He wasn't naive, he trusted the people that told him he had a chance to help turn things around. And he was unemployed for a few years, which will jade any decision to take a job. He worked for an arrogant prick named Sublett, who has a chip on his should from being an also ran his entire career. Sublett ties the corporation to his brilliance in how to hire talent. Complete asshole with an inferiority complex. Fits right in with the rest of the leadership we have.HR guy lasted, what, 2 years? That isn’ t bad. I knew he was flocked when he introduced himself at his first all employee quarterly meeting. “Ya know, I really feel like I am home” or something tothat effect. I remember thinking how utterly naive that was.
One more thing. It is now at one in ten of the mosr recent reviews is fake. Pass granted to HR for not writing a new fake one.
How many of us were also fooled by the lies we heard on our interviews? I would guess it was most of us.