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cosentyx Patient services liaison position info

Is there anyone that thinks this is a good idea or plans to stay here, supporting this many reps across this many dz states? Just curious what the volume of applicants will look like out there and if it will be a mass exodus or on a smaller scale

Not enough jobs out there for mass exodus immediately, but I suspect many will be gone by end of year. Well, at least legacies that had real leadership and know what has happened this year:(

Rumor is DR ALP is leaving does anyone know? She is only one who speaks up about this horrific program .
If she departs, we are all in worse shape then we are now: Whom ever close to her please share where she may go. Do we know if she will apply for an RD position or leaving ??
I need some guidance. She is the only one who cares about her people. Her team will surely follow her. Take me please take me please I have never felt so desperate
If anyone close to her, can I call her for advice, she can be intimidating if not in her circle. ????

Rumor is DR ALP is leaving does anyone know? She is only one who speaks up about this horrific program .
If she departs, we are all in worse shape then we are now: Whom ever close to her please share where she may go. Do we know if she will apply for an RD position or leaving ??
I need some guidance. She is the only one who cares about her people. Her team will surely follow her. Take me please take me please I have never felt so desperate
If anyone close to her, can I call her for advice, she can be intimidating if not in her circle. ????

She is actually quite lovely and approachable. She really does care about people and did care deeply for this program. Have not confirmed her departure but would also love to be taken anywhere she goes.

They ran right into a total shit show! The HUB sucks and should have been fired a year ago! NVS is losing more $ because of the HUB and it would have been a lot cheaper to cancel the contract with those fuck sticks...

NSLs out in droves
PSLs running for the hills
Heck, even crappy contract nurses have left for Genentech openings
Watch the demise of the program and send thanks to Jorie G
And the "leaders " that failed and ran

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