Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Cost

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Wrong answer! Drug reps pressure docs to prescribe. An example generic lipitor. This was a 15 billion dollar a year product that was CLEARLY efficacious, arguably maybe the best by far. Now that the drug can be had for pennies, why would anyone be on anything else since know drug offers a significant clinical benefit? The answer is pharma pressure via rep. Generic drugs are exactly as efficacious as generics, and are 99% cheaper.

Due to this pressure, drug companies bilk billions from the system, but what do the doctors get? What do the patients get? If drug companies want to be rewarded, they need to innovate beyond "Me-too" efficacy. When there is no clear clinical benefit, insurers should force patients to pay the difference between generics and branded. Many are doing so now, and this should continue. If you think it is OK to pay $100/month vs $3/mth for the same result, well lets see if you feel the same when its your own money. I know when its MY money, Im chosing the generic 100% of the time.

Hahahaha...this guy has obviously not been to an office in the past 5 years. drug reps have no pull anymore much less the ability to pressure a doctor into anything. most offices are "no see" so all we really do is drop off samples and have an occasional lunch where the doctor says yes to everything and does nothing. funny that he calls reps morons and then gives reps credit for pressuring some of the most intelligent people in our society into what we want them to do. if generics were as good as branded drugs, doctors and patients wouldn't use them. in the us a generic drug only has to fall within an 80% to 125% window of the efficacy of the original compound. wide variances based on manufacturer are found all the time. generics clearly have their place and so do branded drugs.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If you don't like it go do something else...I like the the $$$, car and yes the lunches are for me too.

When I hear about a non-compliant patient, I think, well they made the decision to not take the drug....I didn't force that. In 6 months when the patient dies, I think well, there is the outcome of their decision. Their choice.

BTW, I spoke with a hospital Administrator recently, and he said decisions on drugs aren't entirely the purchase price, but also take into question how much additional is required, like a cheaper drug (generic) may take longer to act, or cause further SE's for a patient and thus, a patient may not perform as well as a newer branded product, and this may inflate the incidental cost greatly (his institution said as few as 5 of these in a month will completely remove the "savings" of a bad face value cost saving choice. They have to be carefull in cost/risk evaluations.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Hahahaha...this guy has obviously not been to an office in the past 5 years. drug reps have no pull anymore much less the ability to pressure a doctor into anything. most offices are "no see" so all we really do is drop off samples and have an occasional lunch where the doctor says yes to everything and does nothing. funny that he calls reps morons and then gives reps credit for pressuring some of the most intelligent people in our society into what we want them to do. if generics were as good as branded drugs, doctors and patients wouldn't use them. in the us a generic drug only has to fall within an 80% to 125% window of the efficacy of the original compound. wide variances based on manufacturer are found all the time. generics clearly have their place and so do branded drugs.

If you get cancer, be sure and go with the older chemo, instead of the "newer" pills that don't cause you to lose your hair, vomit often and diarreha and offer higher survival careful too it's not those fake/waterdowned versions from India or China, or even Canada, etc., well, you may want them...afterall, they are cheaper (for a reason).

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If you get cancer, be sure and go with the older chemo, instead of the "newer" pills that don't cause you to lose your hair, vomit often and diarreha and offer higher survival careful too it's not those fake/waterdowned versions from India or China, or even Canada, etc., well, you may want them...afterall, they are cheaper (for a reason).

But it would be his CHOICE - not your dictate, and that is what you can't handle.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

If you don't like it go do something else...I like the the $$$, car and yes the lunches are for me too.

When I hear about a non-compliant patient, I think, well they made the decision to not take the drug....I didn't force that. In 6 months when the patient dies, I think well, there is the outcome of their decision. Their choice.

BTW, I spoke with a hospital Administrator recently, and he said decisions on drugs aren't entirely the purchase price, but also take into question how much additional is required, like a cheaper drug (generic) may take longer to act, or cause further SE's for a patient and thus, a patient may not perform as well as a newer branded product, and this may inflate the incidental cost greatly (his institution said as few as 5 of these in a month will completely remove the "savings" of a bad face value cost saving choice. They have to be carefull in cost/risk evaluations.

"If you don't like it go do something else...I like the the $$$, car and yes the lunches are for me too." - spoken like a true parasite who is comfortable with himself.

The rest is shit even if it comes from a "hospital administrator" since there is absolutely no scientific evidence to back it up.

The only thing worse than a pathetic lair and one who believes their won lies.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Your comments are almost too stupid to reply to, but here is a basic definition of welfare since you don't seem to grasp the basic difference between working and getting paid by a private industry which actually produces a product used by the public and parasites which contribute nothing and our supported by the tax-dollars of the working.

Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid. In most developed countries, welfare is largely provided by the government, in addition to charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations.

