
This whole post is nothing but a lie!! NO doctor sees drug reps now with everything going on. You are a bullshitter! No doctor NEEDS a drug rep right now!
Your problem is an inflated ego! And you talked with him for an hour??? Really?.
So you are the “light in this time of darkness” dramatic...I suggest you swallow an anti-psychotic immediately!! Nuts!,,

I have numerous Dr.'s that is business as usual with reps.

Totally agree...give him your medical advice. Always remember: He can’t practice without you! Then comfort him, hold him in your arms and tell him: “Don’t worry, baby, I am here for you during this time of darkness. Never forget, that I, as a drug rep, am your bright beacon you can count on to give you the knowledge and support you need which I learned in two weeks of Novartis sales training to treat the most complex patients. Never forget, baby, you need me, you want me, and admit, please: You can’t live without me!”

That Dr will be eternally thankful to you! He will kiss your feet, drive you home, cook dinner for your pathetic soul, wash your dishes, and promise to read the entire label of your product without missing a letter. He will wipe your ass after you take a shit, drive home and tell his wife that he met his savior. He will leave her to be with you at all times and devote his life to you. The next day, he will write your product with both hands and feet, while praising the Lord to be so lucky to have put his full faith in your medical expertise and loving support.

All of us at Novartis are so proud of having a lecturing know-it-all jerk in our Salesforce. We will bow in front of you as we are just struck by the dipshit you are!

Fucking hilarious

I have numerous Dr.'s that is business as usual with reps.

You’re either in west vagina or East bum-f*** Alabama where the brains run in limited supply. You’re not in the Northeast, Northwest or any other densely populated area. Otherwise you’d be carted our of your offices based on poor decision making alone. I’m almost ashamed for responding to such stupidity, but really couldn’t help myself!

The majority of reps suck. I'm reaching out and adding value- being there for my customers. The response has been great. But they have always looked at me as a partner. Can't be said for the majority of reps. Sad. I did a lunch yesterday- paid for with points from my catering company. Talked to the Dr. for over an hour about what is going on and how this is going to affect his decisions to prescribe moving forward (I sell Cosentyx). With him its not because I was able to articulate our data in influenza and that inhibiting IL-17 is unlikely to have any effect on a patient with covid-19.

The majority of you are sitting at home doing nothing. And shame on you. Your Dr.'s need a light in this time of darkness. You can be that light or you can be your "normal" which wasn't much use to any Dr. to begin with.

I am so glad you are speaking up here. Any doctor who meets you is one lucky guy. Upon your arrival at the clinic, docs will stop immediately seeing patients, run out the exam room, roll out the red carpet themselves to meet you in the parking lot and carry your iPad, bagels, detail bag and new “scientific information” into the building while opening the doors for you and your entourage: Two attractive nurses putting a golden crown on your head, carrying you into the clinic while watching in total amazement your huge half inch erection! Of course, you are welcomed with irrational exuberance like Kim Jong Un of North Korea by an impatient audience of key opinion leaders from all over America who can’t wait on the latest study you have not read, but present: “Q.D. Dosing Results in Better Compliance than Q.I.D. Dosing”. Needless to say, after your 10 second televised presentation that you are reading from a tele-prompter you are rewarded with roaring applause and Clinical Directors from the area see the need to have you present in their closed clinics to their staff. The College of Osteopathic Physicians presents you with a special award: “Novartis’s Asshole of the Month”. You take it all in but look down upon two professors who don’t clap enthusiastically enough. Who do they think they are? Gonna have to find out what their problem is and tighten the thumb screws a bit!! The hot receptionist gives you her phone number and the key to her apartment! Everything you touch is gold and your visit is a huge success for all involved. When you get home, there is a message from Trump: He wants you to lead the fight against locusts in Africa with the help of the Corona virus. Of course, as a patriotic citizen you accept and meet Trump at a McDonald’s in Biloxi, Mississippi to discuss his orange tan and bone spurs.

You are THE man, don’t let anybody fool you. Medical offices can’t run without you! I don’t care what anybody says! Even Borat is proud of you.

