Complete Employee Disaster

What are you implying? Our clients need and expect passing results. Don't let the Barr Labs decision influence you, get the client the data they need. On time!

Cold as hell here but still the fires burn; the imps and head demon carry on with their plan to make every day hellish.


Man, the winds are downright vicious walking between buildings. But it is well worth the trip to see the smiling faces at the "sunrise" meeting. I am always interested in the high ended footwear (including socks!) the SLT is wearing. They always have such great quips regarding the work going on.
What a great team.

Man, the winds are downright vicious walking between buildings. But it is well worth the trip to see the smiling faces at the "sunrise" meeting. I am always interested in the high ended footwear (including socks!) the SLT is wearing. They always have such great quips regarding the work going on.
What a great team.

With the wind chill it will be 40 below. Maybe those aholes will freeze

  • fakeq   Jan 30, 2019 at 04:07: PM
Your welcome.
Your well come.
You’re welcome.
You’re well come.

Man, the winds are downright vicious walking between buildings. But it is well worth the trip to see the smiling faces at the "sunrise" meeting. I am always interested in the high ended footwear (including socks!) the SLT is wearing. They always have such great quips regarding the work going on.
What a great team.
I know, right? These guys are so cool and nice. I like to wear tight fitting tops just so I get extra special attention. Ha! I think that's funny but I know it works!
Being part of this team means a lot to me. I don't always understand those numbers and graffs and stuff, but break times and just talking to them make it seem like a special place. I like that we can help sick people, too.

I know, right? These guys are so cool and nice. I like to wear tight fitting tops just so I get extra special attention. Ha! I think that's funny but I know it works!
Being part of this team means a lot to me. I don't always understand those numbers and graffs and stuff, but break times and just talking to them make it seem like a special place. I like that we can help sick people, too.
I left there a bit over one year ago. I sure do miss that meeting.

Is there a remote chance you are still hiring? If so can someone help me get to the front of the hiring line and put in a good word for me?

If you dont remember who i am, i was the person completely disengaged who was abused by the bosses at that meeting, trying not to puke until after ‘around the room’. That should narrow it.

I left there a bit over one year ago. I sure do miss that meeting.

Is there a remote chance you are still hiring? If so can someone help me get to the front of the hiring line and put in a good word for me?

If you dont remember who i am, i was the person completely disengaged who was abused by the bosses at that meeting, trying not to puke until after ‘around the room’. That should narrow it.

So what is the latest poop in G'town? Have things finally settled down and become the CDMO panacea envisioned by the lords of the ELT? Maybe the words of Carson S have finally sunk in with the rank and file and they now work 55 HOURS A WEEK because, you know, that's what you have to do in a CDMO to succeed.

Just curious about a place where, after spending a short time, I thought would never be a good place to work due to the attitudes of the management. But I guess they will continue to deliver as long as they have a steady influx of unknowing slaves, and customers that will always look for the cheap route (only to get burned later).

So what is the latest poop in G'town? Have things finally settled down and become the CDMO panacea envisioned by the lords of the ELT? Maybe the words of Carson S have finally sunk in with the rank and file and they now work 55 HOURS A WEEK because, you know, that's what you have to do in a CDMO to succeed.

Just curious about a place where, after spending a short time, I thought would never be a good place to work due to the attitudes of the management. But I guess they will continue to deliver as long as they have a steady influx of unknowing slaves, and customers that will always look for the cheap route (only to get burned later).
I often wonder the same about customers. Seriously, who are they selling to today that was a customer when I was there? 2015/2016. Are they that willing to get screwed by a company that cares only about profits?

I often wonder the same about customers. Seriously, who are they selling to today that was a customer when I was there? 2015/2016. Are they that willing to get screwed by a company that cares only about profits?
They are the cheapest route to go, and the sites show well. There are pockets of people who perform well. These people typically become the technical support for customers, but with very poor back up (including their own management) and infrastructure they burn out a lot of people.
Management dresses in fine silks and leather shoes and knows all the buzz words. In past times these were called "snake oil salesmen". Stinkin' Steve, the hairy Euroboss, is the one they emulate. Bitchin Ted and Chad the Cabin Boy provide the shitty employee beat downs (but the entire ELT takes part, including the head of HR at the corporate level). Site leaders like Adam can only hope from afar to achieve such heights. He polishes his game on the County development people.
Risk management takes on a whole new meaning when dealing with these people. Better have a strong stomach to go along with the speed dial number to Lachman.
Alcami has a veneer of professional and business acumen.

  • fakeq   Feb 18, 2019 at 10:01: PM
A GD review I posted was recently rejected (The reviews contained poor spelling, grammar, or formatting). Rather than modify it, I took the liberty of providing a "surrogate" review, which allowed me to post the desired one star rating, plus make a moderately cryptic reference to CafePharma. Frankly, it is my goal to awaken that audience (or at least the part that doesn't know about this forum) to see that this is where the action is.
Hopefully, some will be awakened.

