
Cafe pharma is not the place for Ra-Ra anD positivity. Is it generous that Supernus is paying us to stay at home??? Yes and No. considering every rep at every company is doing the same thing and being compensated for it I can’t imagine a way Supernus could keep us home and not pay us without losing its entire SF. They also did it almost a week after all the other CNS companies did.

I think this leave is a good time to explore other opportunities and take a serious look at what we have going on here. I was once a ride or die with SUpernus, but that is starting to change the more I talk to former reps who’ve gone on to other opportunities. The 2 days a month ride alongs, the mediocre at best products, the bonus catastrophe, the sales script, etc... All of these have soured my opinion of this organization. My naivety and ignorance are wearing off and I see our true colors. We Are Supernus and We Are a Bad Company!!!

I agree 100%

Industry standard, but not law. When has Supernus ever followed industry standard? You’ll be lucky to get 2 weeks. companies with healthy policies like you mentioned p have you sign a lay off agreement every year, spelling out what would happen. Have you ever seen one here? No. So don’t expect anything at all beyond unemployment and your local state laws.

you people have an amazing sense of “industry standard” given your entire industry experience is Supernus.

Quit believing half the crap your friends tell you at Starbucks when you are picking up coffee, you will be better off.

BTW, their managers ride with them as well and have a performance expectation.

you people have an amazing sense of “industry standard” given your entire industry experience is Supernus.

Quit believing half the crap your friends tell you at Starbucks when you are picking up coffee, you will be better off.

BTW, their managers ride with them as well and have a performance expectation.

You want us to stop listening to what the industry tells us because why?????? Because the only way your sales model works is to have naïve uninformed reps. I know for a fact other reps selling for other epilepsy companies have a 2 day ride along per quarter. PER QUARTER!! Not too mention their performance expectation you speak of is realistic!!! That realistic expectation pays $6-8k in bonus per quarter.

Right now I bet Supernus doesn't even pay out $2k in bonus per rep this quarter. Your system is failing. All indicators point to this. You've got some nerve.

You want us to stop listening to what the industry tells us because why?????? Because the only way your sales model works is to have naïve uninformed reps. I know for a fact other reps selling for other epilepsy companies have a 2 day ride along per quarter. PER QUARTER!! Not too mention their performance expectation you speak of is realistic!!! That realistic expectation pays $6-8k in bonus per quarter.

Right now I bet Supernus doesn't even pay out $2k in bonus per rep this quarter. Your system is failing. All indicators point to this. You've got some nerve.

this is spot on! Our bonus/ growth system is failing

You want us to stop listening to what the industry tells us because why?????? Because the only way your sales model works is to have naïve uninformed reps. I know for a fact other reps selling for other epilepsy companies have a 2 day ride along per quarter. PER QUARTER!! Not too mention their performance expectation you speak of is realistic!!! That realistic expectation pays $6-8k in bonus per quarter.

Right now I bet Supernus doesn't even pay out $2k in bonus per rep this quarter. Your system is failing. All indicators point to this. You've got some nerve.

I don’t understand why this is so difficult. If you want a different pharmaceutical environment go find one. This isn’t a life sentence. There have been many people leave. If you aren’t very good you will have a problem finding another job since you are competing with other industry reps who have been downsized

You want us to stop listening to what the industry tells us because why?????? Because the only way your sales model works is to have naïve uninformed reps. I know for a fact other reps selling for other epilepsy companies have a 2 day ride along per quarter. PER QUARTER!! Not too mention their performance expectation you speak of is realistic!!! That realistic expectation pays $6-8k in bonus per quarter.

Right now I bet Supernus doesn't even pay out $2k in bonus per rep this quarter. Your system is failing. All indicators point to this. You've got some nerve.

talk about nerve! Listen sweet pea, this model gave you an entre into Pharma from wherever you came from, wine sales, car rental, cell phones, whatever. The model is and was young, trainable and inexpensive. Nothing has changed.

if you feel you are ready for more, go get it. Otherwise quit your incessant whining and entitlement and do the job you have been given.

if you interview at all like you come across on here, I’m willing to bet you aren’t getting the jobs for a reason.

talk about nerve! Listen sweet pea, this model gave you an entre into Pharma from wherever you came from, wine sales, car rental, cell phones, whatever. The model is and was young, trainable and inexpensive. Nothing has changed.

if you feel you are ready for more, go get it. Otherwise quit your incessant whining and entitlement and do the job you have been given.

if you interview at all like you come across on here, I’m willing to bet you aren’t getting the jobs for a reason.
“Sweet pea” interpretation: I have a lil weewee and thing my use of the word makes it look big

Read the posts above. Why are people who don’t even work here writing on this board. “Your Company”.

I’m so grateful for my company. We are going into week 2 of being home and getting our salary. So many of my friends are struggling.

please leave our board!

It’s going to be sad for the company to explain a workplace negligence lawsuit to investors when we had the ability to work from home. This is reckless. We have zoom. Doctors are upset we are showing up to offices claiming to be essential, while local government is asking anyone who can to stay home and hospitals are reaching capacity. We aren’t asking to not work. We are asking to work, from home where we don’t expose our family to undue harm. Supernus culture has changed for the worse.

It’s going to be sad for the company to explain a workplace negligence lawsuit to investors when we had the ability to work from home. This is reckless. We have zoom. Doctors are upset we are showing up to offices claiming to be essential, while local government is asking anyone who can to stay home and hospitals are reaching capacity. We aren’t asking to not work. We are asking to work, from home where we don’t expose our family to undue harm. Supernus culture has changed for the worse.

Absolutely! And in some cases our insensitive invasion in these offices is actually damaging our reputations. It’s embarrassing. Even worse when you have your RD following you twice, even 3 times a month bc they have nothing else to do except push sales calls and act like we aren’t in a pandemic. Good look Supernus.

here’s some data: Supernus is having the best year “since inception” yet reps are barley making a bonus.

Mgmt is still mad at the sales force for abusing the GC program. Even though it was only a few reps that abused the GC program mgmt is now abusing the entire sales force with this weak ass bonus plan.

Mgmt is still mad at the sales force for abusing the GC program. Even though it was only a few reps that abused the GC program mgmt is now abusing the entire sales force with this weak ass bonus plan.

I think you misspelled “RDs”.

My boss specifically told me to tell docs they could throw the PAs in the trash. Over and over and over. They said it themselves to docs. Many many many times.
I don’t understand why this is coming back to bite us now though.