Novartis reps: Look up to this guy as an example of the finest we have to offer.
Copy him whenever you can. This is what every hour of every day should look like IF you have the right attitude as a drug rep. Next year, he will be VP of sales, I personally guarantee it.

Each State is in a different place right now. Mine is under stay at home order. Dr. Offices have closed and are doing telemedicine, are laying staff off and def don’t want a rep in the office. Other states haven’t shut down yet to that extreme.

I am the creator of message #97 and #105. My apologies for some grammatical errors in both messages. Unfortunately, I caught them after I posted. English is my second language. I am from a central West-European country where citizens are known to be VERY outspoken and direct, we don't shy away from a verbal confrontation or calling a spade a spade which has created some very interesting scenarios at work over the years here in America, especially considering certain sensitivities and "political correctness". Hope you enjoyed the colorful descriptions in these posts, I just have a very vivid imagination. I am retired rep (34 years in the industry) now and due to the current situation, I have plenty of time at my hands avoiding contact with others. I post on many boards and enjoy a good verbal attack on me that will be addressed in kind! Good luck to you all.

WE (as in you and me) WILL be back in the field by April 3. Driving sales and getting back to business. And I can confirm once we do officially go back their will be an increased look at metrics. You will be asked to submit calls as they happen (call time stamp) and you will be asked as to why you aren't seeing certain SP and Tier 1 physicians. We need to get business back to normal.

We all play a huge part in the success of the nation as a whole. The patients are counting on you. The economy is counting on you as the information you bring keeps people working. Don't minimize your job or the far reaching effect you have the medical community. And for those naysayers- fall in line or get out of here we don't need you. Easily replaced.

Well... as you can see by now, we ARE not going to be in the field on 43/ Hell, 5/1 may be a stretch. If you were paying attention, at all, you would realize that the reaction by offices to reps like you was overwhelmingly negative. This is a delicate situation and a delicate time. It takes subtlety. You are about as subtle as a fart in a space suit. Get you head out of your ass. You are NOT front lines. You are NOT an office educator. Oh, you provide info and affect patient outcomes but you can be viewed as a: 1) Necessary evil. 2) A "Bringer of Snacks and Food" and the HCP's know they have to "sing for their supper" so they give you time (and you may very well get a good point across). 3) Absolutely superfluous to their daily practices. 4) A nuisance. 5) A target for the HCP's when they are angry. 6) A "Fixer" of annoying problems. So many other things... what you are NOT is theri little tin god and savior sweeping down from the heavens to solve all their problems.

The attitude and approach you are taking at this time (and if you are not the same baboon that sent in an illegal lunch to an office and claims to have spoken with the HCP for an hour about product, then you are cut from the same cloth) Is an attitude that is going to make us look like mercenary, callous, tone-deaf, idiots. What is called for right now is a soft touch. What is called for right now is deep empathy. What is called for right now is being a good boy/girl, sitting at home, working on your skill sets through training, doing a business plan... AND SITTING ON YOUR OBSESSIVE NEED TO GO TO PC. LEAVE THE DOCTORS ALONE RIGHT NOW, YOU IDIOT. IT IS AGGRESSIVE, YOUNG FOOLS LIKE YOURSELF THAT WILL RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF US.

Yes, ruin it. If anyone here thinks that our industry is coming out of this looking the same as it went in then you are a moron. The industry as a whole could come out looking great if we develop vaccines and treatments and choose to NOT profit on them. However, a couple of days ago, manufacturers and distributors took a beating from investment banks about not raising prices on critical drugs at this time. If we cave and raise prices or charge huge amounts for treatment then we will be seen as vultures, feasting on the rotting corpse of humanity. Now that is just us as a whole industry.

The business model of the F2F Rep call is never going to return to normal. YOU, I, WE, right now, have offices that have closed and will never reopen. We have large group practices that have closed their doors to reps and may NEVER reopen them to us again. You will have HCP's who will measure the worth of Reps. They will measure that against the time they lose everyday to us... and they will start to question our utility. WE will be under a microscope. The Reps that come out of this not too hurt will be the ones who took a light and emotionally mature approach. The ones who have solid relationships. The "honest brokers". The one's whose sole concern was the HCP's, their people and their families... NOT the one's who took precious time to "sell". If someone needs info in order to prescribe? Yes... that, THAT is value. Doing some kind of half assed "compare and contrast" will simply make you look like a mercenary, self-serving, opportunist. Your reputation will take a hit.

