Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Cost

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"ACA will leave the industry with anywhere between $10 and 35 billion in additional profits over the next decade". I LIKE THAT!!!

Obama, I was wrong about you. I love you. I love Obamacare. Because of you, we will profit even more. Obama and his new system will create the next generation of Robber Barons. When Pharma needs something done, go tell government to make it happen. Isn't this so much better than the principles of limited government and free markets. We now have Utopia!

You'll be living off of your stock because there will be many fewer Pharma Reps. And what is funny is that, you guys don't seem to be able to do the reasoning nor the math in order to be aware of that.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Since Obama has established the precedent now that government can force individuals to buy whatever the government deems is necessary and appropriate, Obama will require the use of branded meds ONLY! Another fantastic deal, because as we ALL know.... Government is all-knowing, all-caring and wants ONLY what is best for the huddled masses.

do you pay more for your car than you need to?

So why would anyone rationally pay more for a drug that has the same effect as another.

PS - Obama Care doesn't do that. Read the Forbes article fucking moron.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The total Number of Pharma Sales Reps were ~ 90,000 in 2007.

Now there are ~ 68,000.

Pharma profits and the stock price has risen in that time period.

Pharma just "engineered" a new law where they will be paying a rebate that will total $10's of billions for the branded drugs that they now sell mostly through the influence of Pharma Reps but it is estimated that Pharma profits will rise? How is is possible when profit is the difference between the sales price of the product and the total costs of that product and that Pharma has engineered a law that makes branded much, mucm more expensive? They must be going to reduce costs in other places by at least the amount that they will incur from paying the rebates.

The math says that the total costs for the Pharma Sales forces in the US is in same range as that of the increased costs due to the rebates.

And Pharma Reps can't understand that?

Well, they obviously weren't hired for their reasoning or math skills.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The total Number of Pharma Sales Reps were ~ 90,000 in 2007.

Now there are ~ 68,000.

Pharma profits and the stock price has risen in that time period.

Pharma just "engineered" a new law where they will be paying a rebate that will total $10's of billions for the branded drugs that they now sell mostly through the influence of Pharma Reps but it is estimated that Pharma profits will rise? How is is possible when profit is the difference between the sales price of the product and the total costs of that product and that Pharma has engineered a law that makes branded much, mucm more expensive? They must be going to reduce costs in other places by at least the amount that they will incur from paying the rebates.

The math says that the total costs for the Pharma Sales forces in the US is in same range as that of the increased costs due to the rebates.

And Pharma Reps can't understand that?

Well, they obviously weren't hired for their reasoning or math skills.

If you subtract the field force numbers of contract reps, that total rep number goes down by another couple of dozen thousand. Regardless, our perceived value (and thus, our access) has declined along with our numbers.

Three choices here: stick your head in the sand and declare that we are "right sized", rant and rail against Obamacare as the source of the problem, or prepare for the inevitable and start adding a new set of skills.

If you want to see where we (full-timers) are headed, call your former colleagues that work for one of the contract companies.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

You liberal drones can't see it. Obama, your Messiah, sold you down the river. More Corporate Welfare.... and that's the kind of welfare you morons can't stand. Thank You Obama for more profits and now nobody can stop him or any future president from requiring everyone to take ONLY branded meds.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

I figure that in the next decade Government will nationalize (that's seems to be the ulitimate desired end to this) pharma companies and thus, control it all.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

You liberal drones can't see it. Obama, your Messiah, sold you down the river. More Corporate Welfare.... and that's the kind of welfare you morons can't stand. Thank You Obama for more profits and now nobody can stop him or any future president from requiring everyone to take ONLY branded meds.

Stupidest fucking thing ever said be a Rep - and that takes talent.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

I figure that in the next decade Government will nationalize (that's seems to be the ulitimate desired end to this) pharma companies and thus, control it all.

It will not be in the next decade (as the current equilibrium under Obama Care won't be reached by then) and at will not be nationalization of Pharma but within 20 it will be much like in Europe. Between now and then, it is obvious that is a glide path where things like the traditional US Pharma sales and marketing processes will look ever more like Europe. That is why Pharma played the game and backed Obama Care. It was the best way to bilk as many bucks out of the US Healthcare System as they can in the mean time and the for the Dems that was the best that they could get in order to get Pharma's cooperation.

A Post above talked about "Corporate Welfare". I don't know to describe the current system where Pharmas are, as was stated in another post and proven by the paper cited here, making most all their profits selling drugs that could easily be replaced with Generics. The change from the current state to the future is still Corporate Welfare but it decreases through the years and the claim that it will lead to all branded drugs is silly. Look at Europe.