Below is the original post that was rejected. I wanted to share it here, primarily because some may enjoy it, but mostly because this is much cheaper than the Prozac I plan to start taking if I can't find another job soon.

The review is dated 02/09/19. It’s titled The (mini) Great Awakening

  • fakeq   Feb 19, 2019 at 06:27: AM
The (mini) Great Awakening (original)
Part 1


Why are some companies hiring?
Why are some companies always hiring?
Want to play a game?
Think of a company.
Think of a specific location where that company operates.
Site headcount today.
Site headcount 2016.
Does this sound [promising]?
Who picks up workload when coworker leaves?
What happens to a normal workday?
Does work/life balance remain balanced?
Do salaried employees get paid overtime?
How's dat bonus plan werkin' out for ya, Sparky?
What is meant by burnout?
Does burnout lead to mistakes? Attention to detail? Shortcuts?
Does the site apple fall far from the corporate tree?
Want to play a game?
Think of a company.
Number of employees?
Number of jobs posted?
Now, pick three companies you know something about.
Same information.
How many more positions will be unfilled soon?
Want to play a game?
Employment duration data. Gossip fodder a bonus.
Troll time.
Want to play a game?
Think of a company.
What is Glassdoor rating?
Stopwatch. Find three other companies at or below that rating. Go.
Stopwatch. Now, find two more companies -- that you've heard of -- at or below that rating. Good luck. Go.
Let's compare times over a bite to eat. I know a good cafe. Many enjoy the food there.
If you don't have directions, I'm sure a trusted coworker will.
If you're a friend, you're a friend.
Want to play a game?
How helpful are 1 star reviews? 2 stars? 3 stars? 4 stars? 5 stars?
Count. Sum. Compare. Archive.
Surprised HR hasn't figured this one out. Expect rash of fake 4 star, 5 star helpfuls.
That's why we archive.
Want to play a game?
I spy, with my own little eye. Secret message. Written.
"Socks make sunrise brighter" is a good message.
Location hint: look to the setting sun.
Occupant of area message placed is not responsible. Nor aware.
When is a donation a donation?
When is a donation a "donation"?
Donation? "Donation"?
Delta -72 days.
Not the only time. Just most obvious.
What can be said of an organization that posts fake 5 star positive reviews?
What can be said of an organization that has HR provide company retorts to soften employee reviews?
What can be said of an organization that has earned a reputation in the industry, and is unable to hire the talent it needs to properly sustain business?
What can be said of an organization when employees, upon giving two weeks notice, won't share their new destination for fear upper management will sabotage their new job?
What can be said of an organization where the two words "parking" and "lot" results in laughter?
What other words results in laughter?
Is the picture becoming clear?
High turnover.
Deflated morale.
Burned out.
Are these the traits you want from your coworkers?
Are these the traits you want from your suppliers?
Are these the traits you want from your hair stylist? Kindergarten teacher? Surgeon? House painter? Spouse?
Are these the traits you want for yourself in your current/next job?
Read the reviews. Do the research. Dig. Share.
Why are some companies hiring?