We have all heard about the letters and emails pouring into HDQTRS complaining about us taking advantage of this time and not being aware of how hard this is on the staff right now. How many of your offices we in that pile? Get your head out of your ass and do the right thing. You are NOT their savior. You are NOT necessary to them right now. This is NOT the time to sell. This is the time to show some sincerity so that, when all this is done and a survey goes out to all our offices, they say, "NVS is the company I want to work with".

Don't make me have to come back here and explain this again. We have one of the greatest careers known to man and you are about to pull the chain on the commode and flush it all away.

As a pharma rep that goes in and out of offices everyday- we are first responders. We put our health at risk everyday in order to help patients. I don't think asking someone to say a prayer for us makes anyone a freak. And no one said don't wash your hands or touch your face- just pray. But in combination with prayer- its very effective. I've seen it first hand when I got hit with the swine flu. I was hospitalized and given my last rites- I was also given an IV antibiotic that wasn't approved yet- combined with my fellow worshippers and family praying for my recovery around the clock I made a full recovery.

Let me be clear... First responder are: Police, Fire, EMT, S&R... NOT YOU. They put their actual LIVES on the line. You, while skilled at your job, are a superfluous piece of the Pharma machine. Get your head out of your ass. Your life is not on the line when you deliver coffee and corner a Doc with a "message". You are a sales person... plain and simple. I do not doubt that you are good at your job and I do not doubt that "we" generate the vast majority of revenue that our company's see but don't let your ego run away with you. Especially in Derm. Our HCP's would run rings around you if they chose to unload their vast knowledge on you in one sitting. You are a well educated parrot, whom we hope we trained well enough to know when to talk and when to listen.

As for the power of prayer... I do not mock anyone's belief in any God they choose... there over 3,000 of them being worshiped in the world today... but if the power of prayer actually worked then why are some people dying and others not? Why don't I have a line of dead people behind me, nubile women in front of me and a pile of cash beside me? Trust me... I prayed hard.

I agree with her. We are way more highly trained than a nurse- and would probably have better bedside manners than 90% of them just because we know how to talk to the public. I would definitely go head to head with any nurse in cardio- I've been selling in this space for almost 18 years numerous MOA and products. I've touched the lives of pretty much any type of patient they are going to see.

You two are idiots. In fact, if you are on the CV team, you were incompetent idiots. Don't allow your inflated egos to run away with you.

In most offices an RN and MA are pretty interchangeable. In fact many systems hiring more MA because they are cheaper. They don't make any decisions. In the hospital the RN comes in and checks on you and reports back to the Dr. and the CNA cleans up the shit. You don't need to be too smart to do either. Maybe its you who is overstating what these support staff do. Get to know them and you'll see not that impressive.

That said one of the largest Rheumatologist in the Southwest just texted me and we were joking that if I do get the Chinese Flu once I'm better I can come in and help out in the office. She is expecting to be short staffed. She also stated that this is looking overblown in the US as we aren't seeing the number of serious cases like in China- almost 99% of the cases are mild and don't need medical intervention.

By now, I assume you are singing a different tune about how serious this virus is. No world-leaders tank entire economies for no good reason. Get that through your head... Entire Economies... like, the US 4th quarter GDP is going to be reduced by 25%... and they did it because this was "overblown"? I'm sure that, by today, the 26th you are seeing something different.

On another note: Call this the "Chinese Virus" again and I will C/P bitch slap you across these boards. It is xenophobic, racist comments like that, that have gotten numerous Chinese American's assaulted recently. Do you call "Ebola" the "African Virus"? Do you call Syphilis the "Spanish Pox"? No, you don't. You were watching TV and saw something that you thought was clever and, like the good little parrot you are, you vomited it back up. You won't realize it, but, with all your holier than thou posturing, your "I am a front-line responder", "The Power of Prayer"... all of that, followed by this one, single statement, makes your entire morale/religious stance a mound of hypocrisy.

