
No, I’m here. But I’m busting tail to finish what I need to do before I start looking. You should not be coasting. But you’re right about one thing. Having BB out of here has made the atmosphere so much better. He was such a little BITCH! I see above post he landed somewhere. Hope he learns to shut his mouth and stop bitching about his CEO, HR, and his other teammates. He brought everybody down.

Lawsuits about dishonest dealings, trials that never get off the ground, stock price that can barely go any lower, angry shareholders, patients who won't benefit from a good drug....being associated with that is what I've lost.

No, I’m here. But I’m busting tail to finish what I need to do before I start looking. You should not be coasting. But you’re right about one thing. Having BB out of here has made the atmosphere so much better. He was such a little BITCH! I see above post he landed somewhere. Hope he learns to shut his mouth and stop bitching about his CEO, HR, and his other teammates. He brought everybody down.

Somebody sure can't let it go. Wonder what that's all about 6 months later.

Yeah, well, we still talk about him. You know, when the day is slow, you pick up the phone and reminisce about the highs and lows of the company that couldn’t get it off the ground? Then the conversation goes to the biggest idiot in the company who has failed so many times that he feels he’d make a great “consultant”, then peppers his LinkedIn resume with solicitous fabrications, one after another? Ya just can’t help but talk about him because he was the best source of entertainment we had! Sorry, but that’s just how conversations go: you end up laughing at the source of incredulity while he was there. There never seems to be a shortage of BB stories! . Just scroll on if you can’t handle it, B. You all have to admit, his ultra unprofessional and just WRONG actions made you call your workmates and laugh like hell (like we all did when he had to put his tail between his legs and apologize for his unprofessional (and illegal) actions and attempts to intimidate. What a scream that was!. We miss you, BB. The Barney Fife of MSL managers!

Stock hit $1.41 today. It's hard to understand how shares went from over $50 to here in only a couple of years. Is this really down to mismanagement? I assume the meeting on June 10 will be a rehash of the same BS in the face of a pretty ugly reality.

I feel bad for the people who believed in this company and invested heavily. I've lost quite a bit, but nothing compared to some people. I hope that the lawsuits help them recover some. Something definitely stinks about the trajectory of this company.