D and I call today

What an embarrassment how can leadership allow the bashing of their own people who have different political beliefs than those on this call? This is a great example of exclusion and reverse racism. Hopefully this will be addressed.

Not only about D&I but also getting rid of Equal opportunity and implementing Equal outcomes.

Equal opportunity is about giving people with similar experience and success an ability to compete with each other for a position. Regardless of color, race etc....

Equal outcome is about making sure there are equal or similar number of people based on color, race, sexual orientation etc. This is the death spiral of a business. It's more about optics rather than talent or abilities of the individuals. Equal outcomes is racist because it presents that an individual cannot achieve a position based on color, race etc and has to be given the position, regardless of talent, experience, success or abilities. This sets the individual and the company up for destruction, losses and financial ruin.

Unfortunately Genentech has succumb to this ideology. Sad but true these are the times we are in. It has nothing to do with putting patients first or a mindset. Just an agenda that leads to complete failure. The fact that there is a National Director of Diversity and Inclusion being paid to promote a culture of victimhood, racism, and stereotyping rather than hard work and accomplishment is a joke.

If I recall correctly a loss of 8% of the business last year translates to 1 billion 600 million dollars. This is only the beginning and a shit ton of money..

Mark my words.

You snowflakes need to simmer down. If what he said didn’t apply to you, move on. If it did, take a good long look at yourself.

From most of your comments here I’m assuming it’s the latter. You wouldn’t be triggered if there was no (maybe 5%, maybe 50%, maybe75%) truth to what he said with his broad whitewashing brush.

Has nothing to do with being triggered asshole. It's about being civil, respectful and a professional. Genentech is a sinking ship and its the mentality of people like you is dragging us to the ocean depths.

So sad. What happened? It was years in the making. The so called leaders quit minding the store long ago. The real problem is that there is no real leadership, to solve problems with sensible solutions. SMH.

Could he have said white supremacist any more times. We are owed an apology. That was a hate filled rant. I am sick, I may need time off......can you imagine if this was reversed and this was someone bashing liberals. That feed would have gone down so fast!

Funny.. If this were really the case AH should step down as his white privilege allowed him to acquire his position as well as all other privileged white people in leadership. Or they could at least show everyone how much of their personal finances they've contributed to movements such as BLM and LGBTQ organizations... Phony hypocrites. All of them in leadership completely full of self righteous bs.

So sad. What happened? It was years in the making. The so called leaders quit minding the store long ago. The real problem is that there is no real leadership, to solve problems with sensible solutions. SMH.

All real leaders, front line and senior, are gone. What we have now are progressive activists, snakes and clowns. This company is in a downward spiral. Not even good products can save this sinking ship.

Fake Diversity. Who can tell if someone is Gay? Unless they act, you know, Gay. There’s no certificate offered by the government census that one is homosexual. So how is this alphabet group considered a minority like African Americans; Mexican American; Chinese American, etc? How when race relations hasn’t been solved? When white people put one minority group to another. They want Blacks to fight Asians. They want us to hate Latinos. Who benefits? Some Gay white guy sitting in the board room?

Fake Diversity. Who can tell if someone is Gay? Unless they act, you know, Gay. There’s no certificate offered by the government census that one is homosexual. So how is this alphabet group considered a minority like African Americans; Mexican American; Chinese American, etc? How when race relations hasn’t been solved? When white people put one minority group to another. They want Blacks to fight Asians. They want us to hate Latinos. Who benefits? Some Gay white guy sitting in the board room?

I see you started drinking early on St. Patty's day. WTF?

Fake Diversity. Who can tell if someone is Gay? Unless they act, you know, Gay. There’s no certificate offered by the government census that one is homosexual. So how is this alphabet group considered a minority like African Americans; Mexican American; Chinese American, etc? How when race relations hasn’t been solved? When white people put one minority group to another. They want Blacks to fight Asians. They want us to hate Latinos. Who benefits? Some Gay white guy sitting in the board room?

“China Virus”, “China flu”, “Illegal Immigrant”, “Cross the border”...these crazy YT boys hatred for y’all runs deep

Your color blind to think political elite are of every color or religion. The will pit anyone against each other to serve their interests or even throw their perceived on kind under the bus. This is about power and control.