Shut your bloody mouth.

Not sure about that persons case or joking or not as I wasn't on the other end of that communication. But you have no clue and are greatly overstating what RN's do. Yeah I'm not going to put in a PICC line- but to think that I couldn't learn that in a day is crazy. Not that hard.

I'm definitely helping out once I get out of quarantine at our local hospital. They need volunteers with medical experience. Obviously I would be better utilized within the disease states I'm most proficient (not infectious disease...but cardio or dermatology) but I will do as they need. This is a time for us all to come together! I compare this to when I volunteered a few years ago in Costa Rica and administered flu vaccinations through my local church group. I got a free 2 week trip. I even helped with some chiropractic adjustments (non neck) with the Chiro that came with us. Trust me we are more than equipped to help and should be helping especially if we get the China flu and recover.

You stuck a few needles, IM, into shoulders. Big deal. So did I, that doesn't make me qualified to intubate a patient who is drowning in their own fluids. I don't know how many years you have in Derm but I can guarantee that you can't do a visual, differential diagnosis. If you can't then your only course of action is to biopsy everything under the sun and send it out to Path. So, when do you shave biopsy and when do you punch? When to you do an excision? How deep? How deep must you go to prevent a melanoma from metastasizing? What is the difference between acne and perioral dermatitis and how do you treat each one? When confronted with a sebaceous cyst the size of a golf ball, before you lance and drain it, what must you determine about its shape and texture first in order to proceed? What vital step can't you skip when it presents on the neck or head? When do you pack that wound and when do you leave it open to drain and when do you close it? What kind of suture and what kind of stitch do you use in each instance? What antibiotic do you Rx to prevent staph? How do you clean, package and sterilize instruments? How do you prepare lidocaine for the HCP to inject?

WTF do you think you would be seeing if you were assisting? If it is in a Corona ward... what are the elements of PPE? How do you maintain continuity of protection? What size breathing tube do you use on an obese, middle aged woman? How to you insert a nasal cannula? When do you use an airway and when do you not? How do you insert an airway? What is an airway?

By comparing yourself to even an MA and saying that you could "pick all this up in a day" you devalue them. You reduce them. At the same time, you reveal yourself for a fool.

WTF do you think you will do? Empty bedpans? You don't even know how to use PPE properly to prevent the spread. STFU.

Well... as you can see by now, we ARE not going to be in the field on 43/ Hell, 5/1 may be a stretch. If you were paying attention, at all, you would realize that the reaction by offices to reps like you was overwhelmingly negative. This is a delicate situation and a delicate time. It takes subtlety. You are about as subtle as a fart in a space suit. Get you head out of your ass. You are NOT front lines. You are NOT an office educator. Oh, you provide info and affect patient outcomes but you can be viewed as a: 1) Necessary evil. 2) A "Bringer of Snacks and Food" and the HCP's know they have to "sing for their supper" so they give you time (and you may very well get a good point across). 3) Absolutely superfluous to their daily practices. 4) A nuisance. 5) A target for the HCP's when they are angry. 6) A "Fixer" of annoying problems. So many other things... what you are NOT is theri little tin god and savior sweeping down from the heavens to solve all their problems.

The attitude and approach you are taking at this time (and if you are not the same baboon that sent in an illegal lunch to an office and claims to have spoken with the HCP for an hour about product, then you are cut from the same cloth) Is an attitude that is going to make us look like mercenary, callous, tone-deaf, idiots. What is called for right now is a soft touch. What is called for right now is deep empathy. What is called for right now is being a good boy/girl, sitting at home, working on your skill sets through training, doing a business plan... AND SITTING ON YOUR OBSESSIVE NEED TO GO TO PC. LEAVE THE DOCTORS ALONE RIGHT NOW, YOU IDIOT. IT IS AGGRESSIVE, YOUNG FOOLS LIKE YOURSELF THAT WILL RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF US.

