Changes in Institutional Sales - return of LTC?

I work in the NY office. The entire brand team for Teflaro is in San Francisco right now. THey are dealing with Cerexa people to try and figure out what to do with Teflaro. They are trying to avoid layoffs but they may be imminent. It's nice having them out of the office though!! All they seem to do is stress and panic!

Fact Len is done. It is a gift from GA, the other option was to be demoted and that would make GA look bad. This way it looks like Len is heading an elite LTC sales force. Len has been put out to pasture in LTC. Funny he knew nothing about Hospital or Antibiotics when he took his current job. Now he knows nothing about LTC for his new job. LTC is far from a retail gig, it is account management of the LTC facility, LT Pharmacy, Nursing Staff, Pharmacy Consultant, Psych Consultant, Medical Director, attending physicians, DON, ADON, MDS Coordinator and that has to be managed for each individual nursing home.
But the good news EH and GA are asking the remaining LTC members how the program should be rolled wait...they have not even asked any of them for input. Good luck to those being led by no nothing Len for a second time.

Sr. Leadership is lacking and Teflaro marketing lead by an idiot, dumbest woman in the business Great combination

yes 65 leaving teflaro going to ltc. for now. within 4-6 months, Teflaro will be done. Reps will be offered spots in retail side or any ltc openings. teflaro is done. reps are too expensive and sales don't justify keeping them around. it's a niche product that forest forecasted to be an empiric drug.

yes 65 leaving teflaro going to ltc. for now. within 4-6 months, Teflaro will be done. Reps will be offered spots in retail side or any ltc openings. teflaro is done. reps are too expensive and sales don't justify keeping them around. it's a niche product that forest forecasted to be an empiric drug.

This is Cafe Pharma people. All of this is merely speculation. There are other anti infectives in the pipeline. By trimming 65 reps and cutting funding for current studies (bone head move Forest), they are making their bottom line more feasible to handle. Who really knows what's going to happen. Who knows if they're selling us and the pipeline portfolio off? Probably not a bad idea to start looking for your next career move.

Who the hell knows? Thanks Forest for the extra stress.

Could you please expand on the cutting off funding to studies? I heard rumors of this from one of my pharm d's who was supposed to be participating at her hospital. Is it true?? If that is the case, this means Teflaro is toast.

It isnt a resume killer because just don't put it on your resume. A future employer will never know. However, there aren't many jobs out there anymore in hospitals. When was the last time you even saw another hospital rep from another company besides the Zyvox rejects?

Hospital is dead, unless you work for a device or biotech - the guys who don't wear ties -- higher risk, higher reward. Specialty/Institutional Pharma reps will eventually all be "portfolio" reps, with (at least) high prescribing IM/FP docs included.

So let me get this straight...if I have not been getting sales in my academic accounts then that means I will stay in my hospital role and not be transferred to LTC? So reps that have been producing in major accounts will move over to LTC? Seems odd...

Can anyone answer this question? Anyone know the definitive criteria?

Ground Hog's Day. What a shame that so many excellent people with LTC knowledge and years of experience left the organization. Huge lost opportunity due to ego and political stroking.

Here's another shame. No one is working. We are all treading water waiting to hear the news. Botched Teflaro launch and botched holding pattern now. It's sad, poor management and really naive on E and G's part thinking its "business as usual".

I'm ok with my hospital changes, but some people really got screwd. Most of the changes I heard about really make no good business sense at all. Don't know what the hell these people were smoking when they came up with this grand plan.

I'm ok with my hospital changes, but some people really got screwd. Most of the changes I heard about really make no good business sense at all. Don't know what the hell these people were smoking when they came up with this grand plan.

You can thank the most incompetent group of people at at Forest for that, Sales Admin! They took zero feedback from any of the DM's or field. They're basically comprised of a bunch of morons who make minimum wage. Did anybody on here land in long term care? I'm curious to know how you "really" feel....are you happy about going to nursing homes or pissed?