This is the issue at hand. If you don't agree then you're part of the problem, even called a racist. As you mentioned yes skin color is obvious when you see or meet someone BUT to say you know what someone thinks of someone based on color is nuckin futs!! That itself is racist because the definition of racism is thinking down upon other people you believe to be lower than yourself. If you look at American history approximately 3.22% of 15 slave states owned slaves. To blame or hold 96.78% of the rest of the white people in the 15 slave states is cra-cra! Then to blame of hold 100% of all the white non slave owners in the 18 non slave states is again nuckin futs! Then you look at the increase of US population in the late 1800s to early 1900s. The population sky rocketed. You can't blame or cast dispersions on large population of people who are a different color than you when they were never involved. What happened was wrong. We have moved so far away from all this crap and dividing each other solely based on color is wrong in 2021.
America is Browning. Get used to it. Little Johnny won’t have the referees, and a home court advantage when he interviews. I can’t wait.