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cosentyx Patient services liaison position info

Genentech is hiring MS clinical coordinators-apply for that job! I'm sure many of the Gilenya PSL's have applied

Ummmm, Gene doesn't want staff that supported an oral med for RRMS to educate for an IV med for PPMS

The Novartis manager may want some old pals, but no guarantee anyone will pass through the formula or a panel. Real pharma hates NVS

Ummmm, Gene doesn't want staff that supported an oral med for RRMS to educate for an IV med for PPMS

The Novartis manager may want some old pals, but no guarantee anyone will pass through the formula or a panel. Real pharma hates NVS

Totally agree
Can see why they'd want out, just don't see it happening
There are educators out there with years of MS experience across multiple specialty biologics. Cannot see a company like them wanting or needing anyone from gilenya

Totally agree
Can see why they'd want out, just don't see it happening
There are educators out there with years of MS experience across multiple specialty biologics. Cannot see a company like them wanting or needing anyone from gilenya

Expect a lot of bruised egos that lead to even worse attitudes in the msbu:(

Totally agree
Can see why they'd want out, just don't see it happening
There are educators out there with years of MS experience across multiple specialty biologics. Cannot see a company like them wanting or needing anyone from gilenya

That, and the other managers are internal. They won't be taking the new manager's old friends on as employees, they'll be hiring either the best, most experienced people or their own friends :cool:

Well hells bells I love this job
Not a single ss can verbalize my role because they have no idea what I do
The rules and job change every day, like the LT
What's not to love

Well hells bells I love this job
Not a single ss can verbalize my role because they have no idea what I do
The rules and job change every day, like the LT
What's not to love

Agree with all of the above
Reached out to an old friend across the country who didn't even get invited to the area pocket meeting and would add something like that to the list of blessings to count
Don't even need to think here, unless you care to ponder the absurdity of it all

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