research, etc. but how many even apply let alone, (like most of us), possess the qualificaitons? If you want equality advance your skills and climb the corporate ladder. Companies are begging for qualified minority leaders. Sick of this asinine victim narrative.