Cleveland Heart Lab

How ridiculous is this purchase? Quest purchases Berkeley Heart Lab in 2012, changes all of the tests and the program that came with it. Why? They didn't need to purchase Berkeley to have the test as it stands now, so it was a big waste of money. Did you know that last year, our wellness program offered the Boston Heart Lab test to all of our employees in the NE? For free? A test that is really no different from the CardioIQ test. But apparently a Quest big wig was in bed with a Boston Heart person...ahem.....and there you go.
And now, purchasing Cleveland so they can just dismember it like BHL? You know they will. And all the reps will be "downsized" but hopefully CHL has a good clause written into the purchase so the reps can at least get a decent severance. Another big waste of money while the stock tanks and raises will again suck.
Quest is such a friggin joke.

Hey, dumbo quest rep, don't compare BHD test to your shitty cardio iq. Stick to the routine shit you do so well and leave the "specialty" testing to the pros.

Hey, dumbo quest rep, don't compare BHD test to your shitty cardio iq. Stick to the routine shit you do so well and leave the "specialty" testing to the pros.

Listen, son. We will do whatever we want, own whatever we want, or dismantle any entity we want, whenever it suits our interests. Or sometimes, just for fun. You are a duck in a barrel. Learn your place. We are Quest Diagnostics.

Listen, son. We will do whatever we want, own whatever we want, or dismantle any entity we want, whenever it suits our interests. Or sometimes, just for fun. You are a duck in a barrel. Learn your place. We are Quest Diagnostics.

Hey dumbo, keep doing your cbc's and making your 60k salary but stay out of the way of the real sales reps at BHD. Um, when offices want testing done right they use us, not your shitty lab. I love selling, not a word you would understand, against you easy !!!

Hey, dumbo quest rep, don't compare BHD test to your shitty cardio iq. Stick to the routine shit you do so well and leave the "specialty" testing to the pros.

What a freaking joke! If BHD was so damn good, then why do they need market their test through Quest’s wellness program? You’re a pathetic loser, working for a pathetic company, and the only way you can get sales is to buy off your doc.

Hey dumbo, keep doing your cbc's and making your 60k salary but stay out of the way of the real sales reps at BHD. Um, when offices want testing done right they use us, not your shitty lab. I love selling, not a word you would understand, against you easy !!!

Listen Sales Boy, if you feel the need to converse with your kind, head on down to your local Used Kia Dealer. We are Account Executives. Quest Diagnostics sells itself. You are out of your league here.

Listen Sales Boy, if you feel the need to converse with your kind, head on down to your local Used Kia Dealer. We are Account Executives. Quest Diagnostics sells itself. You are out of your league here.
Quest boy, do you have training, or do you hire any high school drop out and throw them in the field ? Um, if you see a BHD rep in an office, step aside, a real sales rep has arrived. Oh, and the office needs labels, thanks quest boy.

Quest boy, do you have training, or do you hire any high school drop out and throw them in the field ? Um, if you see a BHD rep in an office, step aside, a real sales rep has arrived. Oh, and the office needs labels, thanks quest boy.

Listen door to door salesman. That title is not a badge of honor. But since you take your embarrassing job so seriously, try this line the next time you are role playing. "Would you like to add two hot apple pies to your value meal for just a dollar more?" This is your future whopper boy, embrace it. Your cold calling days will soon be over, along with the failed endeavor that is BHD,

Yeah that right! You will learn to love your .25%-1% “merit” raises and you will love your bonus comp plan that only 20% of the sales force is hitting!

Never ceases to amaze me the dipshits that defend this sub-par organization. Welcome to the suck

Whoever fed you those numbers, might even know less than you. Listen,son, there is an elite team that drives this organization and we all laugh at what you and your ilk are "unable to hit", You may be an employee here, but you are still on the outside without even a chance to ever look in.

Listen Sales Boy, if you feel the need to converse with your kind, head on down to your local Used Kia Dealer. We are Account Executives. Quest Diagnostics sells itself. You are out of your league here.

Keep wolfing down double whoppers and onion rings. I won't put that crap in my system. Meanwhile I'm hitting the weights at 5:30, selling three specialist docs and a hospital lab by noon, and "delivering value" to your wife by 2.

She gave me a couple messages for you. First, please pick up some orange juice with your Lipitor and second, don't be ashamed, a lot of men suffer from premature ejaculation.

PS - Get on it, those draw kits won't deliver themselves!

Keep wolfing down double whoppers and onion rings. I won't put that crap in my system. Meanwhile I'm hitting the weights at 5:30, selling three specialist docs and a hospital lab by noon, and "delivering value" to your wife by 2.

She gave me a couple messages for you. First, please pick up some orange juice with your Lipitor and second, don't be ashamed, a lot of men suffer from premature ejaculation.

PS - Get on it, those draw kits won't deliver themselves!

I see that you are still as delusional as ever, Androgel. Nice to hear from you regardless. Still stashing vodka in your company car? There will be help out there when you hit rock bottom. Not from me of coarse, I think you should be held accountable for your poor choices.

