Complete Employee Disaster

Dude, you’re sick in the head and need to seek professional help
Your stats are generic and laughable. This is not a game
Laughable — I agree. I laughed at this one. I can laugh - - I did my time and am now a free man. (2015-2016). I would be crying if still there. I lived some of the hypos.

I have been red pilled (both as a former Alcamoron and as an anon). Dude is a rookie for sure, but still a notable effort.

Yeah, I’ll play

3 minutes 33 seconds.
Sam Carbis 2.0
PruittHealth 2.1
MEDcare Urgent 1.7

Gave up after 10 minutes to find 2 i know. Tried all my favorite fast food restaurants (even Bonangles!!!), department stores and other crap holes. Most above 3.

Eye opening.

Data Dimensions in Janesville looks like the Alcami of whatever it is that they do. Their reviews seem to be dropping off so they might be out of people or out of business.
In the pharma sphere I would be a shit ton that Alcami is at or within 2% of the bottom, and sinking.
Have a good weekend all. Spring is just around the corner. The goose shit should be thawing.

In the pharma sphere I would be a shit ton that Alcami is at or within 2% of the bottom, and sinking.
From what i have seen Alcami is in the bottom 2% of ALL companies not just pharma.

Just think. Replacement of a dozen or so people is all it would take to get this place out of the sewer. Bottom 25% sounds bad but would be a fantastic improvement.

Let's see - ELT & Stinkin' Stevo, Chad the Cabin Bitch, Adam and Minnie Me, Tom the Lawn Gnome in HR and then who? I worked in Germantown so I don't know any of the other Frankensteins at the other sites. I am sure there are more than a few ass-kissers.
But a dozen would be a great start.

  • fakeq   Feb 27, 2019 at 03:53: AM
Let's see - ELT & Stinkin' Stevo, Chad the Cabin Bitch, Adam and Minnie Me, Tom the Lawn Gnome in HR and then who? I worked in Germantown so I don't know any of the other Frankensteins at the other sites. I am sure there are more than a few ass-kissers.
But a dozen would be a great start.
If only the owners would figure this out.
Are sucesses because of a dozen or because of the other 988?

If only the owners would figure this out.
Are sucesses because of a dozen or because of the other 988?
It is a series of diminishing returns. Alcami is a vampire, with such high turnover they have a lot of entry level people. These tend to be bright-eyed and energetic, maybe a few of the more seasoned hires actually got some Kool-Aid. Anyway, they get them in and burn them out. Discard, rinse and repeat.
But the industry has caught on. Anyone who does due diligence wouldn't go within 50 feet of that place. Soul sucking is the appropriate phrase here.
The new Major lab in Mequon should just sit back and pick who they want to hire after Alcami trains them and sucks them dry.

  • fakeq   Feb 28, 2019 at 05:39: AM
It is a series of diminishing returns. Alcami is a vampire, with such high turnover they have a lot of entry level people. These tend to be bright-eyed and energetic, maybe a few of the more seasoned hires actually got some Kool-Aid. Anyway, they get them in and burn them out. Discard, rinse and repeat.
But the industry has caught on. Anyone who does due diligence wouldn't go within 50 feet of that place. Soul sucking is the appropriate phrase here.
The new Major lab in Mequon should just sit back and pick who they want to hire after Alcami trains them and sucks them dry.
This model will continue indefinitely if the owners continue to see progress and the dirty dozen gets their bonuses. I am aware of a dozen coworkers looking (actively or at least semi actively) plus have heard “many” more are. If the owners aren’t deep diving into what is going on they won’t see it. If “we” get it out there, all the un-safe and shady practices, maybe they will start to look harder. If we don’t shame on us.

This model will continue indefinitely if the owners continue to see progress and the dirty dozen gets their bonuses. I am aware of a dozen coworkers looking (actively or at least semi actively) plus have heard “many” more are. If the owners aren’t deep diving into what is going on they won’t see it. If “we” get it out there, all the un-safe and shady practices, maybe they will start to look harder. If we don’t shame on us.
I worked with Alcami during a period where 40% of the workforce left the site where I was at. No need to state the number of people who are constantly looking to leave once they realize what they have stepped in. I spent a requisite period of time in Germantown, and when I began discussions to leave for other places EVERY one of the recruiters or hiring managers understood why I was seeking to get out. There are recruiters who refuse to work with these shysters. Two of them had actually met Sublett and had story after story about him and the finance guy. Not a lot of positives. Remember, this goes back to their awe-inspiring days at Lonza.
Stories of Ted, Chad and now a few about Adam (although he has only graced the Germantown site during his "career") are making the professional rounds these days too. Either they are too arrogant or emotionally retarded to see how they are viewed. Or they may simply not care , which smacks of being a sociopath. But their deeds are known in the industry.
The new owners may not understand the industry. Shame on them.

