Changes in Institutional Sales - return of LTC?

Are you for real? No way!! That might be one of the dumbest business decisions I've ever heard of here at Forest if that's the truth. Can anyone else confirm this is for real?

Absolutely true. Makes you wonder if the remaining hospital reps and Cerexa are going to packaged up and sold (to AZ, perhaps). Anything EH touches is a joke.

Absolutely true. Makes you wonder if the remaining hospital reps and Cerexa are going to packaged up and sold (to AZ, perhaps). Anything EH touches is a joke.

Really? You idiots question why Teflaro will not be sold in LTC? No wonder we suck in hospital sales. Let's see, does Teflaro have an HCABP or Pseudomonas indication? NO dipshits!!! Too much of a risk for off la eleven promotion. If you posted that we should sell Teflaro there please resign tomorrow.

Look jack hole....if your not selling off label then your not selling. We sell to acute rehab and there is no Cano but I get the absssi business. A huge chunck of my sales are for bacter. I did not tell them we are indicated , they used worked and they use more. Off label means sales..this Forest get with the program. Hell my RD talks sepsis when he is with me.

Really? You idiots question why Teflaro will not be sold in LTC? No wonder we suck in hospital sales. Let's see, does Teflaro have an HCABP or Pseudomonas indication? NO dipshits!!! Too much of a risk for off la eleven promotion. If you posted that we should sell Teflaro there please resign tomorrow.

If you know anything about LTC, MRSA is everywhere in the nursing homes!!

Really? You idiots question why Teflaro will not be sold in LTC? No wonder we suck in hospital sales. Let's see, does Teflaro have an HCABP or Pseudomonas indication? NO dipshits!!! Too much of a risk for off la eleven promotion. If you posted that we should sell Teflaro there please resign tomorrow.

Hey moron...guess what? There's a ton of pseudomonas and hcap in hospitals as well!! Using your sh*t for brains logic, why would we even sell Teflaro in hospitals then? "Too much risk for off-label promotion there!!!" You should resign tomorrow because you're a tool who thinks they know it all but fails to look outside their microcosm of a brainless robot world. I guess retail reps should also not call on Cardiologists because they treat a lot of post-mi and there's too much risk for off-label. Or Viibryd reps should stop calling on Psych's because they treat a lot of bipolar and there's too much risk for off-label. You might be the dumbest rep ever! Go spit out your full cover to cover MVA detail you mindless drone.

Hey moron...guess what? There's a ton of pseudomonas and hcap in hospitals as well!! Using your sh*t for brains logic, why would we even sell Teflaro in hospitals then? "Too much risk for off-label promotion there!!!" You should resign tomorrow because you're a tool who thinks they know it all but fails to look outside their microcosm of a brainless robot world. I guess retail reps should also not call on Cardiologists because they treat a lot of post-mi and there's too much risk for off-label. Or Viibryd reps should stop calling on Psych's because they treat a lot of bipolar and there's too much risk for off-label. You might be the dumbest rep ever! Go spit out your full cover to cover MVA detail you mindless drone. can go back and forth on whether Teflaro will be used in nursing homes or not but the real issue at hand is that Forest will not pay us on it! So who gives a sh*t!!!!! can go back and forth on whether Teflaro will be used in nursing homes or not but the real issue at hand is that Forest will not pay us on it! So who gives a sh*t!!!!!

Agreed, the back and forth is annoying. The LTC reps will not be paid on it so it doesn't even matter. We have bigger things to worry about!

Knowing Forest, I would say they will look at each territories Teflaro performance since launch and more so over this fiscal year and a 1/3 of the lowest performing Teflaro reps from each area which have a large long term care market will be realigned to sell to LTC.

Knowing Forest, I would say they will look at each territories Teflaro performance since launch and more so over this fiscal year and a 1/3 of the lowest performing Teflaro reps from each area which have a large long term care market will be realigned to sell to LTC.

Agreed. Teflaro is still the big ticket for IS. Don't think for a second they will take successful reps away from their producing territories just to sell retail drugs. This could really get interesting.

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