Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Cost

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

I am always so pleased to hear you say that it doesn't matter what "We" think. It puts everything in the proper context, because of course you are correct... nobody cares what you are your Mom thinks. Thank you for the clarification.

Answer his/her question. Which of your customers truly support our brands over generic equivalents? I'd love to see some big healthcare association denounce generics for once!

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"Besides, so what if the union members don't like this one issue. Do you think that there is a chance that they would switch their votes to the Old, Fat, Southern, Racist, Christian Fundamentalist, totally anti-Union Republicans?"

You mean like DEMOCRATIC SENATOR and KKK Member Robert Byrd?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"Besides, so what if the union members don't like this one issue. Do you think that there is a chance that they would switch their votes to the Old, Fat, Southern, Racist, Christian Fundamentalist, totally anti-Union Republicans?"

You mean like DEMOCRATIC SENATOR and KKK Member Robert Byrd?

Glad that you mentioned Byrd who FAMOUSLY said that joining the KKK was the bigest mistake of his life and spent the rest of his political career acting to make up for those mistakes bu supporting civil rights issues. Unlike former Democrat Jessie Helms who switched to the Republican Party as part of the also FAMOUS Southern Strategy where Nixon purposefully recruited Southern Racist Democrats into the Republican Party. He got elected and the "Party of Lincoln" has been dominated by racists like Helms ever since and fucking morons like you keep bringing up historical facts like this hoping the rest of us don't know the whole story.

The real problem with morons like you is that you live in a world walled off from reality and only have to exist with others like you where "facts" like this are all the is required to make you feel comfortable with realities like the fact that the modern Republican Party is dominated by racists. You can live in the echo chamber of Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck as long as you feel comfortable but if you want to play in the real world and continue to be relevant, And when you will get your ass kicked like you did here.

Got a hint for you. You are just as you were proven to be a moron in this thread about you own industry and career your beliefs about the rest of the world are just as stupid.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Glad that you mentioned Byrd who FAMOUSLY said that joining the KKK was the bigest mistake of his life and spent the rest of his political career acting to make up for those mistakes bu supporting civil rights issues. Unlike former Democrat Jessie Helms who switched to the Republican Party as part of the also FAMOUS Southern Strategy where Nixon purposefully recruited Southern Racist Democrats into the Republican Party. He got elected and the "Party of Lincoln" has been dominated by racists like Helms ever since and fucking morons like you keep bringing up historical facts like this hoping the rest of us don't know the whole story.

The real problem with morons like you is that you live in a world walled off from reality and only have to exist with others like you where "facts" like this are all the is required to make you feel comfortable with realities like the fact that the modern Republican Party is dominated by racists. You can live in the echo chamber of Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck as long as you feel comfortable but if you want to play in the real world and continue to be relevant, And when you will get your ass kicked like you did here.

Got a hint for you. You are just as you were proven to be a moron in this thread about you own industry and career your beliefs about the rest of the world are just as stupid.

Does spending the rest of his political life include the FACT that he famously conducted the longest filibuster in US Senate history in OPPOSITION OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964.

Your ignorance is absolutely stunning.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Answer his/her question. Which of your customers truly support our brands over generic equivalents? I'd love to see some big healthcare association denounce generics for once!

If you want an answer, I challenge you to ask your customers why they prescribe generics? Ask them if it because they WANT to prescribe them or they HAVE to prescribe them. If they are anything like my customers, 90% will say they are forced to prescribe them and if they could, they would prescribe almost entirely branded meds.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The question isn't whether or not generics are equal to branded meds, the question is why can't you liberal drones admit that you really don't care about quality?

Thanks! Will you be sending us links to articles to peer-review journals from respected hospital, managed care, retail pharmacy, or some federal healthcare journals? I assume that by liberal drones, you are referring to these customers?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If you want an answer, I challenge you to ask your customers why they prescribe generics? Ask them if it because they WANT to prescribe them or they HAVE to prescribe them. If they are anything like my customers, 90% will say they are forced to prescribe them and if they could, they would prescribe almost entirely branded meds.

Who "forces" Aetna, Blue Cross, hospitals, or UnitedHealth to use generics?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Who "forces" Aetna, Blue Cross, hospitals, or UnitedHealth to use generics?

The study found, in a small rural clinic that "38 out of 46 meds in the 'sample cabinet' had generic equivalents". After those samples ran out, who do you think would pay for those? Then, if Docs didn't find someone to pay for your over price branded drugs, how could you have a job?

