Complete Employee Disaster

If you honestly think there’s nothing wrong with culture in GT you have either never worked there or you are part of the problem.

You are referring to my post above. It was intended as pure sarcasm. However, in my haste, the nuerons from my skull ro my fingers and ultimately my Android short circuited. “Pass the milk” should have been “Don’t forget the milk”as a subtle reference to Bambi Lee Savages “Darlin,.” (Mmmhmm. Alright then.)

Dont be afraid to post. Yes; foot fetish Freddie and SLT are watching this. The HR snitch is gone. Captain Obvious time. Never post from work, a work computer or company phone. Post enough to share whatever bad s**t is going on, but not too much to be traceable. Get the word out to trusted coworkers that this is the vehicle to get the message out. MD needs to know so they can ask the right questions. Patient zero will be exposed. So will the other bad apples. With them gone this place will improve. So will morale. It will take more than a few of us. (Stay strong, BOHICA!!)

BTW. Decoys can help too

(I have an i phone.)

  • fakeq   Jun 16, 2019 at 04:31: AM
You are referring to my post above. It was intended as pure sarcasm. However, in my haste, the nuerons from my skull ro my fingers and ultimately my Android short circuited. “Pass the milk” should have been “Don’t forget the milk”as a subtle reference to Bambi Lee Savages “Darlin,.” (Mmmhmm. Alright then.)

Dont be afraid to post. Yes; foot fetish Freddie and SLT are watching this. The HR snitch is gone. Captain Obvious time. Never post from work, a work computer or company phone. Post enough to share whatever bad s**t is going on, but not too much to be traceable. Get the word out to trusted coworkers that this is the vehicle to get the message out. MD needs to know so they can ask the right questions. Patient zero will be exposed. So will the other bad apples. With them gone this place will improve. So will morale. It will take more than a few of us. (Stay strong, BOHICA!!)

BTW. Decoys can help too

(I have an i phone.)
Fear not, friend. For anyone with any time on this thread, your original post was dripping in sarcasm.

I started this thread a while back. Nice to see it is still going. Unbelievable to see the same issues still transpiring at Alcami. Guess I should not be surprised.
Worked in GT for awhile, watched as "the team" of professionals brought in new HR guy (the gnome snitch) and various others (Quality guy who left after a few months, the new EHS guy who left after a few months, the revolving door of project managers, etc.) and yet things keep rolling along.
And the card time stamp issue resurfaced. That was a good time in quality. Being told you are not working hard enough based on a lie. And now that highly un-motivational individual is now gone.
Moved on and got a good job. Stresses that can be managed because that's life. Alcami is in another world.
Good luck you schlubs.

Too bad it's 5 years too late. What a sad story. He and his team positively leveled what was a good company with their evil, deceitful ways. Ruined peoples lives! I hope their reputation follows them wherever they go and anyone who was involved with them. Fckn uselss POS scumbags.

Aww. Tut mir leid! But with the Bavarian gone, who will care for the Flooozies? Won’t someone think of the Floozies!?!?

Should be interesting to see who jumps ship. Those who've been protected all this time. Floozies and cronies alike. What will all the beautiful people do now? Hope the owners can scrape together some semblance of a company with the few quality people who have been counting down to today.

Ted Himmler might be interim CEO, but hopefully his crimes get uncovered soon. He was worse than SK on all levels.

Totally agreed and very concerned. SK seemed like a harmless, cheeseball front for the real nasty goings on.

I hope they choose next real CEO wisely. The next 5 years is critical to the company's survival. Not sure it can stand much more of the same.