Welfare can take a variety of forms, such as monetary payments, subsidies and vouchers, or housing assistance. Welfare systems differ from country to country, but Welfare is commonly provided to individuals who are unemployed, those with illness or disability, the elderly, those with dependent children, and veterans. A person's eligibility for Welfare may also be constrained by means testing or other conditions.

Getting paid for selling something that adds no value and getting paid with tax dollars is welfare - inbred, southern fucking moron.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Getting paid for selling something that adds no value and getting paid with tax dollars is welfare - inbred, southern fucking moron.

I guess if your talking about laying in your government bed, in your government house, smoking your government cigarettes, eating your government food before getting up to sell crack to your government-housed neighbor, then I agree.

Now go obsess about the south and Glenn Beck or Fox News and continue your intolerance of religion. That's quite a life you have fashioned for yourself.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"If you don't like it go do something else...I like the the $$$, car and yes the lunches are for me too." - spoken like a true parasite who is comfortable with himself.

The rest is shit even if it comes from a "hospital administrator" since there is absolutely no scientific evidence to back it up.

The only thing worse than a pathetic lair and one who believes their won lies.

Did you believe this lie: If you like your plan you can keep it. Or this one - Obamacare will lower a familiy's premium by $2500.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Did you believe this lie: If you like your plan you can keep it. Or this one - Obamacare will lower a familiy's premium by $2500.

You know what I do believe true about these statements? In any case, I will pay less and less each year carrying your dead weight parasite ass around. In fact, if they offered me a plan called, "Your regular plan plus the stick it up the wazoo of your local pharma rep plan" that cost me $50 a year so that they would implement the plan in this study and eliminate your freeloading asses I'd pay it.

How is that for truth?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

You know what I do believe true about these statements? In any case, I will pay less and less each year carrying your dead weight parasite ass around. In fact, if they offered me a plan called, "Your regular plan plus the stick it up the wazoo of your local pharma rep plan" that cost me $50 a year so that they would implement the plan in this study and eliminate your freeloading asses I'd pay it.

How is that for truth?

It warms my soul knowing that me doing my job causes you so much distress. What is your noble occupation?

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

As Obama Care is ever more ingrained into the US Healthcare System and forces more saving like using generics where branded drugs were once prescribed, then forcing the insurance companies to rebate those savings back to patients, it will become evermore difficult for Pharma to maintain its current business model.

Pharma lobbied for this law and got what they wanted. So remember, as a Rep, the next time that we use the word "we" to describe the Pharma industry they have decided long ago that Pharma Reps are no longer a part of the long term future of the industry and in the medium term they are managing us out.

"Insurers who failed to meet Obamacare efficiency rules will return $500 million to consumers across the country this summer, the Obama administration announced Thursday — but the chunk of change Americans will see depends heavily on where they live."

"Last year, the first full year the regulations were in effect, insurers delivered about $1 billion in rebates nationwide. The Obama administration said the smaller rebate pool this year is proof that the so-called medical loss ratio is working to get insurance companies delivering care more efficiently. In fact, the administration estimates that Americans saved an additional $3.4 billion in premium costs because of reforms provoked by that rule and others in the health care law."

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Good reading for the sheep who think big pharma is in it for their reps--we are merely chattel to be dispersed when we no longer serve a purpose.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Good reading for the sheep who think big pharma is in it for their reps--we are merely chattel to be dispersed when we no longer serve a purpose.

Who is naive enough to believe that Pharma is "in it for their Reps" when it is obvious that they are not "in it" for their patients or for a society based on laws or for the US Economy. I guess that is isn't a surprise when they are screwing us last since we help them achieve their goals in the areas mentioned above.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

As Obama Care: "the US Healthcare System and forces more saving", "then forcing the insurance"

Wow.... A lot of "FORCING" by the government. Sounds great?!?!

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

For any of you who are looking for more "respected" news from the highly regarded Science Daily Journal, today they posted an article on Hank, the Sloth Bear. He is the 1st cub at the Smithsonian National Zoo in 7 yrs. Thanks, Science Daily for the evidence. What a joke. Sad to say, many docs still need reps for info and guidance. Sad, but true. They know which ones they can ask questions of and which ones merely bring lunch.

As for academia, well my good friend went to Mayo with a rare mitochondrial disease. He was told that he had Diabetes. With an A1c of 5.2 and no random blood draws out of norm. They are clueless. So just because someone works at an institution doesn't mean they know what the hell they are doing. We give academics too much credit because they tell us we should respect them more. Take your article with a grain of salt.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

You have no idea about anyone's educational background, so shut the fuck up you presumptive moron.

I don't have the deductive skills of Sherlock Holmes but I can assume from the fact that you are a Pharma Rep as well as your defensive reply that if you had the education to do anything else that you would.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

I don't have the deductive skills of Sherlock Holmes but I can assume from the fact that you are a Pharma Rep as well as your defensive reply that if you had the education to do anything else that you would.

Stop, stop, stop.... You had me at your no Sherlock Holmes.