Complete Employee Disaster

wow, that was epic! talked about triggering a response.
I think they are asking where they are going so we could watch for similar results b/c hell if they learned from any this. that would involve "listening'

wow, that was epic! talked about triggering a response.
I think they are asking where they are going so we could watch for similar results b/c hell if they learned from any this. that would involve "listening'
It’s not that SLT at GT (2-3 yrs ago when i was there) didn’t listen. They could not hear. Evidently, noise is muffled when you have your head up your ass!

How are the June numbers? Did you exceed the goal? How is that EBITA? BOHICA
follow up:

How many shortcuts were taken in the last few days to hit the numbers? How much impact to SISPQ to make yourselves look good? How many additional OT hours did you demand — uncompensated no doubt

How many people have decided in the last month that enough is enough and are updating their resume at this time??

follow up:

How many shortcuts were taken in the last few days to hit the numbers? How much impact to SISPQ to make yourselves look good? How many additional OT hours did you demand — uncompensated no doubt

How many people have decided in the last month that enough is enough and are updating their resume at this time??

Too many
Too much
Too many

At least one. Effective today.

Chad has convinced current management that his superior intellect and overall business acumen can take Alcami to new heights.
And he is Ted's Cabin Boy, so there is that.

Chad is not the problem. He is executive material for better or worse. That idiot Randy from Pee-Wee's Playhouse (google it for a laugh) is who I would vote off of the island. Arrogant, mean spirited jerk.

Cabin boy!

That reminds me of the song about Columbus

it goes in part like this

Colombo had a cabin boy
A clever little nipper
He shoved ground glass up the first mate's ass and circumcised the skipper
Oh he knew the was round oh
He new it could be found oh

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