
Our offices are judging Supernus big time for risking our safety and putting them at increased risk as well by forcing unnecessary traffic through their offices. It’s highly irresponsible and a bad look for Supernus. Those few reps still in the field are there with new drugs or new data and more revenant purpose during such a trying time.

oh please! No one took Supernus reps seriously in the first place.

true! But now they’re also appalled by Supernus’ lack of compassion for their people and for them. Maybe if Supernus did an ad board for feedback they’d get it. Or we can look at retrospective data later

Retrospective data haha. This is so true.

But I will say I’m just grateful to still have a job. My wife keeps saying she is worried they will lay us off, but it would be a lot less expensive and smarter for them to keep paying us until 812 gets approved than it would to try to hire 180 new reps in six months.

Stop making excuses and get out there and sell.

“And if your offices don’t let you in then make phone calls from your car or Starbucks (if your state still has indoor dining) bc no way in hell do we trust you to make those same calls from your home. Now join us from your cars for a national call as we all sit in our homes and preach.”

Grow up. And get a clue. Stop screwing things up and making an a$$ of yourself.

OP here, I’m back at it again. Anyway, just wanted to say that we have NO REASON to be in offices now. But corporate is disconnected from the field. Reps tell the truth, RDs don’t like it, RDs make things up to ZDs and the lies run up the chain. But Supernus had its “ best year since inception” while the sales force is having the worst year. Nicely done!

OP here, I’m back at it again. Anyway, just wanted to say that we have NO REASON to be in offices now. But corporate is disconnected from the field. Reps tell the truth, RDs don’t like it, RDs make things up to ZDs and the lies run up the chain. But Supernus had its “ best year since inception” while the sales force is having the worst year. Nicely done!

The hopes and dreams that supernus had in becoming a real pharmaceutical company died with the failure of 810. It will be a slow drip but this place will close its doors in under 3 years. There’s no way 812 has the capacity to replace the revenue lost once Trokendi XR goes generic. Don’t even get me started on 830. If that product ever gets approved it’s such a small market, max annual revenue won’t surpass $120M. 830 coupled with 812 still won’t replace the lost revenue from Trokendi XR. This place is trash.

The hopes and dreams that supernus had in becoming a real pharmaceutical company died with the failure of 810. It will be a slow drip but this place will close its doors in under 3 years. There’s no way 812 has the capacity to replace the revenue lost once Trokendi XR goes generic. Don’t even get me started on 830. If that product ever gets approved it’s such a small market, max annual revenue won’t surpass $120M. 830 coupled with 812 still won’t replace the lost revenue from Trokendi XR. This place is trash.

Don’t knock it, SUPN got you out of the car rental business. If the prospects no longer meet your needs or desires, so be it.

Cafe Karen keeps bitching about the CGRPs when it was clear SUPN never had and was never going to have one. There have only been like 5 companies launching one, you’d think one of them would have picked her up if she was all that she thinks she is.

Don’t knock it, SUPN got you out of the car rental business. If the prospects no longer meet your needs or desires, so be it.

Cafe Karen keeps bitching about the CGRPs when it was clear SUPN never had and was never going to have one. There have only been like 5 companies launching one, you’d think one of them would have picked her up if she was all that she thinks she is.

When this place goes down the difference between those in management and the reps is simple. The reps will see their pay dramatically rise once they are hired on with another company. In contrast the managers here won't be able to sniff their salaries anywhere else. Much less their operating level.

The reps did their job to generate the revenue to put management in the position to make this company succeed. How pathetic of a job management has done on holding up their end of the bargain. You guys can't even hold a conference call that gives the field clear direction on important topics.

Don’t knock it, SUPN got you out of the car rental business. If the prospects no longer meet your needs or desires, so be it.

Cafe Karen keeps bitching about the CGRPs when it was clear SUPN never had and was never going to have one. There have only been like 5 companies launching one, you’d think one of them would have picked her up if she was all that she thinks she is.

no one cares about CGRPs anymore. They killed our business and that’s that. Plus, with those companies you need years of experience and the majority of Supernus reps are pretty green according to industry standard. So with that being said, the OP has a great point.

I certainly don’t feel comfortable being out in the field when covid cases are increasing daily. I plan on not leaving my house for the safety of my family and I. I certainly will not risk the situation for XR products.