We have an expression in Frammingham what happens in The Closet stays in The Closet however this little venture seems to be known by all, now we can’t use The Closet another lost perk.

The salesforce will be reduced with the new hire salary reduction plan put in place before year end, the number of KAMs will change along with MSL reduction, dinner program elimination, commission reduction and some lab staff reduction welcome to 2019!

Lets talk about the tryist thats more fun. Funny how that has been swept under the rug you can bet we will be staring at you and wondering - what happened did you lose interest or her?

The salesforce will be reduced with the new hire salary reduction plan put in place before year end, the number of KAMs will change along with MSL reduction, dinner program elimination, commission reduction and some lab staff reduction welcome to 2019!

I think the commission rates will remain the same.

It’s called a tyrist my friend hardly a secret since all but Pat seem to be aware I bet she stops traveling with him as marketing is dead let’s move on he was entitled to a rendezvous