Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Cost

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"Maybe we could benchmark Obama Care against a similar system and see? The Healthcare systems in Western Europe cost half as much as ours with the same results and they haven't collapsed."

Not only there health care systems, but damn-near their entire societies are on the verge of collapse in Europe. What fucking alternate-reality do you live in????

Just like your arguments against the article in the first post your Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck University remarks are baseless and tell more about your ignorance than anyone else's "alternate-realities". You are truly, like Archir Bunker, a self parody". A writer couldn't purposefully produce a character that displays a bigger disconnect from reality and then has a lack of self awareness than you do.

Your opinions have been proven to be shit here.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

This week PLOS Medicine publishes the following articles:

“Evergreening” strategies, where pharmaceutical companies slightly change the formulation of their brand drug into “follow on” drugs by combining formulations or producing slow-release forms, can extend drug patents substantially.

In an analysis of pharmacy invoice data in one Swiss Canton from 2000 to 2008, Nathalie Vernaz and colleagues find that evergreening strategies successfully maintain drug market share, offset generic competition and cost containment policies, and contribute to increased overall healthcare costs. Rising health care costs and pharmaceutical “life-cycle management” are discussed in an accompanying perspective by Aaron Kesselheim.

I think that this was the case with Novartis' Exforge yes? How many years did Novartis and you guys bilk the system with this drug before it fell off the cliff when the patent on the Evergreen product finally ended?

Didn't the Indian Supreme Court just end Evergreening there and signal the end of it globally.

Your teet from the US Healthcare System is drying up.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

You would think after such an embarrassing defense of KKK memeber Robert Byrd you would have shut the fuck up by now.... Not you, you keep spewing more non-sense.

it would seem that someone that is obviously ignorant of facts and history would be more so.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Look... Some ObamaDrone wants to refer to working, tax-paying citizens as parasites. I think this moron needs a blunt reminder of what the definition of a parasite is:

An organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
derogatory. A person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.

That is what the study in the first post proved you reps to be.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

An ObamaDrone, such as yourself, should be an expert on parasites. Obama has created more parasites in American society than any other president in history. You need look no further than the increase in unemployment, food stamps, medicaid and disability. This guy has created more dependency than a crack-dealer in Harlem.

People who receive unemployment payments receive money for doing nothing. But unlike you, as the study in the first post proves, you not only receive money for doing nothing you get paid to do harm.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Just like your arguments against the article in the first post your Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck University remarks are baseless and tell more about your ignorance than anyone else's "alternate-realities". You are truly, like Archir Bunker, a self parody". A writer couldn't purposefully produce a character that displays a bigger disconnect from reality and then has a lack of self awareness than you do.

Your opinions have been proven to be shit here.

Reality? The same guy who made these claims...

Tell us again about the great free market of Pakistan or how great KKK member and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd is.

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with what debt to GDP ratios are.... Europe is fucked if they don't find a way to get rid of the handouts, including their health care system.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Unemployment.... Up
Medicaid... Up
Food Stamps.... Up
Disability claims... Up

And this is good for the economy? You parasites better hope I keep my job or shit will go bankrupt faster than its current course.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Your irrational ranting here is just as worthless as it was when you got your ass kicked when doing the same against the study that proves you are a parasite. Do you get it, people much more qualified than you, much more educated and much more credible used FACTS and SCIENCE to prove that you are a PARASITE and you made yourself look really fucking stupid trying anything you could do to disprove it.

You are doing the same now.

Got a suggestion for you. Got get in your Ford Taurus and drive to the library (if the have those in the backwoods part of the South that you are obviously from) and read a bit. Weren't you the super genius who didn't even know what Feudalism was?

And remember, you are a marginally educated Pharma Rep. Didn't you read the post above about the Tow Trucker Driver at Home Depot talking to his mom about buying a door?

"Trust me. I know b'ness. I am a Pharma Rep" hahahaha

Probably sounds impressive in parts of the country where a man and a woman come up to you and the mans starts the conversation and by saying, "Let me introduce us. I am Nehemiah and I'd like you to meet my wife and sister" and there is only one women standing there!

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Your irrational ranting here is just as worthless as it was when you got your ass kicked when doing the same against the study that proves you are a parasite. Do you get it, people much more qualified than you, much more educated and much more credible used FACTS and SCIENCE to prove that you are a PARASITE and you made yourself look really fucking stupid trying anything you could do to disprove it.

You are doing the same now.

Got a suggestion for you. Got get in your Ford Taurus and drive to the library (if the have those in the backwoods part of the South that you are obviously from) and read a bit. Weren't you the super genius who didn't even know what Feudalism was?

And remember, you are a marginally educated Pharma Rep. Didn't you read the post above about the Tow Trucker Driver at Home Depot talking to his mom about buying a door?

"Trust me. I know b'ness. I am a Pharma Rep" hahahaha

Probably sounds impressive in parts of the country where a man and a woman come up to you and the mans starts the conversation and by saying, "Let me introduce us. I am Nehemiah and I'd like you to meet my wife and sister" and there is only one women standing there!

Your irrational hatred of the south and intolerance of people of faith is a poor excuse for a coherent argument.

