
Hahaha some of you guys were on here talking about leveraging the situation for more time with docs, yet I’m getting picked apart for criticizing not being taken out of the field earlier. Now he’s a hero. More proof from the koolaid drinkers. Whatever the honorable leader says, I guess

We, meaning our nation, this company and all other companies are dealing with a very significant situation here. This calls for all people to come together to work through this. We will see unemployment go above 20% for the first time since the Great Depression. Our economy is shutting down to mitigate the spread of the virus. Unemployment claims by state increased tenfold this week alone. For those of you that continue to complain about this company need to leave. Go find a home that would welcome an anonymous complainer. Just about every person in this country has lost at a minimum 30%+ of their wealth.
Most of the service industry is closing down: hotels, airlines, restaurants, salons, gyms, bars, entertainment venues etc...
More to come.
In the meantime, focus on contributing to the solution. Don’t be a brick thrower. Now is not the time to do that.

We, meaning our nation, this company and all other companies are dealing with a very significant situation here. This calls for all people to come together to work through this. We will see unemployment go above 20% for the first time since the Great Depression. Our economy is shutting down to mitigate the spread of the virus. Unemployment claims by state increased tenfold this week alone. For those of you that continue to complain about this company need to leave. Go find a home that would welcome an anonymous complainer. Just about every person in this country has lost at a minimum 30%+ of their wealth.
Most of the service industry is closing down: hotels, airlines, restaurants, salons, gyms, bars, entertainment venues etc...
More to come.
In the meantime, focus on contributing to the solution. Don’t be a brick thrower. Now is not the time to do that.
Thanks economist. Why are you a rep? You're definitely in the wrong field. We can read the news, too. Moron, GFY.

I agree. This is a hard time for the entire world not just America. We are beyond blessed ( at least I feel this way) that we have great paying jobs, free company car ( a great selection as well) and a company that is not perfect but close to it. Let’s please just please be thankful. There are people who’s kids rely on schools for food and the schools are closed!! Let that sink in

I’ll tell you what, I’ll pray for you. I will ask the Lord to soften your heart. I will ask the Lord to give you confidence and to inspire you to contribute vs tearing people down.
I say this with the utmost sincerity

I’ll tell you what, I’ll pray for you. I will ask the Lord to soften your heart. I will ask the Lord to give you confidence and to inspire you to contribute vs tearing people down.
I say this with the utmost sincerity

While you are at it pray that our stock doesn't drop below $10. If that happens we will be bought out and all of us will be unemployed overnight. It's hard for the company not to look attractive as a takeover candidate, being our stock is so low and we have so much money in the bank.

We literally have $200 million more in the bank then what our company is valued at. Come on people.

While you are at it pray that our stock doesn't drop below $10. If that happens we will be bought out and all of us will be unemployed overnight. It's hard for the company not to look attractive as a takeover candidate, being our stock is so low and we have so much money in the bank.

We literally have $200 million more in the bank then what our company is valued at. Come on people.

if we get bought out and the new owners buy us out it means this :

1. we get all of our retention
2. We get a year salary ( by law)

that’s better than our bonuses right now