If you need more than 10 years to retire I'd start looking for another profession and contract sales ain't it in the long run. Sales and Marketing as we know it is gone.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

$2.6 Trillion could pay for a hell of a lot of branded meds. Whether it happens or not is irrelevant. The FACT is that if Obama or some future President wanted to require it, NOBODY could stop it. Who knows, perhaps they will make us drink generic soda, or not buy name-brand shoes. Why should we be allowed to buy name-brand anything... it is a waste of money when a less expensive generic option is available. Besides, government knows better how to run our lives than us. We are so stupid. How can stupid people like us that don't know whether to buy a generic or not be allowed to vote? Surely we are too stupid. We must be told what type of toilet to have and what type of light bulbs to use. We are too stupid to even know how best to spend the fruits of our labor. Please government, save us from ourselves... Just like the Monarchy and dictators of old.

"President Obama promised a joint session of Congress in 2009 to spend $900 billion over ten years on his health care law: 'Now, add it all up, and the plan that I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.' Adding up all the different spending provisions in the health care law, however, (including closing the Medicare 'donut hole,' implementation costs, and other spending) total gross spending over the FY 2010–19 period is about $1.4 trillion, based on CBO estimates," the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff explains. "And most of the major spending provisions in the law do not even take effect until 2014. Congressional Democrats delayed these provisions in order to show only six years of spending under the plan in the original 10-year budget window (from FY2010-19) used by CBO at the time the law was enacted. Therefore, the original estimate concealed the fact that most of the law’s spending only doesn’t even begin until four years into the 10-year window. A Senate Budget Committee analysis (based on CBO estimates and growth rates) finds that that total spending under the law will amount to at least $2.6 trillion over a true 10-year period (from FY2014–23)—not $900 billion, as President Obama originally promised."

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

$2.6 Trillion could pay for a hell of a lot of branded meds. Whether it happens or not is irrelevant. The FACT is that if Obama or some future President wanted to require it, NOBODY could stop it. Who knows, perhaps they will make us drink generic soda, or not buy name-brand shoes. Why should we be allowed to buy name-brand anything... it is a waste of money when a less expensive generic option is available. Besides, government knows better how to run our lives than us. We are so stupid. How can stupid people like us that don't know whether to buy a generic or not be allowed to vote? Surely we are too stupid. We must be told what type of toilet to have and what type of light bulbs to use. We are too stupid to even know how best to spend the fruits of our labor. Please government, save us from ourselves... Just like the Monarchy and dictators of old.

"President Obama promised a joint session of Congress in 2009 to spend $900 billion over ten years on his health care law: 'Now, add it all up, and the plan that I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.' Adding up all the different spending provisions in the health care law, however, (including closing the Medicare 'donut hole,' implementation costs, and other spending) total gross spending over the FY 2010–19 period is about $1.4 trillion, based on CBO estimates," the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff explains. "And most of the major spending provisions in the law do not even take effect until 2014. Congressional Democrats delayed these provisions in order to show only six years of spending under the plan in the original 10-year budget window (from FY2010-19) used by CBO at the time the law was enacted. Therefore, the original estimate concealed the fact that most of the law’s spending only doesn’t even begin until four years into the 10-year window. A Senate Budget Committee analysis (based on CBO estimates and growth rates) finds that that total spending under the law will amount to at least $2.6 trillion over a true 10-year period (from FY2014–23)—not $900 billion, as President Obama originally promised."

Still a stupis slippery slope argument that Tea Bagger, Faux News Watching graduates if Glenn Beck University pull out all the time.

Git new for you fucking moron. The Govt doesn't have to tell Docs not to buy branded drugs. The study proved that if they are given the right info and lying slimy fucks like you are kept away from them they don't prescribe them. Don't you get it. You stupid fuck.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co


If you need more than 10 years to retire I'd start looking for another profession and contract sales ain't it in the long run. Sales and Marketing as we know it is gone.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately many of us dont seem to be willing or able to switch careers. Most of those that I know that were cut a year ago are either at a contract shop (the lucky ones?), involved in multi level marketing or started their own pharma consulting business---I cant imagine how well THAT is working out?!

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

Still a stupis slippery slope argument that Tea Bagger, Faux News Watching graduates if Glenn Beck University pull out all the time.

Git new for you fucking moron. The Govt doesn't have to tell Docs not to buy branded drugs. The study proved that if they are given the right info and lying slimy fucks like you are kept away from them they don't prescribe them. Don't you get it. You stupid fuck.

No shit moron, we ALL KNOW that government doesn't "have to tell docs NOT to buy branded drugs".... That is NOT the point. What could possibly stop them if they did? That question you will NEVER be able to answer. Because 5 years ago NOBODY would ever have imagined that government could force you to buy insurance. 5 years ago if anybody would have said that, a moron such as yourself, would have replied... "Still a stupis slippery slope argument that Tea Bagger, Faux News Watching graduates if Glenn Beck University pull out all the time."