I know even your most liberal friends must be embarrassed by your inability to form lucid thoughts or logical persuasion techniques.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Parasite Facts:

Medicaid - Estimated $300 billion.
Welfare - $750 billion, Up 32%... When you include state spending it exceeds $1trillion.
Food stamps - $78 billion, up 135%, 45 million recipients, 1 out of every 7 US residents.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Liberals have the same problem Communist have - it's all sounds good until you run out of other people's money...

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Liberals have the same problem Communist have - it's all sounds good until you run out of other people's money...

Then you must be a communist as the first post on this thread was a study proving that you provide no value-add to the healthcare system and so your entire salary is "other people's money". And you have actually demonstrated that you lie to Docs in order to help keep them misinformed so that they waste money buying branded drugs from your employer.

It must take allot of faith to believe that God will forgive you for being a fake. But I bet he takes into account your lack of intelligence that would allow you to realize that. After all, you can't even read and correctly interpret a scientific paper when it is given to you.

How's them cogent thoughts ?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Parasite Facts:

Medicaid - Estimated $300 billion.
Welfare - $750 billion, Up 32%... When you include state spending it exceeds $1trillion.
Food stamps - $78 billion, up 135%, 45 million recipients, 1 out of every 7 US residents.

Does the Welfare total include the total costs for the Pharma Reps plus the costs to the US Healthcare System for all the extra costs for the branded drugs you push?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Your comments are almost too stupid to reply to, but here is a basic definition of welfare since you don't seem to grasp the basic difference between working and getting paid by a private industry which actually produces a product used by the public and parasites which contribute nothing and our supported by the tax-dollars of the working.

Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid. In most developed countries, welfare is largely provided by the government, in addition to charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations.

Welfare can take a variety of forms, such as monetary payments, subsidies and vouchers, or housing assistance. Welfare systems differ from country to country, but Welfare is commonly provided to individuals who are unemployed, those with illness or disability, the elderly, those with dependent children, and veterans. A person's eligibility for Welfare may also be constrained by means testing or other conditions.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Then you must be a communist as the first post on this thread was a study proving that you provide no value-add to the healthcare system and so your entire salary is "other people's money". And you have actually demonstrated that you lie to Docs in order to help keep them misinformed so that they waste money buying branded drugs from your employer.

It must take allot of faith to believe that God will forgive you for being a fake. But I bet he takes into account your lack of intelligence that would allow you to realize that. After all, you can't even read and correctly interpret a scientific paper when it is given to you.

How's them cogent thoughts ?

Of course our salaries derive from other people's money, but here is the basic difference moron... communism takes money from people, with no choice and no ability to oppose it. The pharma industry is completely voluntary. Nobody forces anybody to do anything. Doctors voluntarily choose to prescribe and patients voluntarily choose to pay. If it wasn't voluntary, the transaction wouldn't happen.

Liberals can't stand voluntary, they always insist that government intervenes and forces people to do things they otherwise would NEVER choose to do on their own.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Of course our salaries derive from other people's money, but here is the basic difference moron... communism takes money from people, with no choice and no ability to oppose it. The pharma industry is completely voluntary. Nobody forces anybody to do anything. Doctors voluntarily choose to prescribe and patients voluntarily choose to pay. If it wasn't voluntary, the transaction wouldn't happen.

Liberals can't stand voluntary, they always insist that government intervenes and forces people to do things they otherwise would NEVER choose to do on their own.

Yeap, you are right.

Many drug manufacturers produce generics and brand for those that could care less or for those that desire one over the other. That is the free market, and the physician can discern the differences. The MD can take his pick based on his professional choice. What could be better?

If the MD's lifestyle demands more money to buy his expensive car, live in his big house, send his kids to the costly colleges, shop on Rodeo drive, take high end vacations, buy expensive jewelry, and make investment on land and in stocks - he's going to charge the patient more. Patients can go to him - or choose another less expensive physician. What could be better?

Even though I believe the utility of the "sales rep" as a resource has dwindled to nothing more than a talking brochure (really we're more of a caterer if anything) - eliminating the sales rep position from the market place will have little or no impact on what companies charge - anymore that what a doctor will charge the max he can.

Liberalism is nothing but the fair haired step child of Communism.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Novartis has reviewed this ...Reps calling on docs. When you stop promotion or reduce it to a third or fourth position in the call, sales drop....some drastically, no motivation.

The original generic...leeches.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Novartis has reviewed this ...Reps calling on docs. When you stop promotion or reduce it to a third or fourth position in the call, sales drop....some drastically, no motivation.

The original generic...leeches.

Call generics all the names you want. Anyone in decision-making position in hospitals, PBMs, pharmacies of all types, health plans will tell you: the days of those groups allowing the dispensing of brands when there are generic alternatives "nearby" are coming to a close. Do yourself a favor and look it up. See if you can find TWO articles from a respected medical or HCP journal that supports name brands over generics.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Novartis has reviewed this ...Reps calling on docs. When you stop promotion or reduce it to a third or fourth position in the call, sales drop....some drastically, no motivation.

The original generic...leeches.

The best thing is NVS benefits either way. :)
There are fallow territories over a 9 month period that have produced winning results - sales reps aren't just necessary at all. Their samples and the free lunches are all that is necessary.

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