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Covid vaccine still needed?

You have not answered this question: How can you tell your docs to trust what the FDA says about the med you're promoting while at the same time believing the FDA can't be trusted when it comes to CV19 vaccine? You can't. And no one should be ok with having a job that is at odds with their beliefs.

I don’t sell a drug with the key message “well, the FDA approved it, so it must be good.” That’s a pretty shitty sales message. Hopefully, you’re not banking on that one to drive your sales. Plus, I recognize that my drug isn’t for everyone and should never be forced on everyone under threat of financial punishment. Pretty easy to understand, right? My thoughts on whether or not I should get the Covid vaccine have no impact whatsoever on my ability to use clinical studies to sell the benefits of my product. Quit pretending that there is just “science” that exists with no debate and no discussion and no disagreement, and it’s all mandated by the FDA.

Regarding your mandatory vaccine comments, like I said in the part of my comments that you didn’t quote (and were apparently deleted by CP), this one was very, very different, and you know it. Never before in our history did we treat any vaccine the way we treated Covid. Quit acting like this is the way it’s always been.

Do you have kids? Are they allowed to go to school without required vaccines? The fact that there was pushback (at times successful) on vaccine requirements during the CV19 pandemics notwithstanding, vaccine "mandates" (a distinction without a difference) have been around for decades.

You started your comments claiming that people shouldn’t be able to work in this industry unless they view this issue exactly as you do.

You have not answered this question: How can you tell your docs to trust what the FDA says about the med you're promoting while at the same time believing the FDA can't be trusted when it comes to CV19 vaccine? You can't. And no one should be ok with having a job that is at odds with their beliefs.

And since then, you’ve gone on to state “facts” that aren’t even remotely true. [/QUOTE]

enumerate these for me please

Now, it’s time for you to go sell something and quit talking to your docs about vaccine mandates. You can still do that, right?[/QUOTE]

My performance against objective is very good, despite tremendous access/coverage challenges. Yours? And my post are submitted during non-work hours, I can't account for the time they actually get through the monitors and appear.[/QUOTE]

Well, one group is definitely on your side - The CP police. They’ve deleted every response I’ve posted for reasons completely unbeknownst to me. Oddly enough, they’ll allow you to respond to a post that they didn’t allow to be published. Very weird, but typical for this site.

Well, one group is definitely on your side - The CP police. They’ve deleted every response I’ve posted for reasons completely unbeknownst to me. Oddly enough, they’ll allow you to respond to a post that they didn’t allow to be published. Very weird, but typical for this site.[/QUOTE]

Maybe b/c I've not made any claims that are unsubstantiated.

So please answer my question:

How can you tell your docs to believe what the FDA says about your medication, while at the same time believing the FDA can't be trusted when it comes to CV19?

Well, one group is definitely on your side - The CP police. They’ve deleted every response I’ve posted for reasons completely unbeknownst to me. Oddly enough, they’ll allow you to respond to a post that they didn’t allow to be published. Very weird, but typical for this site.

Maybe b/c I've not made any claims that are unsubstantiated.

So please answer my question:

How can you tell your docs to believe what the FDA says about your medication, while at the same time believing the FDA can't be trusted when it comes to CV19?[/QUOTE]

Answered above.