  • fakeq   Feb 19, 2019 at 08:29: AM
part 2

Story time.
1: At a hypothetical company in a far away land, a hypothetical manufacturing technician works in a department with several open positions. The site management has made it clear to get the work completed, no matter what it takes, and has repeatedly played the "threat of termination" and "sunrise public humiliation" cards. There is no way possible to get the work completed if procedures are rigorously followed. On one typical hypothetical day, the hypothetical technician is instructed to run two separate processes simultaneously, work normally done by two hypothetical technicians. The hypothetical technician must make a decision: advise his hypothetical supervisor of the impossibility of the assignment if done by the book, or take a few shortcuts no one will notice and continue to collect a paycheck.
2: At a hypothetical company in a far away land, a hypothetical manufacturing technician has been deemed "certified" after abbreviated training as a result of his department having several open positions and needing his hypothetical trainer to be doing work elsewhere. During the manufacture of a batch of product, the hypothetical technician realizes there was ambiguity the way a particular step was written, and he should have executed that step differently than he had. Confiding in a fellow hypothetical coworker, the hypothetical technician is reminded that past management practice has been to blame the hypothetical employee regardless of the facts, and that he will certainly face discipline, perhaps termination, if this issue is brought to light. Furthermore, the hypothetical technician is reminded that the unwritten HR policy is to side with management and blame the hypothetical worker, regardless of facts. The hypothetical coworker, having been in that situation before, suggests a simple solution involving sweeping and rugs. A fakeq uality commitment would permit such an action, right? Beside, those hypothetical quality, supervisor, and low level managerial employees tasked with finding these issues are also rather under staffed, and will never find the problem.
3: At a hypothetical company in a far away land, in a hypothetical control room on a cold hypothetical winters eve, a close knit group of hypothetical workers discuss concerns about low morale and inadequate staffing and the risk it poses. When tasked with the assignment of hypothetical witness, in particular, it is discussed how he is unable to properly witness key steps, given that he must cover multiple processes/locations, and is merely there to sign off on the record sheet. His complaint is echoed by all, but the stark realization is that waiting for a properly staffed plant is futile, and they must accept the status quo. Better to stay quiet than bring up concerns and risk the wrath of management.
4: At a hypothetical company in a far away land, a hypothetical employee works in a quality department with several open positions. The hypothetical employee's job is to review batch records in detail to ensure strict compliance of what was done to what is required. However, with so many unfilled positions, the hypothetical quality employee is assigned an excessive number of batch records to review. Furthermore, because the hypothetical manufacturing employees who execute those records are under trained and rushed, the batch records require numerous corrections. Double whammy. The hypothetical quality employee has put in significant unpaid OT over the past several months and advises leadership of the nature of the situation. Leadership counters with "you don't work enough hours as it is." The hypothetical employee has to decide: do I do my job as rigorously as I want to (and work 16+hours daily), or do the best I can in 11 hours, even if I take short cuts?
5: At a hypothetical company in a far away land, a hypothetical project manager, tasked as the primary contact with a very real customer, is forced to come up with yet another creative excuse as to why their project is not on track (but we all knew we couldn't meet the obligations from the very start, didn't we!). The hypothetical project manager realizes she has become quite a skill linguist, finding new and creative ways to not tell the very real customer of the actual status, but rather to communicate the propaganda promulgating from the proverbial front office. "Funny", she hypothetically thinks, "I wonder if that's what the North Korea review meant..."
6: Somewhere in Wisconsin, a group of site leaders congregate around a conference room table. The focus, as always, is what needs to be done to meet financial plan. Known safety and quality risks are mere irritations that are trivialized or ignored. Correction of these only risks missing plan. Besides, plenty of safety risks have been taken in the past without issue, why would we expect a problem now? High turnover rates are shrugged off; those hypothetical employees were "no good and unable to keep up with our excellent management style" a few self-congratulate themselves. They laugh about how lucky they were, the last time they were audited by a very real regulating agency, and how the very real inspectors were young, inexperienced, and it was easy to divert attention from clear discrepancies. "Got lucky, didn't we?!" Some in the room are uncomfortable with the way things are run, and the number of shortcuts being taken, but are wise enough to utter not a word. Although all are stated to be site leaders, it is well known that some are dictators, some are good guys, and some are mere sock puppets.
7: At a hypothetical company in a far away land, a hypothetical group of professionals, managers, and supervisors congregate at a local bar to enjoy a few beers after work. As the drinks flow, and tensions ease, this hypothetical group vents frustrations of their employment situation. They speculate what would happen if a very real customer or very real governmental regulator were to dig into the records and see that the hypothetical witness is seemingly able to be in two places at once. "Would we get busted, or awarded a prize for time travel?" they say to the clink of beer mugs. Completely powerless in this regard, they are painfully aware that site management would blame the hypothetical technician, hypothetical witness, hypothetical supervisor and hypothetical quality professional for this. Perhaps this is why lyrics to the popular Queen song are being sung. What is NOT hypothetical is that all of the hypothetical employees mentioned above are sincere in their wish to do things the right way, and lament that shortcuts are inevitable to meet the otherwise impossible deadlines imposed by site leadership.
Want to play a game?
How many times was the word (or variants of) 'hypothetical' used?
Want to play a game?
How many of them were?
Would love to hear your stories while we share a bite to eat


Red pill.
Blue pill.
The choice is yours.

Advice to Management

Realize that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Thank you
Thank hue
Thank Q
Thank ewe

This is not a game.

Dude, you’re sick in the head and need to seek professional help
Your stats are generic and laughable. This is not a game
No, it isn't game.
Not to the employee who has rent/mortgage and one or more mouths to feed.
Not to the customer who has a vested interest in the outcome, the very lifeblood of some small businesses.
Not to the consumer, who has every expectation that the products from Alcami are pure and efficacious.
Turns my stomach to think of the "professionals" running the company. They could care less about any of the three above. Eventually it will catch up to them. We are in a small and vocal industry. All they had to do was to follow Stevie and wait a few years. He, and the minions he hired, are a disaster in the making. And they could care less.
You might have to move but if you work in Germantown or at other sites, you should seriously consider getting out. It may be that the reputation will follow you after the company implodes.
If someone ever opens the records for contract actives....