
Please, do not confuse your 'sales training' with actual medical training. The data you are trained on is watered down, cleaned up, and spoon fed to you. Health care practitioners are responsible for patients' health and lives. You are a sales rep. Do not try to equate the two. Ever. Ever.

Our sales training is more in depth than the training physicians get on that specific disease state. We are highly trained...don't sell yourself short.

Our sales training is more in depth than the training physicians get on that specific disease state. We are highly trained...don't sell yourself short.

I agree I've lectured at numerous Neurology residencies- and been paid for it. But I've been in the neurology for over 20 years and have launched numerous new MOA's. I think it really depends on if you are a true speciality rep and how rare that disease state is. Our cardio reps- for Entresto- aren't going to be as respected and well versed as our reps on our CAR-T therapy. Not that our cardio reps aren't good but Entresto isn't really that unique in that space. That is also why you see such discrepancy in pay amongst specialities and why oncology and neuro are paid the highest.

I agree I've lectured at numerous Neurology residencies- and been paid for it. But I've been in the neurology for over 20 years and have launched numerous new MOA's. I think it really depends on if you are a true speciality rep and how rare that disease state is. Our cardio reps- for Entresto- aren't going to be as respected and well versed as our reps on our CAR-T therapy. Not that our cardio reps aren't good but Entresto isn't really that unique in that space. That is also why you see such discrepancy in pay amongst specialities and why oncology and neuro are paid the highest.

There is not an organization especially a Residencey Program that paid a Rep to speak. I don't care how long you have been in any specialty you did not get paid to speak to residence. You took them lunch or dinner and supported their meeting good chance and they allowed you to give your dog and pony show..

More Fake News here poeple w/ Reps being delusional/

There is not an organization especially a Residencey Program that paid a Rep to speak. I don't care how long you have been in any specialty you did not get paid to speak to residence. You took them lunch or dinner and supported their meeting good chance and they allowed you to give your dog and pony show..

More Fake News here poeple w/ Reps being delusional/
you spelling capabilities are lacking

You sound like a Bernie supporter. We won't be giving anyone anything free. Nor do they deserve it. People die all the time of disease. This is no different.

As far as access when this is all over. For reps like yourself yes its totally changed. For the good reps- the ones that know how to add value- not much will change. If you had the relationships you wish you had your Dr.'s would actually be happy you reached out to check in on them. Just like you grandma is happy you called her to make sure everything is alright in grandma land. I've send emails to about 30% of my targets and 100% of them have been answered and appreciated. I wish I could post screen shots. I've sent food to multiple offices- they are happy for it and appreciate it. If you knew how this industry worked you would have good relationships with your caterers who are happy for the business and will be glad to give you some back dated invoices for our last expense report. Or better yet charge you later. Or if you are getting a kick ass bonus tomorrow you pay for it out of your pocket- see nothing is free. Be there for your Dr.'s- don't be like the previous poster who is doing nothing. Be an there for your Dr.'s. And yes if you didn't have relationships with them before then you likely aren't making them now. That is why the bulk of our salesforce is bad!

You unspeakable piece of shit. You are callously talking about people's lives. We topped over 100K known cases yesterday. The death rate by next week will be close to 10K... and you say, "People die all the time of disease"... right after, you posture about your empathy and support for your offices??!!! You are a hypocrite. A foolish, young hypocrite.

And a fucking idiot to boot. You know we are under a second CIA and possibly a third and you are sending food into offices at this time? What a fucking moron. AND... AND you doubled down on falsifying your expense reports.

You lack any kind of ability to think critically. I hope to god you are not in my division. You'll fuck it all up for everyone else.

Oh and since you don't seem to care about people dying from diseases, why don't you go outside right now and let a bunch of random people cough on you.

God above, what an idiot.

The virus originated in China thus the Chinese Virus. Do you get bent out of shape when you go out for Chinese Food? Or Jap Sushi? Mexican Food? Korean BBQ? Polish Maids? Spanish Flu? Get a grip you little bitch.

No Chinese Americans have been assaulted because of this. Talk about fake news.

Yes they have... including people I personally know. It has been all over the news.

Oh and "Bitch" is it? You are so very, very brave behind a keyboard. You are just the kind of person who feels fine saying whatever they want when it is anonymous but face to face? A little coward.