Yes, ruin it. If anyone here thinks that our industry is coming out of this looking the same as it went in then you are a moron. The industry as a whole could come out looking great if we develop vaccines and treatments and choose to NOT profit on them. However, a couple of days ago, manufacturers and distributors took a beating from investment banks about not raising prices on critical drugs at this time. If we cave and raise prices or charge huge amounts for treatment then we will be seen as vultures, feasting on the rotting corpse of humanity. Now that is just us as a whole industry.

The business model of the F2F Rep call is never going to return to normal. YOU, I, WE, right now, have offices that have closed and will never reopen. We have large group practices that have closed their doors to reps and may NEVER reopen them to us again. You will have HCP's who will measure the worth of Reps. They will measure that against the time they lose everyday to us... and they will start to question our utility. WE will be under a microscope. The Reps that come out of this not too hurt will be the ones who took a light and emotionally mature approach. The ones who have solid relationships. The "honest brokers". The one's whose sole concern was the HCP's, their people and their families... NOT the one's who took precious time to "sell". If someone needs info in order to prescribe? Yes... that, THAT is value. Doing some kind of half assed "compare and contrast" will simply make you look like a mercenary, self-serving, opportunist. Your reputation will take a hit.

We have all heard about the letters and emails pouring into HDQTRS complaining about us taking advantage of this time and not being aware of how hard this is on the staff right now. How many of your offices we in that pile? Get your head out of your ass and do the right thing. You are NOT their savior. You are NOT necessary to them right now. This is NOT the time to sell. This is the time to show some sincerity so that, when all this is done and a survey goes out to all our offices, they say, "NVS is the company I want to work with".

Don't make me have to come back here and explain this again. We have one of the greatest careers known to man and you are about to pull the chain on the commode and flush it all away.

You sound like a Bernie supporter. We won't be giving anyone anything free. Nor do they deserve it. People die all the time of disease. This is no different.

As far as access when this is all over. For reps like yourself yes its totally changed. For the good reps- the ones that know how to add value- not much will change. If you had the relationships you wish you had your Dr.'s would actually be happy you reached out to check in on them. Just like you grandma is happy you called her to make sure everything is alright in grandma land. I've send emails to about 30% of my targets and 100% of them have been answered and appreciated. I wish I could post screen shots. I've sent food to multiple offices- they are happy for it and appreciate it. If you knew how this industry worked you would have good relationships with your caterers who are happy for the business and will be glad to give you some back dated invoices for our last expense report. Or better yet charge you later. Or if you are getting a kick ass bonus tomorrow you pay for it out of your pocket- see nothing is free. Be there for your Dr.'s- don't be like the previous poster who is doing nothing. Be an there for your Dr.'s. And yes if you didn't have relationships with them before then you likely aren't making them now. That is why the bulk of our salesforce is bad!

By now, I assume you are singing a different tune about how serious this virus is. No world-leaders tank entire economies for no good reason. Get that through your head... Entire Economies... like, the US 4th quarter GDP is going to be reduced by 25%... and they did it because this was "overblown"? I'm sure that, by today, the 26th you are seeing something different.

On another note: Call this the "Chinese Virus" again and I will C/P bitch slap you across these boards. It is xenophobic, racist comments like that, that have gotten numerous Chinese American's assaulted recently. Do you call "Ebola" the "African Virus"? Do you call Syphilis the "Spanish Pox"? No, you don't. You were watching TV and saw something that you thought was clever and, like the good little parrot you are, you vomited it back up. You won't realize it, but, with all your holier than thou posturing, your "I am a front-line responder", "The Power of Prayer"... all of that, followed by this one, single statement, makes your entire morale/religious stance a mound of hypocrisy.

Shut your bloody mouth.

The virus originated in China thus the Chinese Virus. Do you get bent out of shape when you go out for Chinese Food? Or Jap Sushi? Mexican Food? Korean BBQ? Polish Maids? Spanish Flu? Get a grip you little bitch.

No Chinese Americans have been assaulted because of this. Talk about fake news.

You sound like a Bernie supporter. We won't be giving anyone anything free. Nor do they deserve it. People die all the time of disease. This is no different.

