
if we get bought out and the new owners buy us out it means this :

1. we get all of our retention
2. We get a year salary ( by law)

that’s better than our bonuses right now

Where do you find this shit. Couldn't be further from the truth. The most we could hope for is 4 weeks of payment for every year with the company.

While you are at it pray that our stock doesn't drop below $10. If that happens we will be bought out and all of us will be unemployed overnight. It's hard for the company not to look attractive as a takeover candidate, being our stock is so low and we have so much money in the bank.

We literally have $200 million more in the bank then what our company is valued at. Come on people.

Supernus would never get acquired by another company unless it’s R&D had some very unique and promising discoveries in the pipe. Our “novel” delivery technology has obviously made us a lot of money but that essentially what it does. It’s a money grab with old out dated meds. Because of this Supernus has very little credibility in the industry. Shire let these go for that reason. They didn’t think it would be a good look to do what Supernus has done. Morally it’s disgusting because the pricing structure of our meds are the same as new and truly unique medicines. Nobody will ever buy Supernus. This company will eventually become the example of what is wrong with our industry. Soon all of the reps will have the same stink former Purdue pharma reps have. Nobody will touch you with a ten foot pole.

Find a way to become happy here, because the longer you are here the harder it will be to work somewhere else.

We, meaning our nation, this company and all other companies are dealing with a very significant situation here. This calls for all people to come together to work through this. We will see unemployment go above 20% for the first time since the Great Depression. Our economy is shutting down to mitigate the spread of the virus. Unemployment claims by state increased tenfold this week alone. For those of you that continue to complain about this company need to leave. Go find a home that would welcome an anonymous complainer. Just about every person in this country has lost at a minimum 30%+ of their wealth.
Most of the service industry is closing down: hotels, airlines, restaurants, salons, gyms, bars, entertainment venues etc...
More to come.
In the meantime, focus on contributing to the solution. Don’t be a brick thrower. Now is not the time to do that.

Personally I appreciate working for a company that has a ton more cash in the bank than it has debt. I think we should all be impressed that Jack and the upper management have structured our company in a way to allow us to weather a pandemic. This SHOULD make us appreciate what we have here more. I know I do and others on my team do too.

Personally I appreciate working for a company that has a ton more cash in the bank than it has debt. I think we should all be impressed that Jack and the upper management have structured our company in a way to allow us to weather a pandemic. This SHOULD make us appreciate what we have here more. I know I do and others on my team do too.

words can’t explain how appreciative I am. I am beyond thankful that even in the worst of times we are able to provide for our families. I am blessed and thankful

Purdue pharma? Really? Comparing our meds to the opioid epidemic and those criminal pill pushers is ridiculous and I truly hope you can just stop typing for at least a few weeks. Be thankful that you are still employed at the moment. You few sh*t talkers make the entire sales force smell/look like you, just shut it.

Personally I appreciate working for a company that has a ton more cash in the bank than it has debt. I think we should all be impressed that Jack and the upper management have structured our company in a way to allow us to weather a pandemic. This SHOULD make us appreciate what we have here more. I know I do and others on my team do too.

do you have any idea how much money most CNS companies have in the bank? UCB, Sunovian, Horizon, etc? Not the HUGE guys but the “smaller CNS” companies???? Billions. Not 900 million but like 13 BILLION, 40Billion, 11Billion.

now do you know why? Novel products that are sold in more than just 1 country. Why can’t we get our meds in Canada??? I dare someone to ask Taylor or Jack. It’s because those countries refuse to let repurposed generics financially burden the healthcare systems. Don’t believe me??? Ask any executive. Not your moron RD. Next time you want to BRAG about where you work and the money in the bank just know to the rest of the industry we look like a joke. Ask anyone that’s attended AES in the last 3 years. International Docs know and laugh.