I see that you are still as delusional as ever, Androgel. Nice to hear from you regardless. Still stashing vodka in your company car? There will be help out there when you hit rock bottom. Not from me of coarse, I think you should be held accountable for your poor choices.

Thanks for your concern, but I don't need to be drunk to deliver value to Whopper Girl. Even if she looks like she's been hit in the face by a rake, I take it as a charity case. I do more for her in the sack in one day than you have in the 3 months you've been on a PIP. She's genuinely concerned for you though. Sweet lady.

Get help for that premature ejaculation when you drop off your draw kits.

Thanks for your concern, but I don't need to be drunk to deliver value to Whopper Girl. Even if she looks like she's been hit in the face by a rake, I take it as a charity case. I do more for her in the sack in one day than you have in the 3 months you've been on a PIP. She's genuinely concerned for you though. Sweet lady.

Get help for that premature ejaculation when you drop off your draw kits.

Disregard this smack-talk.

The talent at QD is lacking and this is coming from someone with over 5 years of experience - I've seen these tools at the company Pow Wows and let's just say I am not Wow Wowed.

If I were a CHL rep I would be looking for the quickest exit. You are not going to like being around this micro-managed organization and spending your time with guys like Captain Micropenis, the guy who keeps responding to your posts...

Disregard this smack-talk.

The talent at QD is lacking and this is coming from someone with over 5 years of experience - I've seen these tools at the company Pow Wows and let's just say I am not Wow Wowed.

If I were a CHL rep I would be looking for the quickest exit. You are not going to like being around this micro-managed organization and spending your time with guys like Captain Micropenis, the guy who keeps responding to your posts...

Well you would certainly know what it is like to be an acquired employee. I have no doubt that you long for your glory days at Solstas. Drunk and cheating on your wife at sales meetings. Other indiscretions... Why don't you try to accomplish something today, junior. After all it is you who is required to "wow wow" us and we know who you are.

Disregard this smack-talk.

The talent at QD is lacking and this is coming from someone with over 5 years of experience - I've seen these tools at the company Pow Wows and let's just say I am not Wow Wowed.

If I were a CHL rep I would be looking for the quickest exit. You are not going to like being around this micro-managed organization and spending your time with guys like Captain Micropenis, the guy who keeps responding to your posts...

Oh, this is a fun little diversion. Captain Quickdraw can say whatever pops into his Captain Micro-brain. Lions don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.

Specialty reps are hunters. Captain Delusional just guards our kill, whopper in one hand, flask of rotgut whisky in the other, and wonders when Amazon delivery drones will render him obsolete.

Oh, this is a fun little diversion. Captain Quickdraw can say whatever pops into his Captain Micro-brain. Lions don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.

Specialty reps are hunters. Captain Delusional just guards our kill, whopper in one hand, flask of rotgut whisky in the other, and wonders when Amazon delivery drones will render him obsolete.

You are clearly suffering from wet brain. Google it, then seek help to the extent that it is available for your condition. Recovery is no longer an option.

You are clearly suffering from wet brain. Google it, then seek help to the extent that it is available for your condition. Recovery is no longer an option.

Son, leave the amateur diagnoses to doctors, or at least to those reps who sell to them rather than spend their professional hours in waiting room. Maybe in an hour, Rhonda at the front desk will return from her cigarette break and sign for your draw kits. And after few repeats of this ritual, you can set that elusive personal best in Candy Crush.

Get your own brain exam next time you visit your proctologist. Who knows what else he'll find up there?

Son, leave the amateur diagnoses to doctors, or at least to those reps who sell to them rather than spend their professional hours in waiting room. Maybe in an hour, Rhonda at the front desk will return from her cigarette break and sign for your draw kits. And after few repeats of this ritual, you can set that elusive personal best in Candy Crush.

Get your own brain exam next time you visit your proctologist. Who knows what else he'll find up there?

Up at 5am and the first thing you do is read and respond to my post. Nice that you are so obsessed with my work, but you really need to get a life and focus on your assignments as a door to door salesman. I am sure it is humiliating for you, facing rejection day in and day out and I am know the alcohol helps you cope with that. But you have severe limitations and this is all you are ever going to be. Try to make the most of it.

Up at 5am and the first thing you do is read and respond to my post. Nice that you are so obsessed with my work, but you really need to get a life and focus on your assignments as a door to door salesman. I am sure it is humiliating for you, facing rejection day in and day out and I am know the alcohol helps you cope with that. But you have severe limitations and this is all you are ever going to be. Try to make the most of it.

I apologize if my getting a jump on the day gives you delusions of importance or adequacy. A little Prozac will help with the inferiority complex--and as a bonus, might help with your other "problem," Minute Man. Then you might not feel the urge to troll real salespeople. We put food on the table faster than you can knock it off through your negligence, stupidity, and lack of will.

You will be replaced by delivery drones and phone trees. But look on the bright side, you can catch up on all your DVRed episodes of Maury Povich while collecting unemployment.