Reason and economics, the same reasons that wil be market wide when Obama Care is fully implemented in 10 years of so. But as those payers above, the patient can always choose to pay the difference. A few will but everyone is sure that there will not be enough to do that to keep you in a job.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Personally I believe Obama care is going to implode on itself in two years - and whatever mess we have now will be way worse. And the cost to you and me will sky rocket. But so what? It's not like you or I can make a difference either way it goes down - it's outside my control for dang sure. Either one of y'all can tell me I'm right or wrong - it won't change anything.

Having said that why do y'all get so upset and cuss each other out so much?

I'm a Hem 2 Sales Rep. I have more than 10 years into this job. I've been rewarded - and recognized. Got a house, spouse, and 2 kids under 11. I have no doubt my job will be gone soon - so I'll move on, I'll manage. And so will both of y'all.

Good luck to whoever.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Personally I believe Obama care is going to implode on itself in two years - and whatever mess we have now will be way worse. And the cost to you and me will sky rocket. But so what? It's not like you or I can make a difference either way it goes down - it's outside my control for dang sure. Either one of y'all can tell me I'm right or wrong - it won't change anything.

Having said that why do y'all get so upset and cuss each other out so much?

I'm a Hem 2 Sales Rep. I have more than 10 years into this job. I've been rewarded - and recognized. Got a house, spouse, and 2 kids under 11. I have no doubt my job will be gone soon - so I'll move on, I'll manage. And so will both of y'all.

Good luck to whoever.

I agree... Losing my job is one thing, losing The American Way of life is a much larger issue. Obamacare will absolutely fail, the problem is they have set-forth a dangerous precedent which will have far-reaching impact perhaps forever. Nobody can explain why it is ok for our government to force individuals to buy insurance as a condition of being alive. And nobody will ever answer what can stop our government from forcing us to buy anything else now... maybe its electric cars or government-approved "healthy" food. The point is, it can be anything now.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

I agree... Losing my job is one thing, losing The American Way of life is a much larger issue. Obamacare will absolutely fail, the problem is they have set-forth a dangerous precedent which will have far-reaching impact perhaps forever. Nobody can explain why it is ok for our government to force individuals to buy insurance as a condition of being alive. And nobody will ever answer what can stop our government from forcing us to buy anything else now... maybe its electric cars or government-approved "healthy" food. The point is, it can be anything now.

Too bad they can't outlaw ignorance. Maybe we could benchmark Obama Care against a similar system and see? The Healthcare systems in Western Europe cost half as much as ours with the same results and they haven't collapsed.

I think that any system with as serious of consequences for those involved deserve better from the people involved in it. You non-value add parasites aren't even going to get what you deserve when you lose your jobs. They should take all the money that you have scammed out of the system over your careers. Good Ridens.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Too bad they can't outlaw ignorance. Maybe we could benchmark Obama Care against a similar system and see? The Healthcare systems in Western Europe cost half as much as ours with the same results and they haven't collapsed.

I think that any system with as serious of consequences for those involved deserve better from the people involved in it. You non-value add parasites aren't even going to get what you deserve when you lose your jobs. They should take all the money that you have scammed out of the system over your careers. Good Ridens.

An ObamaDrone, such as yourself, should be an expert on parasites. Obama has created more parasites in American society than any other president in history. You need look no further than the increase in unemployment, food stamps, medicaid and disability. This guy has created more dependency than a crack-dealer in Harlem.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Too bad they can't outlaw ignorance. Maybe we could benchmark Obama Care against a similar system and see? The Healthcare systems in Western Europe cost half as much as ours with the same results and they haven't collapsed.

I think that any system with as serious of consequences for those involved deserve better from the people involved in it. You non-value add parasites aren't even going to get what you deserve when you lose your jobs. They should take all the money that you have scammed out of the system over your careers. Good Ridens.

You would think after such an embarrassing defense of KKK memeber Robert Byrd you would have shut the fuck up by now.... Not you, you keep spewing more non-sense.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

An ObamaDrone, such as yourself, should be an expert on parasites. Obama has created more parasites in American society than any other president in history. You need look no further than the increase in unemployment, food stamps, medicaid and disability. This guy has created more dependency than a crack-dealer in Harlem.

Only those with untold amounts of narcism would call people collecting unemployment 'parasites'.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Only those with untold amounts of narcism would call people collecting unemployment 'parasites'.

Look... Some ObamaDrone wants to refer to working, tax-paying citizens as parasites. I think this moron needs a blunt reminder of what the definition of a parasite is:

An organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
derogatory. A person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"Maybe we could benchmark Obama Care against a similar system and see? The Healthcare systems in Western Europe cost half as much as ours with the same results and they haven't collapsed."

Not only there health care systems, but damn-near their entire societies are on the verge of collapse in Europe. What fucking alternate-reality do you live in????