Your color blind to think political elite are of every color or religion. The will pit anyone against each other to serve their interests or even throw their perceived on kind under the bus. This is about power and control.

Bullshite! Who’s shooting up synagogues, Schools, Movie Theaters, Asians, Churches etc! These dumb fuks don’t know the difference between Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese,..etc. they hear “China virus” “China flu”. It’s a damn shame. Pure evil

Fake Diversity. Who can tell if someone is Gay? Unless they act, you know, Gay. There’s no certificate offered by the government census that one is homosexual. So how is this alphabet group considered a minority like African Americans; Mexican American; Chinese American, etc? How when race relations hasn’t been solved? When white people put one minority group to another. They want Blacks to fight Asians. They want us to hate Latinos. Who benefits? Some Gay white guy sitting in the board room?

Fake diversity is FACT. Genentech is touts their cancer treating pills, yet Do Not have a smoke free campus. Very contradictory. Even hypocritical. Imagine that. People smoking cigarettes in front of the building. That’s a fake company serving patients with cancer.

I think we need to thank all the “white boys” that formed the greatest Country on Earth. Because of these white boys, we all live in a free Country, where those of any ethnicity, race, or creed can whine, bitch, and moan about their respective failures. White boys died so you could be free. White boys died so you could disguise your hate speech as D&I. White boys died so you could sleep with whomever you want, or cut off your penis. Many of us white boys are getting tired of all you losers crying about how unfair life is, yet you are the richest people on Earth. My advice, shut the fck up, go to work and make a great living, love your family and friends, and reject the D&I hate speech and enjoy living in a free Country.

You snowflakes need to simmer down. If what he said didn’t apply to you, move on. If it did, take a good long look at yourself.

From most of your comments here I’m assuming it’s the latter. You wouldn’t be triggered if there was no (maybe 5%, maybe 50%, maybe75%) truth to what he said with his broad whitewashing brush.

Listen Linda. Look at Genentech's financials following the ecosystem and mindset bullshit facade. It was all about equal outcomes not equal opportunity to the detriment of Genentech's reputation, science, products, best reps and most of all the patients we are supposedly putting first... All leadership cares about is being an industry leader in optics and PRIDE. They have failed and will continue driving Genentech in the ground. They have demoralized any rep worth their salt and allocated sub par lazy reps in the field collecting a paycheck and doing nothing to benefit our patients and company financials..

The whiteous indignation is palpable. “I never owned slaves?” Read a book, moron. I used to think you racists were intellectually dishonest. Silly me. You are just dumb. You can be from a family that did not own slaves and benefit from the GI Bill while black families who serve do not, turn a blind eye toward redlining which prevented minorities from building generational wealth, lose your mind because a black guy had the nerve to kneel during the anthem (but remain eerily quiet when black people are murdered by cops or Mexican kids are stripped from their parents arms). You can be outraged by looting without really caring about the REASON people looted. How can you be immune to what happens to your neighbor, both in life or death situations, and in the workplace here at Roche TODAy(not 400 years ago) and call yourself a Christian? What have you done to right the wrongs of the past AND present? Have you ever even asked a moderate person or color or two about their experiences? This is the only time 20 plus years you had a strong enough emotional response to post? You are not a good person. YOU are the problem.

This is the issue at hand. If you don't agree then you're part of the problem, even called a racist. As you mentioned yes skin color is obvious when you see or meet someone BUT to say you know what someone thinks of someone based on color is nuckin futs!! That itself is racist because the definition of racism is thinking down upon other people you believe to be lower than yourself. If you look at American history approximately 3.22% of 15 slave states owned slaves. To blame or hold 96.78% of the rest of the white people in the 15 slave states is cra-cra! Then to blame of hold 100% of all the white non slave owners in the 18 non slave states is again nuckin futs! Then you look at the increase of US population in the late 1800s to early 1900s. The population sky rocketed. You can't blame or cast dispersions on large population of people who are a different color than you when they were never involved. What happened was wrong. We have moved so far away from all this crap and dividing each other solely based on color is wrong in 2021.