Collapsed territories

i dont get the waiter-waitress comments. but, i asked my mgr and when people leave, they make an assessment. what is wrong with that? and, i asked about the bonus and the abandoned accts do count in history. so, i ask in all seriousness(know i will get beat up), what would you do different? i dont get it--this job is pretty darn good. feel bad that some of you are so unhappy. really do and hope you find some

Hmmmm...20 hospitals mean more potential for someone that originally had ten. We don't need to get into the reasons why you don't understand why others would upset by this!!!!!! I asked my manager.... And I asked my manager....And then I asked my manager. You sound pretty empty headed and very, very Gullible.
I am shocked that you actually feel that "this job is pretty darn good". This only means you have never had an actual good job with a decent company and don't know the difference. On the other hand, it's probably good that you are a clueless bubble-head as this probably saves you from anxiety that everyone else suffers least until the company eventually shuts down. Truly do your homework and look at the darn numbers okay? Do you think we are anywhere near the promised 13 million for this quarter? With only a handful of weeks left, we would have to achieve not a million but well over a million for ALL remaining weeks to even come close. It also has been leaked form a very reliable source that one of the regional managers is currently exploring other opportunities and many of us have discussed this. At least they are smart as it will take an even longer time to find an equivalent job like that versus a sales position. How much time do you think this company has? Just remember these last words and print them out if you need to as proof: when you get the call (and everyone eventually will), you receive your last 2 week paycheck, no severance, and no due bonus check. This is not a prediction, it is an inevitable fact. If you are not at least entertaining other opportunities than I feel even more sorry for you.

you never answered the question. what would you do different? how should the company cover the accounts? regarding the numbers, you can insult me all you want, but we will be north of 13 million. if you want to bet, i am in the west region and i will wager any amount that we do. in fact, i will sign the next post if you do. the region manager thing is a more bs- i only know one fairly well but no one would ever disclose a search. and, i have a reliable source who has monitored all departures--80% are people who wanted out--better opportunity, etc. so, i dont believe you. you cannot possibly know what the severance is--do you work in hr? if not, you are a liar and a troll.

you never answered the question. what would you do different? how should the company cover the accounts? regarding the numbers, you can insult me all you want, but we will be north of 13 million. if you want to bet, i am in the west region and i will wager any amount that we do. in fact, i will sign the next post if you do. the region manager thing is a more bs- i only know one fairly well but no one would ever disclose a search. and, i have a reliable source who has monitored all departures--80% are people who wanted out--better opportunity, etc. so, i dont believe you. you cannot possibly know what the severance is--do you work in hr? if not, you are a liar and a troll.

You're right everything is great at Cadence. You have all the answers, this debate is officially over, you win life.

you never answered the question. what would you do different? how should the company cover the accounts? regarding the numbers, you can insult me all you want, but we will be north of 13 million. if you want to bet, i am in the west region and i will wager any amount that we do. in fact, i will sign the next post if you do. the region manager thing is a more bs- i only know one fairly well but no one would ever disclose a search. and, i have a reliable source who has monitored all departures--80% are people who wanted out--better opportunity, etc. so, i dont believe you. you cannot possibly know what the severance is--do you work in hr? if not, you are a liar and a troll.

A troll? Good one. I can see why they kept you here at Cadence. You might want to wipe that bit of brown shit off the tip of your nose. You truly are clueless. And yes, one of the regionals currently has their name ib with one of the well known recruiting agencies and that is all you need to know. In addition, there are several area managers looking as well and I am sure many others can chime in and confirm these numbers. There are 6 weeks left to go for the quarter and how many weeks have we met a million? How many weeks are in a quarter? Your math is off. What would anyone have to gain by being a liar? Believe it or not, most of these posts are meant to help people and to be prepared. If you arnt at least casually looking to protect yourself, then you are a FOOL. If you really arnt as dumb as you sound, then I csn understand you are in a state of denial because no one really wants to start all over again. But dont ever say that none of us ever warned you. Finally (and many will agree with this point), if you are so happy and feel like everything is golden then why the hell are you on cafepharma wasting your time and breath refuting comments. The truth is you are on here because you feel it to, that something is very wrong and you feel anxious and searching for answers. If you really are happy and content, you would never waste your time coming on this. You see, in the end you are the liar and one of the biggest parts of the problem as you are trying to give everyone a false sense of security. You are either upper management (because it is well known Randy scopes the board regularly) or you are just simply delusional. The shame really should be on you as you are suggesting to employees with mouths to feed everything is good and it is not.

you never answered the question. what would you do different? how should the company cover the accounts? regarding the numbers, you can insult me all you want, but we will be north of 13 million. if you want to bet, i am in the west region and i will wager any amount that we do. in fact, i will sign the next post if you do. the region manager thing is a more bs- i only know one fairly well but no one would ever disclose a search. and, i have a reliable source who has monitored all departures--80% are people who wanted out--better opportunity, etc. so, i dont believe you. you cannot possibly know what the severance is--do you work in hr? if not, you are a liar and a troll.

You're the liar (or an idiot). Probably both.

There was no severance for discarded reps--just final paycheck. I know because I spoke with several of them--trying to help them get jobs to support their family--and stories were all the same--final paycheck, no severance, no bonus. Several of the reps who left on their own didn't even have jobs and were very vocal about the working environment here--hence the perceptyx survey. Cadence denied one rep unemployment benefits and the rep had to go to a hearing with the state board and cadence HR present. State found in favor of rep citing that Cadence is a hostile work environment.

