Bye bye Sumitomo

There will be more to come. Read the emails from Adele and Walt very closely. It states they’re evaluating more in this quarter. Sunovion has myfembree for a reason with smaller territories. Stay tuned for more to come.

There will be more to come. Read the emails from Adele and Walt very closely. It states they’re evaluating more in this quarter. Sunovion has myfembree for a reason with smaller territories. Stay tuned for more to come.
The cuts are done for now. Moving forward everything depends on Japan’s willingness to acquire an additional product or 2. This company has never had a stout track record of bringing their own products to market. Acquisitions are how they survived and will dictate if it will continue to survive moving beyond 2024.

The cuts are done for now. Moving forward everything depends on Japan’s willingness to acquire an additional product or 2. This company has never had a stout track record of bringing their own products to market. Acquisitions are how they survived and will dictate if it will continue to survive moving beyond 2024.

I doubt the cuts are done. Maybe for commercial they are done, but if they start cutting things like clinical trials and other projects in the coming weeks, there will be a lot of employees with nothing or little to do.

Not the place to come for career advice? Easy for someone from HQ to say since they had a heads up! The facts were laid out on this site on Dec.16 in this thread and have been dead on so far. Someone from HQ leaked when many were already under an nda, and thankfully they did as many are looking for jobs in this market, not easy! And funny enough, layoffs are almost always tipped off on Cafe Pharma, and thankfully so! If you care about people you give them as much time as possible and that didn’t happen in this case, except from this site!

Typical Sumitomo playback…trigger WARN act second week of January. 60 day notice to employees. Let Aptiom sales for go…consolidate Gemtesa sales force. Reduce everything else by 30-40%. Legal and HR already did the DEI checks. Everyone being let go has already been chosen. Close out FY23 with huge losses. Start FY24 fresh with new low forecasts for products.

Thank leadership for the gift that keeps on giving…poor leadership, me too products, too many leaders, no vision. Etc.

Happy Holidays.

This was the post the above poster is referencing. Dec 16th. Nailed it so far. Also accurate on the DEI part. There was a push to get minority employees to declare and update statuses in Workday back in Nov/Dec. Some of the internal posts on this are still up if you look it up

This was the post the above poster is referencing. Dec 16th. Nailed it so far. Also accurate on the DEI part. There was a push to get minority employees to declare and update statuses in Workday back in Nov/Dec. Some of the internal posts on this are still up if you look it up
Don’t start beating your chest about your post. You had partially true stuff which was common sense stuff but much was unfounded.

The ELT could have done one much more easier thing which could have resulted in actually keeping more people in the positions that are tied to customer interactions. Also saving millions to the bottom line.
Many companies are eliminating the manager level jobs for the field. This is the right move and something that should be considered by all companies. Field rides and coaching is a very antiquated and out dated way of doing business. Most accounts do not allow multiple people in. There is no business advantage for the customers that would allow a second person in. The accounts HATE it when there is a second person who contributes little to the interactions AND who they will likely never see again. Wise up ELT.
And before someone loses their biscuits at me, I am in one of those said positions. Smart enough to be looking for my nest gig.

1000% truth here. The business model has changed and these beat down self serving leaders here need to catch up to the times. There is zero in it for the customer in this day and age to have 3rd wheel loser manager coming into their offices with a sales rep is not only dumb and laughable.

No wonder you fools are without a job, acting like children. I appreciate the info that someone filtered down. It was spot on, learning more about the reorg doesn’t seem logical to me? Thoughts?

No wonder you fools are without a job, acting like children. I appreciate the info that someone filtered down. It was spot on, learning more about the reorg doesn’t seem logical to me? Thoughts?

The reorg is a mess. The info was spot on that was shared. Smpa leadership is ridiculous that there is still way too many vp level positions, manager positions etc. Nothing they do contributes to anything going on with our customers. Thanks Adele and Myrtle you guys are geniuses.

The ELT could have done one much more easier thing which could have resulted in actually keeping more people in the positions that are tied to customer interactions. Also saving millions to the bottom line.
Many companies are eliminating the manager level jobs for the field. This is the right move and something that should be considered by all companies. Field rides and coaching is a very antiquated and out dated way of doing business. Most accounts do not allow multiple people in. There is no business advantage for the customers that would allow a second person in. The accounts HATE it when there is a second person who contributes little to the interactions AND who they will likely never see again. Wise up ELT.
And before someone loses their biscuits at me, I am in one of those said positions. Smart enough to be looking for my nest gig.

Haha! Are we talking about the same ELT that didn’t forecast a billion dollar loss?

The reorg is a mess. The info was spot on that was shared. Smpa leadership is ridiculous that there is still way too many vp level positions, manager positions etc. Nothing they do contributes to anything going on with our customers. Thanks Adele and Myrtle you guys are geniuses.
Don’t forget the mid level hack managers. Some of the most useless in the industry.