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cosentyx Patient services liaison position info

Every PSL in the place looking to leave

As evidenced by the number of people on yesterday's WebEx. Consider this:
Cstyx has 90 PSLs, plus NSLs, ALPs, and other assorted members of LT
Glyna has let's assume a PSL per state, plus all of the above
The total number of people in attendance to the mandatory event was 94
What does that tell you about how many have left?!?

And the new rd's want us out doing sales' jobs . Go into the field at least two days a week and hit six offices. We know you were hired to take care of the patients and that you literally babysit the hub all day, but go get some business, too.
Tell all your friends. There will be all kinds of openings here soon!


I am looking in to applying to the current opening for PSL (greater Chicago area). Does anyone have any good contacts? I am a nurse looking to move away from bedside and exploring jobs such as this. Thanks!


I am looking in to applying to the current opening for PSL (greater Chicago area). Does anyone have any good contacts? I am a nurse looking to move away from bedside and exploring jobs such as this. Thanks!

I also applied for the job. Been a bedside nurse for 10+ years. I got an email response back recently stating they had better candidates for the position.

I also applied for the job. Been a bedside nurse for 10+ years. I got an email response back recently stating they had better candidates for the position.
Be happy you dodged a bullet. Resignations every Friday weeks in a row.
2 more this week!! Worst leadership and vision I have seen in my career. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I prayed to be displaced and was not selected. Don’t waste anymore time hoping for this position.

Be happy you dodged a bullet. Resignations every Friday weeks in a row.
2 more this week!! Worst leadership and vision I have seen in my career. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I prayed to be displaced and was not selected. Don’t waste anymore time hoping for this position.

If it’s that bad why don’t you just forgo your overpaid salary and go back to wiping asses all day long?

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