
I think you misspelled “RDs”.

My boss specifically told me to tell docs they could throw the PAs in the trash. Over and over and over. They said it themselves to docs. Many many many times.
I don’t understand why this is coming back to bite us now though.

Hindsight is 20/20. The reality is the GC program was bound to be abused by reps AND RDs to make a dollar as well as physicians to save time and money. All of which put the company in a bad financial situation. The only stipulation that would have saved the program is if reps only got paid on scripts that ended up covered. That way we could have used the GC to get docs with coverage hesitations starting to write while also being motivated to get PAs completed when possible. But again, easy to say that now. We all thought it was great when we had it.

Hindsight is 20/20. The reality is the GC program was bound to be abused by reps AND RDs to make a dollar as well as physicians to save time and money. All of which put the company in a bad financial situation. The only stipulation that would have saved the program is if reps only got paid on scripts that ended up covered. That way we could have used the GC to get docs with coverage hesitations starting to write while also being motivated to get PAs completed when possible. But again, easy to say that now. We all thought it was great when we had it.

Pay us and appraise us off revenue growth per territory.

WHY are we still in the field??? Supernus turn on the news and stop risking our health! Real classy way to treat your “most valuable asset”. Newsflash, doctors also see it as highly irresponsible.

If only I was replaceable. Guarantee I’m a better and more successful rep than you.

sure you are Karen. Winners don’t come on here to bitch and whine. This isn’t Facebook and your mom and sister aren’t here to tell you how wonderful you are.

SUPN is done paying you to sit home and eat Ben & Jerry’s

For a company that says that their employees are their best assets actions speak louder than words... No one should be in hospitals except those who absolutely need to be there.. no one should be in clinics unless they absolutely have to be there not drug reps .. this is about a bigger picture.. they are deliberately putting reps in harm's way and will end up with a lawsuit

Here’s a novel idea...give reps the tools they need and let each one decide what’s best for their business, territory, community and family. You know, like grown ups. I bet you’d be surprised at how productive they’d be if you have them some autonomy to get the job done and stopped dripping drool down the back of their necks from all of the unnecessary oversight. Also “not a rep.”

My neuro providers say I’m one of only a handful of reps still in the field. One said that another company’s rep has a map, and if the area turns red, the rep is not allowed to visit any offices in that area. Last week, his entire territory showed up red because of increasing COVID numbers in our area, so he had to cancel all his in person appts. Meanwhile.....there I am in person when I can send them anything they need without setting foot in their building.

Our offices are judging Supernus big time for risking our safety and putting them at increased risk as well by forcing unnecessary traffic through their offices. It’s highly irresponsible and a bad look for Supernus. Those few reps still in the field are there with new drugs or new data and more revenant purpose during such a trying time.