You're clueless. You probably think you're "reliable source" cares about you, too. Stay off the boards you brainwashed troll.

you never answered the question. what would you do different? how should the company cover the accounts? regarding the numbers, you can insult me all you want, but we will be north of 13 million. if you want to bet, i am in the west region and i will wager any amount that we do. in fact, i will sign the next post if you do. the region manager thing is a more bs- i only know one fairly well but no one would ever disclose a search. and, i have a reliable source who has monitored all departures--80% are people who wanted out--better opportunity, etc. so, i dont believe you. you cannot possibly know what the severance is--do you work in hr? if not, you are a liar and a troll.

OK - I will bet you. You said you'd post your name Mr. West region. Let's see if you are a man of your word.


A troll? Good one. I can see why they kept you here at Cadence. You might want to wipe that bit of brown shit off the tip of your nose. You truly are clueless. And yes, one of the regionals currently has their name ib with one of the well known recruiting agencies and that is all you need to know. In addition, there are several area managers looking as well and I am sure many others can chime in and confirm these numbers. There are 6 weeks left to go for the quarter and how many weeks have we met a million? How many weeks are in a quarter? Your math is off. What would anyone have to gain by being a liar? Believe it or not, most of these posts are meant to help people and to be prepared. If you arnt at least casually looking to protect yourself, then you are a FOOL. If you really arnt as dumb as you sound, then I csn understand you are in a state of denial because no one really wants to start all over again. But dont ever say that none of us ever warned you. Finally (and many will agree with this point), if you are so happy and feel like everything is golden then why the hell are you on cafepharma wasting your time and breath refuting comments. The truth is you are on here because you feel it to, that something is very wrong and you feel anxious and searching for answers. If you really are happy and content, you would never waste your time coming on this. You see, in the end you are the liar and one of the biggest parts of the problem as you are trying to give everyone a false sense of security. You are either upper management (because it is well known Randy scopes the board regularly) or you are just simply delusional. The shame really should be on you as you are suggesting to employees with mouths to feed everything is good and it is not.

And then what when they hit it? How is the pipeline looking? Are you going to "stirke it rich"?

We don't have a pipeline

Ionsys is a total disaster product that will never come to be

We have no money to compete with larger companies bidding for a good drug. We would lose out every time. All companies are looking for the next greatest thing even if they have their own R&D department.

The drug hasn't met expectations but isn't a total failure drug. Eventually what is going to happen (and many similiar situations in the past have mimicked this) is that a large company (J&J or example) will silently purchase the drug at a ridiculously low price (this will be at the point when Cadence no longer has the funds to sustain themselves while Ofirmev is slowly growing). Cadence will be forced to relinquish the drug. The larger company will satisfy all of Cadence's debts and again purchase the drug for almost nothing. At this point, everyone will lose their jobs, with no severance or bonus check, because the purchasing company will have their own existing sales force to pick the drug up. You heard it here first.

A troll? Good one. I can see why they kept you here at Cadence. You might want to wipe that bit of brown shit off the tip of your nose. You truly are clueless. And yes, one of the regionals currently has their name ib with one of the well known recruiting agencies and that is all you need to know. In addition, there are several area managers looking as well and I am sure many others can chime in and confirm these numbers. There are 6 weeks left to go for the quarter and how many weeks have we met a million? How many weeks are in a quarter? Your math is off. What would anyone have to gain by being a liar? Believe it or not, most of these posts are meant to help people and to be prepared. If you arnt at least casually looking to protect yourself, then you are a FOOL. If you really arnt as dumb as you sound, then I csn understand you are in a state of denial because no one really wants to start all over again. But dont ever say that none of us ever warned you. Finally (and many will agree with this point), if you are so happy and feel like everything is golden then why the hell are you on cafepharma wasting your time and breath refuting comments. The truth is you
are on here because you feel it to, that something is very wrong and you feel anxious and searching for answers. If you really are happy and content, you would never waste your time coming on this. You see, in the end you are the liar and one of the biggest parts of the
problem as you are trying to give everyone a false sense of security. You are either upper management (because it is well known Randy scopes the board regularly) or you are just simply delusional. The shame really should be on you as you are suggesting to employees
with mouths to feed everything is good and it is not.

I like the part if you are happy and content, you would not come on here. I guess if you are miserable, this is where you go to find company. Makes sense. I feel better already.

We don't have a pipeline

Ionsys is a total disaster product that will never come to be

We have no money to compete with larger companies bidding for a good drug. We would lose out every time. All companies are looking for the next greatest thing even if they have their own R&D department.

The drug hasn't met expectations but isn't a total failure drug. Eventually what is going to happen (and many similiar situations in the past have mimicked this) is that a large company (J&J or example) will silently purchase the drug at a ridiculously low price (this will be at the point when Cadence no longer has the funds to sustain themselves while Ofirmev is slowly growing). Cadence will be forced to relinquish the drug. The larger company will satisfy all of Cadence's debts and again purchase the drug for almost nothing. At this point, everyone will lose their jobs, with no severance or bonus check, because the purchasing company will have their own existing sales force to pick the drug up. You heard it here first.

Need I remind you, companies are lining up to partner with us.

Can't you people take a weekend off from trashing myself and other successful colleagues? If senior management wants to reward us to retain our skills, by giving us accounts where others failed you should accept the reality and realize you are not difference makers in this space. If you have the time to spend on here bashing us, maybe you should spend some weekend time preparing for the coming week or actually calling on some accounts, hospitals are open on the weekend.

Can't you people take a weekend off from trashing myself and other successful colleagues? If senior management wants to reward us to retain our skills, by giving us accounts where others failed you should accept the reality and realize you are not difference makers in this space. If you have the time to spend on here bashing us, maybe you should spend some weekend time preparing for the coming week or actually calling on some accounts, hospitals are open on the weekend.

Your ego is getting the better of you. You are not that good of a rep. Go spend time with your family. Loser.