Bye bye Sumitomo

Weird how the goals changed so much... It's almost like there was some monetary miscalculation behind the scenes.... One that has nothing to do with the sales team performance or how clinically sold our HCPs are....

Walt and David, you have destroyed the culture here. Practice some self awareness. CANT WAIT for the next survey.

Not in commercial, but wanted to post across the company there are too many middle to upper-middle tier employees that are not taking things seriously when it comes to reducing costs or having a sense of urgency with cost reduction. They all think they are special and are 100% safe, and if there are more cuts it will not come close to hitting their role. They don’t care what happens or who is impacted. They are sitting back and waiting for their bonuses.

we all know the ones flying in someplace for maybe an appt….. and that is being generous. MSL, RADs ABM. Seriously. All those positions should be on a travel freeze. This would save dollars. Most companies have also done away with the quote ‘field’ ride which is also a $$$$ sucking check the box, non business driver activity. Get a grip ELT. Also, how many chiefs do we need across all of these drugs. It cannot possibly be that complicated.

Maybe the company you actually work at has ABLs but none here. -perhaps you should stop trolling this site and go to the one you actually work at unless you are jobless. In that event good luck but last,time I checked trolling does not land you a job.

I was on that elephant in the room call. Celebrating Chairman’s Circle for people that will be gone in two months. Not appropriate. Treat us like humans…we don’t know what Chairman’s Circle is going to look like..I’m sure you do. Do the right thing, and let employees that have been hard working, and loyal to the company know what is up

I was on that elephant in the room call. Celebrating Chairman’s Circle for people that will be gone in two months. Not appropriate. Treat us like humans…we don’t know what Chairman’s Circle is going to look like..I’m sure you do. Do the right thing, and let employees that have been hard working, and loyal to the company know what is up

there is no ‘do the right thing’ by leadership in this industry anymore. If you have been in it for any length of time, you know the ones sitting in the high castle are not capable. They make their millions and do not spend any time considering those of us in the field. They could care less if you are hard working or not.

there is no ‘do the right thing’ by leadership in this industry anymore. If you have been in it for any length of time, you know the ones sitting in the high castle are not capable. They make their millions and do not spend any time considering those of us in the field. They could care less if you are hard working or not.
Truth . Transparency is rarley found in Pharma anywhere nowadays. Reps are not valued and viewed as expendable.

I can’t get over the size of these “new” territories.. Unmanageable.. I’ll give it 6 months and see where we are. Maybe would have been better to be laid off.

Not in commercial, but wanted to post across the company there are too many middle to upper-middle tier employees that are not taking things seriously when it comes to reducing costs or having a sense of urgency with cost reduction. They all think they are special and are 100% safe, and if there are more cuts it will not come close to hitting their role. They don’t care what happens or who is impacted. They are sitting back and waiting for their bonuses.

If I had to assign a phrase to about maybe 70% of Sr. Directors up to VP’s it would be: smug complacency

Not so fast. There will be live role play certifications at the NSM. They will serve cheap food and cheap booze at the role play practice sessions the nite before certifications. Following the out dated big Pharma playbook is all this leadership team is capable of doing. Why because someone told them 25 years ago that’s what is done at Pharma meetings.

You know better. File back into rank son. No more crazy talk. NSM will go on as planned. Pre call planners, effective probing and close for specific patient type. And don’t forget efficacy sells!

Does anyone have any true info on if there are more layoffs this year and what to expect the remainder of this year
Geez it’s been said that cuts are complete but as Pharma goes that’s subject to change but likely won’t. The smart ones are being proactive for their futures though and not sitting around like lame ducks.