Nothing worse than a liberal-drone.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The incremental improvements of a branded drug over a generic drug is debatable but over time real improvements occur. If you take the profit incentive out of the pharmaceutical industry you eliminate innovation. Grow up. Capitalism works and it's the only model that is proven to drive innovation. Sale reps are an important part of that model of which I have been one for over 20 years and I hold my head high.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The incremental improvements of a branded drug over a generic drug is debatable but over time real improvements occur. If you take the profit incentive out of the pharmaceutical industry you eliminate innovation. Grow up. Capitalism works and it's the only model that is proven to drive innovation. Sale reps are an important part of that model of which I have been one for over 20 years and I hold my head high.

"The incremental improvements of a branded drug over a generic drug is debatable but over time real improvements occur." - this is simply a lie. There are absolutely no studies that show this and the fact that you would claim this shows your lack of character.

The study here showed there hasn't been any innovation in over 20 years as 38 of the 46 branded drugs in the "sample cabinet" could be replaced with Generics that are, despite the foul lie you wrote above, work just as well but are cheaper,

You are a shit talking moron who makes claims he can't back up with data. Your stupid statements regarding innovation prove that you still can't even read and understand a simple paper.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"The incremental improvements of a branded drug over a generic drug is debatable but over time real improvements occur." - this is simply a lie. There are absolutely no studies that show this and the fact that you would claim this shows your lack of character.

The study here showed there hasn't been any innovation in over 20 years as 38 of the 46 branded drugs in the "sample cabinet" could be replaced with Generics that are, despite the foul lie you wrote above, work just as well but are cheaper,

You are a shit talking moron who makes claims he can't back up with data. Your stupid statements regarding innovation prove that you still can't even read and understand a simple paper.

I bet that you don't do very well if you go off script when talking to the Docs as if you said to them what you wrote here you'd get fired for making off label claims but I bet you do real well of the right-wing blogs.

PS - You claim above about Branded vs Generics is off label.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The incremental improvements of a branded drug over a generic drug is debatable but over time real improvements occur. If you take the profit incentive out of the pharmaceutical industry you eliminate innovation. Grow up. Capitalism works and it's the only model that is proven to drive innovation. Sale reps are an important part of that model of which I have been one for over 20 years and I hold my head high.

"Sale reps are an important part of that model " not according to many studies.

Don't you think that it is ironic that we have at least 2 studies presented here that prove that your destructive to the industry thus refuting your claim but you can't produce one single claim backing up your assertion regarding branded vs generics?

You are a fool.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

"Sale reps are an important part of that model " not according to many studies.

Don't you think that it is ironic that we have at least 2 studies presented here that prove that your destructive to the industry thus refuting your claim but you can't produce one single claim backing up your assertion regarding branded vs generics?

You are a fool.

You couldn't even figure out how to find the first study posted here.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The incremental improvements of a branded drug over a generic drug is debatable but over time real improvements occur. If you take the profit incentive out of the pharmaceutical industry you eliminate innovation. Grow up. Capitalism works and it's the only model that is proven to drive innovation. Sale reps are an important part of that model of which I have been one for over 20 years and I hold my head high.

20 years? Unless you started being a Rep when you were 40 you are screwed dude. They are going to shit can you and you will have to find something else to do and you aren't smart enough to do much else. But since you work a territory in the South you probably have a few Queens that you could work at. Although I heard that instead of Ford Tauruss for company cars that have Ice Cream Trucks!


Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

20 years? Unless you started being a Rep when you were 40 you are screwed dude. They are going to shit can you and you will have to find something else to do and you aren't smart enough to do much else. But since you work a territory in the South you probably have a few Queens that you could work at. Although I heard that instead of Ford Tauruss for company cars that have Ice Cream Trucks!


Add Dairy before Queens.

Re: Breakup of Physician, Drug Company Relationship Could Improve Health Care, Cut Co

The incremental improvements of a branded drug over a generic drug is debatable but over time real improvements occur. If you take the profit incentive out of the pharmaceutical industry you eliminate innovation. Grow up. Capitalism works and it's the only model that is proven to drive innovation. Sale reps are an important part of that model of which I have been one for over 20 years and I hold my head high.

As a 20 year detail rep, surely you have plenty of data to support your claim about how generics are not as efficacious as branded drugs. And then list the innovation that has come about over the 20 Billion spent in R&D in the late 90s. And PUH- LEASE stop talking about how we are an important part of the innovation process. We spew review board-approved sales messages for a minute (maybe three) 5 to 6 times a day. Period.