Well... as you can see by now, we ARE not going to be in the field on 43/ Hell, 5/1 may be a stretch. If you were paying attention, at all, you would realize that the reaction by offices to reps like you was overwhelmingly negative. This is a delicate situation and a delicate time. It takes subtlety. You are about as subtle as a fart in a space suit. Get you head out of your ass. You are NOT front lines. You are NOT an office educator. Oh, you provide info and affect patient outcomes but you can be viewed as a: 1) Necessary evil. 2) A "Bringer of Snacks and Food" and the HCP's know they have to "sing for their supper" so they give you time (and you may very well get a good point across). 3) Absolutely superfluous to their daily practices. 4) A nuisance. 5) A target for the HCP's when they are angry. 6) A "Fixer" of annoying problems. So many other things... what you are NOT is theri little tin god and savior sweeping down from the heavens to solve all their problems.
The attitude and approach you are taking at this time (and if you are not the same baboon that sent in an illegal lunch to an office and claims to have spoken with the HCP for an hour about product, then you are cut from the same cloth) Is an attitude that is going to make us look like mercenary, callous, tone-deaf, idiots. What is called for right now is a soft touch. What is called for right now is deep empathy. What is called for right now is being a good boy/girl, sitting at home, working on your skill sets through training, doing a business plan... AND SITTING ON YOUR OBSESSIVE NEED TO GO TO PC. LEAVE THE DOCTORS ALONE RIGHT NOW, YOU IDIOT. IT IS AGGRESSIVE, YOUNG FOOLS LIKE YOURSELF THAT WILL RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF US.
Yes, ruin it. If anyone here thinks that our industry is coming out of this looking the same as it went in then you are a moron. The industry as a whole could come out looking great if we develop vaccines and treatments and choose to NOT profit on them. However, a couple of days ago, manufacturers and distributors took a beating from investment banks about not raising prices on critical drugs at this time. If we cave and raise prices or charge huge amounts for treatment then we will be seen as vultures, feasting on the rotting corpse of humanity. Now that is just us as a whole industry.
The business model of the F2F Rep call is never going to return to normal. YOU, I, WE, right now, have offices that have closed and will never reopen. We have large group practices that have closed their doors to reps and may NEVER reopen them to us again. You will have HCP's who will measure the worth of Reps. They will measure that against the time they lose everyday to us... and they will start to question our utility. WE will be under a microscope. The Reps that come out of this not too hurt will be the ones who took a light and emotionally mature approach. The ones who have solid relationships. The "honest brokers". The one's whose sole concern was the HCP's, their people and their families... NOT the one's who took precious time to "sell". If someone needs info in order to prescribe? Yes... that, THAT is value. Doing some kind of half assed "compare and contrast" will simply make you look like a mercenary, self-serving, opportunist. Your reputation will take a hit.
We have all heard about the letters and emails pouring into HDQTRS complaining about us taking advantage of this time and not being aware of how hard this is on the staff right now. How many of your offices we in that pile? Get your head out of your ass and do the right thing. You are NOT their savior. You are NOT necessary to them right now. This is NOT the time to sell. This is the time to show some sincerity so that, when all this is done and a survey goes out to all our offices, they say, "NVS is the company I want to work with".
Don't make me have to come back here and explain this again. We have one of the greatest careers known to man and you are about to pull the chain on the commode and flush it all away.