  • fakeq   Mar 03, 2019 at 02:43: AM
Respectfully, knowledge of an industry is not the sole issue.

Awareness of fact that a few bad apples exist at the top and yet do nothing (or do the ostrich thing and claim non-awareness) is simply vile.

It is all about money.

If they have to pay more to get decent management then it is not going to happen.

If they have to pay more to hire and retain competent staff then it is not going to happen.

If they can squeeze more work out of people by threats, intimidation and assigning excessive workloads then that will happen.

If they can make even a small profit margin at the end of the day then the shit show will continue.

You have choices, say and get reamed or leave and do something productive with your life.

If you stay then quit yer bitching and BOHICA!

It is all about money.

If they have to pay more to get decent management then it is not going to happen.

If they have to pay more to hire and retain competent staff then it is not going to happen.

If they can squeeze more work out of people by threats, intimidation and assigning excessive workloads then that will happen.

If they can make even a small profit margin at the end of the day then the shit show will continue.

You have choices, say and get reamed or leave and do something productive with your life.

If you stay then quit yer bitching and BOHICA!

Two things make today a good day
#1. My 4th rum and coke (after this post)

Boom chugga chugga

Yoohoo. HR? Where are you?

Only one of the last nine reviews is (fake) 5 star. I know.....all those exit interviews are keeping you busy. Tough to find time between that and covering for the bosses.

Here is a suggestion for a title. Alcami- It Sucks Way Less Than You Might Think!!

TG in Germantown resigned Monday. Our third Germantown HR head in as many years.
HR guy lasted, what, 2 years? That isn’ t bad. I knew he was flocked when he introduced himself at his first all employee quarterly meeting. “Ya know, I really feel like I am home” or something tothat effect. I remember thinking how utterly naive that was.

One more thing. It is now at one in ten of the mosr recent reviews is fake. Pass granted to HR for not writing a new fake one.

Tom lasted less than 2 years, he started April of 2017 right during the first wave of people leaving G'town. At one point I think we lost close to 40% of our workforce in a year's time.
His back probably thanks him for getting out.
Talk about a rock and a hard place, he had to know listening to the likes of Adam, and then Carson would lead to a world of pain.
He was an unappreciated gnome.

  • fakeq   Mar 12, 2019 at 05:23: AM
Tom lasted less than 2 years, he started April of 2017 right during the first wave of people leaving G'town. At one point I think we lost close to 40% of our workforce in a year's time.
His back probably thanks him for getting out.
Talk about a rock and a hard place, he had to know listening to the likes of Adam, and then Carson would lead to a world of pain.
He was an unappreciated gnome.

Starting with a question: who really runs this place?

In regards to the subject of the last few posts, a few observations.

Loosely speaking, there are three stages of employment.
0 - 10/15 years - bright eyed and bushy tailed, the newbies are anxious to prove their worth and excited to participate. Easy to sell the line "it's good for your career" to them and grt them to take on more work. For free. (Don't sweat it; we've all been there)

10/15 - 20/25 years - a bit more seasoned and able to see through the "it's fun to paint the white fence" BS. Responsibilities at the homefront, coupled with acceptance that "I won't reach that CEO position I had planned on" make us a group who will do what it takes, but push too hard and you'll lose us. Relocation may not be palatable, but it is an option.

20/25+ years - career path largely set, and while this group should be recognized for their experience, the harsh reality is that the market has limited opportunities for them. In a sense, this group has an element of survival being a driver.

I admit...lots of room in this widely broad brush, but it's my two cents. Most of GT is stage one; a number of us in stage two, and a diminishing number of those in stage 3.

There is also a type of manager in this world, with a sick, even perverse trait. The intoxicating power that comes with control of those under their thumb. Exploiting those in the first stage - easy peasy. The middle group - a challenge. But for those in the 25+ year club...this is where they get their jollies.

I redirect you to the first line in this post.

I am going to say that I feel sympathy for the subject of the recent posts. From what I've seen, he's been forced to behave in the way he has. Do you think someone at that point in their life wants to work excessive hours or sit at home with a few beers watching reruns of Matlock?? Oh what funit must be to be treated like a little playground bitch by a few egotistical pricks, especially those who have risen to the top quickly

Stay strong, sir. You are a better person than you appear to be. Those of us with gray hair get it. Those of you who wish you still had gray hair must clearly live it.

That's how I see it.