Changes in Institutional Sales - return of LTC?

No one is safe. EVen new york knows everyone has up and down quarters. and everyone's territory will change...existing teflaro reps will lose small accounts and pick up others from divisional change.
plus, the main issue here is that based on published "street" aka wall street info, forest plans to sell of cerexa division in a few years. antibiotics reps will be done here. Namenda xr is the new bread and butter and it may end up being safest place to be. from new york, they want "the best reps" to launch xr in long term care.

Don't forget Teflaro was the worst launch ever, with the WORST brand team

Maybe I am missing something here, but I don't understand why marketing gets so much blame? Have you ever spoken with any of them? I have spoken to all of them; some have even joined me in the field. They "get it." They know that the expectations placed upon us are horrific and unrealistic. The blame rests with EH and GA.

No one is safe. EVen new york knows everyone has up and down quarters. and everyone's territory will change...existing teflaro reps will lose small accounts and pick up others from divisional change.
plus, the main issue here is that based on published "street" aka wall street info, forest plans to sell of cerexa division in a few years. antibiotics reps will be done here. Namenda xr is the new bread and butter and it may end up being safest place to be. from new york, they want "the best reps" to launch xr in long term care.

So funny "the best reps" what ever happened to LTC being where the worst reps went to die. Now it is where the best reps will be moved to??? Old LTC only needed 40 reps now the new LTC "the best" needs 65 reps to do the job???

No one is safe. EVen new york knows everyone has up and down quarters. and everyone's territory will change...existing teflaro reps will lose small accounts and pick up others from divisional change.
plus, the main issue here is that based on published "street" aka wall street info, forest plans to sell of cerexa division in a few years. antibiotics reps will be done here. Namenda xr is the new bread and butter and it may end up being safest place to be. from new york, they want "the best reps" to launch xr in long term care.

If this is true then sign me up to sell Teflaro! I would rather be sold off to another company than stay with Forest and sell antibiotics. Any company would be better than Forest in this arena. And BTW, safe selling Namenda? Are you kidding me? No one is ever safe. At least there are so few players in the anti-infective world that your contacts and experience may actually be worth something in the marketplace.

No thanks to being a retail rep in LTC.

remember TEflaro launch was a total joke. Corporate is looking at this namenda xr launch from the ltc side to be huge for the company. They need it to make lots of money to help sustain the company and help keep institutional sales force in tact. there are rumors of layoffs already so they are trying everything to avoid that. reality is forest has realized they don't belong in anti-infectives so that is why eventually cerexa side of company will be gone.

Nothing has been finalized yet

Are you retarded? They absolutley know at the RD level and above know what's going on and who's going where. This was all finalized before any of us even found out about it last week. They just decided to roll it out to us last week and are giving us a little time to digest it before they realighn us. Upper level mgmt and Sales admin have already carved out the territories, and know exactly what's going on.

Congrats to Len M. As the new IS LTC RD. Welcome back to retail.

Fact Len is done. It is a gift from GA, the other option was to be demoted and that would make GA look bad. This way it looks like Len is heading an elite LTC sales force. Len has been put out to pasture in LTC. Funny he knew nothing about Hospital or Antibiotics when he took his current job. Now he knows nothing about LTC for his new job. LTC is far from a retail gig, it is account management of the LTC facility, LT Pharmacy, Nursing Staff, Pharmacy Consultant, Psych Consultant, Medical Director, attending physicians, DON, ADON, MDS Coordinator and that has to be managed for each individual nursing home.
But the good news EH and GA are asking the remaining LTC members how the program should be rolled wait...they have not even asked any of them for input. Good luck to those being led by no nothing Len for a second time.

Fact Len is done. It is a gift from GA, the other option was to be demoted and that would make GA look bad. This way it looks like Len is heading an elite LTC sales force. Len has been put out to pasture in LTC. Funny he knew nothing about Hospital or Antibiotics when he took his current job. Now he knows nothing about LTC for his new job. LTC is far from a retail gig, it is account management of the LTC facility, LT Pharmacy, Nursing Staff, Pharmacy Consultant, Psych Consultant, Medical Director, attending physicians, DON, ADON, MDS Coordinator and that has to be managed for each individual nursing home.
But the good news EH and GA are asking the remaining LTC members how the program should be rolled wait...they have not even asked any of them for input. Good luck to those being led by no nothing Len for a second time.

oops ...know nothing Len

Wow, looks like emails already went out for NM training. They clearly new weeks ago who would be converted to FSR2.

You all need to chillax. No reps have been chosen (demoted) yet. No emails for NM training have been sent to the field. Sure, maybe the RD is chosen, but nobody is admitting it. The 4 RD's just got back from NY and "supposedly" GA hasn't made his final decision. Don't believe it for a minute. Enough with the Forest games. 3 weeks from the start of a new salesforce and in typical Forest fashion, the tail is wagging the dog... or in this case, the tail was run over by a car and is now being blown about in the road.

yes better to relax. fact is there is more longevity at forest in ltc than in antibiotics. rumor is that bonus pay is going to be higher for ltc reps.

Rumor has it.... that's just it, a rumor. However, bonuses are pretty low already so anything would be an improvement. Hopefully the ICP will be better over there.

You all need to chillax. No reps have been chosen (demoted) yet. No emails for NM training have been sent to the field. Sure, maybe the RD is chosen, but nobody is admitting it. The 4 RD's just got back from NY and "supposedly" GA hasn't made his final decision. Don't believe it for a minute. Enough with the Forest games. 3 weeks from the start of a new salesforce and in typical Forest fashion, the tail is wagging the dog... or in this case, the tail was run over by a car and is now being blown about in the road.

I heard the RDs were in NY for just one day. So what does that tell you? Everything is decided and the RDs were sat down in a little room and GA told them all how it was going to happen and what the assignments were. I am sure there was zero input because input would make sense. This alignment will be as messed up as the original IS alignment, people will be pissed off, the ICP will not make sense, and when numbers are low GA will blame the sales force. Welcome to Ground Hog Day!!!

I heard the RDs were in NY for just one day. So what does that tell you? Everything is decided and the RDs were sat down in a little room and GA told them all how it was going to happen and what the assignments were. I am sure there was zero input because input would make sense. This alignment will be as messed up as the original IS alignment, people will be pissed off, the ICP will not make sense, and when numbers are low GA will blame the sales force. Welcome to Ground Hog Day!!!

Question. If reps get sent over too, without choice, is this a resume killer? I've been in hospitals my entire career and don't want LTC to affect future hiring potential. People are saying its a much easier job, but it sound monotonous.

Question. If reps get sent over too, without choice, is this a resume killer? I've been in hospitals my entire career and don't want LTC to affect future hiring potential. People are saying its a much easier job, but it sound monotonous.

From the LTC reps that I used to talk to, all have said they were paid handsomely for little work. Most were not busting their butts like we have been doing with TF.
Is it a resume killer? I used to think so, but my former LTC colleagues have all moved on to good paying jobs, some even within biotech.

Just wait and see, we could all see that LTC might end up being be a superior position and we'll be clamoring to get over there. Forest will probably turn it into a "Hunger Games" competition... Thanks for the drama and anxiety G and E. We can always rely on you to give us the feeling of instability.

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