
There are less than 1/2 the reps there were 15 years ago. Likely to be cut in half again over the next 10-15 years. Sure there will always be a rep presence but it seems to decrease every year.

They already said last week no layoffs from this. I agree would cost a a ton to hire back. Good thing is derm is lean...I’m not worried.

Regardless, Novartis laid good people off during a crisis. This shows the leaders we have don’t care about the people below them. The right thing to do was hang on to them until CV was over.
Good people? Cumon, we’re talking Amplity here. It’s full of wannabe and hasbeen losers. Our Rx share will probably rise after dumping them

Regardless, Novartis laid good people off during a crisis. This shows the leaders we have don’t care about the people below them. The right thing to do was hang on to them until CV was over.

I’ve only been here a year so what happened with CV sales team? Has the Amplity team been informed about layoffs or not getting contract renewed? I’m in derm and haven’t heard anything about downsizing, but obviously if we don’t get to go back to work by June then I’ll be concerned about my job!

You really don’t understand the concept of using a contract sales force, do you???

Novartis will definitely lay-off employees. In 2010, Novartis led the charge of laying off top and mediocre employees alike. If you are not preparing for the CALL because Novartis is indicating all is well, you better think again on that strategy.

So what has been the history? I haven’t been here a year yet (7mos) and was only told of one lay-off. Thought cardio was the most vulnerable and oncology/neurology was most stable. Honestly, the whole industry is in same situation and dealing with this pandemic. Any legacy folks, I would love to hear your thoughts...

There is not an organization especially a Residencey Program that paid a Rep to speak. I don't care how long you have been in any specialty you did not get paid to speak to residence. You took them lunch or dinner and supported their meeting good chance and they allowed you to give your dog and pony show..

More Fake News here poeple w/ Reps being delusional/

You're right with or without spelling errors. Beyond the fact that Reps, regardless of their specialty or tenure, do not receive payment for programs, this person seems to have tunnel vision regarding their company's presence outside of his/her therapeutic arena. The FDA saw fit to create an entirely new class, aka, ARNI, for Novartis' CV. But it makes sense that a Rep claiming to get speaker honorarium for programs would not understand that the creation of a new class pretty much sets you apart.

You're right with or without spelling errors. Beyond the fact that Reps, regardless of their specialty or tenure, do not receive payment for programs, this person seems to have tunnel vision regarding their company's presence outside of his/her therapeutic arena. The FDA saw fit to create an entirely new class, aka, ARNI, for Novartis' CV. But it makes sense that a Rep claiming to get speaker honorarium for programs would not understand that the creation of a new class pretty much sets you apart.

Not true. I know non-physicians that have been paid for giving lectures to residency groups. I don't know of any reps- but who is to say that a rep wasn't a nurse before? Or expert on public health? I've been around a long time and I've seen some pretty weird stuff in certain programs.

I do know of a rep that brought out residents and had someone from a bank at the program that could/would give loans for those wanting to start a practice. The rep got kickbacks from the bank. The residents loved the rep because he helped them. He sold a statin I think he was from Pfizer- this was years ago. Whether that is a good or bad rep I'll let you guys decide- but I'm sure they never forgot him and still write that statin today.

Well for those of us who weren’t fortunate(unfortunate) to be here in 2010, everyone received an email the week before thanksgiving squashing any rumors of layoffs, all is good, you are safe. Week after thanksgiving everyone stay home for your call. Over 50% let go. Sure it was different “leadership” then, but the day you start trusting what these fuckers say is the day you do yourself a disservice.

Well for those of us who weren’t fortunate(unfortunate) to be here in 2010, everyone received an email the week before thanksgiving squashing any rumors of layoffs, all is good, you are safe. Week after thanksgiving everyone stay home for your call. Over 50% let go. Sure it was different “leadership” then, but the day you start trusting what these fuckers say is the day you do yourself a disservice.

I wasn't here but had plenty of friends. That was definitely a shit sandwich that management fed to the sales team.