Collapsed territories

Bullying is obsessive and compulsive; the serial bully has to have someone to bully and appears to be unable to survive without a current target.

Despite the facade that such people put up, bullies have low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and thus feel insecure. Low self-esteem is a factor highlighted by all studies of bullying. Because such people are inadequate and unable to fulfil the duties and obligations of their position, they fear being revealed. This fear of exposure often borders on paranoia, so they habitually post on cafe pharma while accusing others of doing same.

Bullies are seething with resentment, bitterness, hatred and anger, and often have wide-ranging prejudices as a vehicle for dumping their anger onto others. Bullies are driven by jealousy and envy.

Wow. Great stuff. Is it peer reviewed?

Hey partner, great job last quarter. You had a HUGE payout. How did you triple your sales? "Oh, you got free accounts that gave you more growth vials?" I have heard about that. Your rankings are up b/c your payout was so big since they did not adjust your baseline during the quarter when those new accounts hit. You even look good next quarter because now you have more volume, and more accounts to call on. You're lucky! The rest of us are also having record growth, but we can't keep up with your new volume. Must be nice.

OMG. I still love this. So, have you all with the free accounts leveled out like the rest of us did a year ago?

We sure have. Now I get it. These $7k bonuses suck. What do you do when there are no more hospitals left to launch, grow, or try and get to. It's been do easy with my baseline vials coming out of nowhere & hitting growth vials well before the end of quarter. The $5 growth vial days were amazing. Stock awards really paid off b/c of buyout. I miss my $25k per quarter bonuses. Guess my $180k in vested award shares offsets some of this. Sorry the rest of you got screwed.

We sure have. Now I get it. These $7k bonuses suck. What do you do when there are no more hospitals left to launch, grow, or try and get to. It's been do easy with my baseline vials coming out of nowhere & hitting growth vials well before the end of quarter. The $5 growth vial days were amazing. Stock awards really paid off b/c of buyout. I miss my $25k per quarter bonuses. Guess my $180k in vested award shares offsets some of this. Sorry the rest of you got screwed.

You are a liar. There were no reps that had $25k bonuses. 15k yes, but not close to 25k...with the exception of LW and possibly CH. So shut your overinflated mouth. It's sickening.

You are a liar. There were no reps that had $25k bonuses. 15k yes, but not close to 25k...with the exception of LW and possibly CH. So shut your overinflated mouth. It's sickening.

Actually you're wrong about that. There were many hitting 20-25k bonuses in 2011 and early 2012. Not every quarter, but it did happen.