Purdue pharma? Really? Comparing our meds to the opioid epidemic and those criminal pill pushers is ridiculous and I truly hope you can just stop typing for at least a few weeks. Be thankful that you are still employed at the moment. You few sh*t talkers make the entire sales force smell/look like you, just shut it.

if Supernus is used as an example of what’s wrong with our pharma companies in the US on a debate stage by Bernie or Biden, watch how quickly your docs want nothing to do with you.

do you have any idea how much money most CNS companies have in the bank? UCB, Sunovian, Horizon, etc? Not the HUGE guys but the “smaller CNS” companies???? Billions. Not 900 million but like 13 BILLION, 40Billion, 11Billion.

now do you know why? Novel products that are sold in more than just 1 country. Why can’t we get our meds in Canada??? I dare someone to ask Taylor or Jack. It’s because those countries refuse to let repurposed generics financially burden the healthcare systems. Don’t believe me??? Ask any executive. Not your moron RD. Next time you want to BRAG about where you work and the money in the bank just know to the rest of the industry we look like a joke. Ask anyone that’s attended AES in the last 3 years. International Docs know and laugh.

It’s so sad that your broke self has no financial acumen but makes claims like you are warren. You would sh*t yourself just looking at a balance sheet. Who cares about international doctors and drugs being sold in Canada? Since when does your business card read Jack? Says he sells old repurposed drugs and wants 200k in the same breath. Be a contributor and not a useless thirsty rat.

It’s so sad that your broke self has no financial acumen but makes claims like you are warren. You would sh*t yourself just looking at a balance sheet. Who cares about international doctors and drugs being sold in Canada? Since when does your business card read Jack? Says he sells old repurposed drugs and wants 200k in the same breath. Be a contributor and not a useless thirsty rat.

200k??? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Was that poster wrong in anything they said?

do you have any idea how much money most CNS companies have in the bank? UCB, Sunovian, Horizon, etc? Not the HUGE guys but the “smaller CNS” companies???? Billions. Not 900 million but like 13 BILLION, 40Billion, 11Billion.

now do you know why? Novel products that are sold in more than just 1 country. Why can’t we get our meds in Canada??? I dare someone to ask Taylor or Jack. It’s because those countries refuse to let repurposed generics financially burden the healthcare systems. Don’t believe me??? Ask any executive. Not your moron RD. Next time you want to BRAG about where you work and the money in the bank just know to the rest of the industry we look like a joke. Ask anyone that’s attended AES in the last 3 years. International Docs know and laugh.

Spot on

if we get bought out and the new owners buy us out it means this :

1. we get all of our retention
2. We get a year salary ( by law)

that’s better than our bonuses right now
Industry standard, but not law. When has Supernus ever followed industry standard? You’ll be lucky to get 2 weeks. companies with healthy policies like you mentioned p have you sign a lay off agreement every year, spelling out what would happen. Have you ever seen one here? No. So don’t expect anything at all beyond unemployment and your local state laws.

Industry standard, but not law. When has Supernus ever followed industry standard? You’ll be lucky to get 2 weeks. companies with healthy policies like you mentioned p have you sign a lay off agreement every year, spelling out what would happen. Have you ever seen one here? No. So don’t expect anything at all beyond unemployment and your local state laws.

I bet you are just a ray of sunshine in your offices.

Cafe pharma is not the place for Ra-Ra anD positivity. Is it generous that Supernus is paying us to stay at home??? Yes and No. considering every rep at every company is doing the same thing and being compensated for it I can’t imagine a way Supernus could keep us home and not pay us without losing its entire SF. They also did it almost a week after all the other CNS companies did.

I think this leave is a good time to explore other opportunities and take a serious look at what we have going on here. I was once a ride or die with SUpernus, but that is starting to change the more I talk to former reps who’ve gone on to other opportunities. The 2 days a month ride alongs, the mediocre at best products, the bonus catastrophe, the sales script, etc... All of these have soured my opinion of this organization. My naivety and ignorance are wearing off and I see our true colors. We Are Supernus and We Are a Bad Company!!!