D and I call today

This is the issue at hand. If you don't agree then you're part of the problem, even called a racist. As you mentioned yes skin color is obvious when you see or meet someone BUT to say you know what someone thinks of someone based on color is nuckin futs!! That itself is racist because the definition of racism is thinking down upon other people you believe to be lower than yourself. If you look at American history approximately 3.22% of 15 slave states owned slaves. To blame or hold 96.78% of the rest of the white people in the 15 slave states is cra-cra! Then to blame of hold 100% of all the white non slave owners in the 18 non slave states is again nuckin futs! Then you look at the increase of US population in the late 1800s to early 1900s. The population sky rocketed. You can't blame or cast dispersions on large population of people who are a different color than you when they were never involved. What happened was wrong. We have moved so far away from all this crap and dividing each other solely based on color is wrong in 2021.

America is Browning. Get used to it. Little Johnny won’t have the referees, and a home court advantage when he interviews. I can’t wait.

From Johnny,
I don’t see color when I look at my colleagues. No one worth hiring is afraid of competition or losing a job interview. No matter what color you are in life, you’re going to get knocked down. Either get up and keep competing or you get up complaining that you were wronged. If you are the coach honestly who are you going to start for the next game?

PS American the last 250 years has righted more wrongs that it’s created then any other country. In a quarter of the time we have surpassed every country because opportunity and innovation. It’s not a pretty process.

But his failure isn’t his fault. What’s he going to blame now, himself? Imagine that, his type taking personal responsibility for their actions/failures - I can’t wait!

Keep that same energy when you walk into a room of hiring managers made up of Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics. I suggest not to waste your time or Little Bob’s. Rejection email. #neverforget

I think we need to thank all the “white boys” that formed the greatest Country on Earth. Because of these white boys, we all live in a free Country, where those of any ethnicity, race, or creed can whine, bitch, and moan about their respective failures. White boys died so you could be free. White boys died so you could disguise your hate speech as D&I. White boys died so you could sleep with whomever you want, or cut off your penis. Many of us white boys are getting tired of all you losers crying about how unfair life is, yet you are the richest people on Earth. My advice, shut the fck up, go to work and make a great living, love your family and friends, and reject the D&I hate speech and enjoy living in a free Country.

....The white boys also colonized other countries, enslaved people against their will, put their own citizens born in their country in internment camps because of their ethnicity, and imposed laws that effectively discriminated against people who don't look like them.
Did you happen to miss that part in history class? Maybe you white boys can stop being butthurt snowflakes, untwist your panties and put on some big boy pants, and actually listen to the conversation and learn some history.
What a moron.

You’re not a fit Little Jimmy. Don’t call us, we’ll call you. Counting the days

Going forward there will be fewer jobs as roll expand. Pharma will become more selective. Relationships, results, education and the willingness to "do more" will dictate who gets in or moves up. I see less subjectivity in the long run.

....The white boys also colonized other countries, enslaved people against their will, put their own citizens born in their country in internment camps because of their ethnicity, and imposed laws that effectively discriminated against people who don't look like them.
Did you happen to miss that part in history class? Maybe you white boys can stop being butthurt snowflakes, untwist your panties and put on some big boy pants, and actually listen to the conversation and learn some history.
What a moron.

It's mostly the British colonized other countries. If you go back far enough most groups of people have been conquered by others which is no less important.

It's mostly the British colonized other countries. If you go back far enough most groups of people have been conquered by others which is no less important.

And the British created the colonies in America from which cotton and tobacco farms grew, which led to the institutionalized slavery needed to harvest these crops.

Honestly, some of you folks are just a bunch of racists who don't think you're racists but operate under the guise of 'equality for ALL colors'. Everything is fine and dandy when non-whites do their jobs and keep their heads down. However, when any minority group starts speaking out about anything from microagressions in the workforce to the systemic injustice in society, you people get your panties in a twist. Calm the f down, no one's trying to take your place in society.

I just wish that Black Slave Hunters/Traders didn’t kidnap blacks in Africa to sell to slave traders in America. Interesting we never discuss the sins of the Blacks?

Then again none of it has any relevance today other than to use as an excuse for failing.

....The white boys also colonized other countries, enslaved people against their will, put their own citizens born in their country in internment camps because of their ethnicity, and imposed laws that effectively discriminated against people who don't look like them.
Did you happen to miss that part in history class? Maybe you white boys can stop being butthurt snowflakes, untwist your panties and put on some big boy pants, and actually listen to the conversation and learn some history.
What a moron.