If I have to explain to you the concept of racism... hell, you don't get it. Just by the use of the word "Jap" shows that you don't get it.

If you want me to get a grip, lets meet at the next NSM and I'll get a grip... on your pencil neck.

You sound like a Bernie supporter. We won't be giving anyone anything free. Nor do they deserve it. People die all the time of disease. This is no different.

As far as access when this is all over. For reps like yourself yes its totally changed. For the good reps- the ones that know how to add value- not much will change. If you had the relationships you wish you had your Dr.'s would actually be happy you reached out to check in on them. Just like you grandma is happy you called her to make sure everything is alright in grandma land. I've send emails to about 30% of my targets and 100% of them have been answered and appreciated. I wish I could post screen shots. I've sent food to multiple offices- they are happy for it and appreciate it. If you knew how this industry worked you would have good relationships with your caterers who are happy for the business and will be glad to give you some back dated invoices for our last expense report. Or better yet charge you later. Or if you are getting a kick ass bonus tomorrow you pay for it out of your pocket- see nothing is free. Be there for your Dr.'s- don't be like the previous poster who is doing nothing. Be an there for your Dr.'s. And yes if you didn't have relationships with them before then you likely aren't making them now. That is why the bulk of our salesforce is bad!

Or better yet charge me later? Any caterer who does that is a damn fool in this environment. There may be no later for 75% of Reps!

I am the creator of message #97 and #105. My apologies for some grammatical errors in both messages. Unfortunately, I caught them after I posted. English is my second language. I am from a central West-European country where citizens are known to be VERY outspoken and direct, we don't shy away from a verbal confrontation or calling a spade a spade which has created some very interesting scenarios at work over the years here in America, especially considering certain sensitivities and "political correctness". Hope you enjoyed the colorful descriptions in these posts, I just have a very vivid imagination. I am retired rep (34 years in the industry) now and due to the current situation, I have plenty of time at my hands avoiding contact with others. I post on many boards and enjoy a good verbal attack on me that will be addressed in kind! Good luck to you all.

Fred? Fred Hassan, is that you?

Yes they have... including people I personally know. It has been all over the news.

Oh and "Bitch" is it? You are so very, very brave behind a keyboard. You are just the kind of person who feels fine saying whatever they want when it is anonymous but face to face? A little coward.

If I have to explain to you the concept of racism... hell, you don't get it. Just by the use of the word "Jap" shows that you don't get it.

If you want me to get a grip, lets meet at the next NSM and I'll get a grip... on your pencil neck.

Pipe down you little bitch. Everyone is a tough guy until they get hit in the face.

Novartis may have to cut jobs if the coronavirus pandemic is not brought under control as it is still spending about 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion) a week, Chief Executive Vas told German TV channel ZDF.

Novartis may have to cut jobs if the coronavirus pandemic is not brought under control as it is still spending about 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion) a week, Chief Executive Vas told German TV channel ZDF.

If anyone believes any Company in Pharma is going to keep paying entire sales forces to sit at home and make a few phone calls a day for months and months you are kidding yourself. These Companies maybe doing the POTUS buy in for a few months to save political face but mark my word by May/June if this is still going on decisions will start to be made. Even if this is over on schedule depending on how deep a recession may be decisions will start to be made. This is a perfect storm for companies to make the tough decisions this year they are just postponing them now to save political face but they are coming.

If anyone believes any Company in Pharma is going to keep paying entire sales forces to sit at home and make a few phone calls a day for months and months you are kidding yourself. These Companies maybe doing the POTUS buy in for a few months to save political face but mark my word by May/June if this is still going on decisions will start to be made. Even if this is over on schedule depending on how deep a recession may be decisions will start to be made. This is a perfect storm for companies to make the tough decisions this year they are just postponing them now to save political face but they are coming.

Leadership has stated multiple times there will be NO layoffs. Stop the negativity and false rumors.

Leadership has stated multiple times there will be NO layoffs. Stop the negativity and false rumors.

wish they us a severance...get another job once things start back up. But would cost so much money laying people off only to hire them again. I know the pharm rep job is dying...people have been saying that for 15 years...yet still here. Still plenty hiring.

There are less than 1/2 the reps there were 15 years ago. Likely to be cut in half again over the next 10-15 years. Sure there will always be a rep presence but it seems to decrease every year.