Listen door to door salesman. That title is not a badge of honor. But since you take your embarrassing job so seriously, try this line the next time you are role playing. "Would you like to add two hot apple pies to your value meal for just a dollar more?" This is your future whopper boy, embrace it. Your cold calling days will soon be over, along with the failed endeavor that is BHD,
BHD is exploding !!!! Bonus' are huge and monthly, nothing you would understand. um, quest boy, shitty service rep or whatever "fake" title they give you high school "grads" I picked up 3 cleavland accounts this week who said "oh god, I can't deal with quest"...yeah, that is the consensus (big word, look it up) Again, if you see a BHD rep in an office, boy, step aside, real sales reps have arrived.....