As far as access when this is all over. For reps like yourself yes its totally changed. For the good reps- the ones that know how to add value- not much will change. If you had the relationships you wish you had your Dr.'s would actually be happy you reached out to check in on them. Just like you grandma is happy you called her to make sure everything is alright in grandma land. I've send emails to about 30% of my targets and 100% of them have been answered and appreciated. I wish I could post screen shots. I've sent food to multiple offices- they are happy for it and appreciate it. If you knew how this industry worked you would have good relationships with your caterers who are happy for the business and will be glad to give you some back dated invoices for our last expense report. Or better yet charge you later. Or if you are getting a kick ass bonus tomorrow you pay for it out of your pocket- see nothing is free. Be there for your Dr.'s- don't be like the previous poster who is doing nothing. Be an there for your Dr.'s. And yes if you didn't have relationships with them before then you likely aren't making them now. That is why the bulk of our salesforce is bad!

You are a complete moron: "Back dated invoices" can get fired for this!!! Sending food to offices is a violation of the sunshine act if there is no sign in sheet, which I am sure there wasn't, can also get you fired for sure. Now, this is providing that everything you stated here is the truth. For some odd reason, I think this whole post is nothing but a lie. "If you knew how this industry worked"...oh boy, your effing ego gets bigger by the minute....You asshole are not fooling anyone just have a personality disorder like Trump! A hopelessly inflated ego combined with a large dose of narcissism and arrogance!

Yes, 100% of your emails were returned....yeah sure, you are a fucking idiot working in this industry....just tell me HOW YOU ADD VALUE...I haven't seen anything yet that other reps don't do, bagel boy!

You are a complete moron: "Back dated invoices" can get fired for this!!! Sending food to offices is a violation of the sunshine act if there is no sign in sheet, which I am sure there wasn't, can also get you fired for sure. Now, this is providing that everything you stated here is the truth. For some odd reason, I think this whole post is nothing but a lie. "If you knew how this industry worked"...oh boy, your effing ego gets bigger by the minute....You asshole are not fooling anyone just have a personality disorder like Trump! A hopelessly inflated ego combined with a large dose of narcissism and arrogance!

Yes, 100% of your emails were returned....yeah sure, you are a fucking idiot working in this industry....just tell me HOW YOU ADD VALUE...I haven't seen anything yet that other reps don't do, bagel boy!

Only get fired if you are stupid enough to get caught. Way to bring Trump into this. Sad you don't have the relationships you should.

Only get fired if you are stupid enough to get caught. Way to bring Trump into this. Sad you don't have the relationships you should.
I just can't imagine anyone wanting to have business (or other) relationships with a narcissistic, arrogant, huge ego drug rep!!

So, having that said, You may think you have relationships, but you really don't. Or, you may simply be lying...or both!

I asked you what value you bring, that others don' answer...Point Made!!!

Time to stop encouraging this moron to keep posting. The person is sitting around bored, spewing this ridiculous bs that most likely isn’t true. Food to offices, back dated invoices, spreading inaccuracies about the virus, over inflated ego. I guarantee you this a rep that thinks the offices love them. In reality the staff and most of the providers are cringing and talking about what an idiot they are behind their back.

I agree with her. We are way more highly trained than a nurse- and would probably have better bedside manners than 90% of them just because we know how to talk to the public. I would definitely go head to head with any nurse in cardio- I've been selling in this space for almost 18 years numerous MOA and products. I've touched the lives of pretty much any type of patient they are going to see.

Please, do not confuse your 'sales training' with actual medical training. The data you are trained on is watered down, cleaned up, and spoon fed to you. Health care practitioners are responsible for patients' health and lives. You are a sales rep. Do not try to equate the two. Ever. Ever.

We are on the front lines of care just like our offices are. Even more so because we are visiting multiple offices per day putting us at greater risk of catching some type of disease. I consult with my doctors everyday so that they can provide the best care possible. Without reps drs would struggle to stay up to date on the newest and most effective products. Without us doctors would have less tools and be much less effective.

Don't fall for the hogshit that you are educating physicians. You are using tools that slip through promotional review committee as an excuse to advertise your drug. Physicians do not give two shits what you believe. They want your samples and your sandwiches. Please, honestly - just admit you're a salesperson. You sell drugs. You don't do anything other than that. Take your check and bonus and be happy like the rest of us.